My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 560: Conan is on the scene, investigating the biggest mystery in the universe

The first step to eternal decay is to eliminate heels.

As long as someone discovers your existence, no matter how powerful you are, you will be overthrown.

In the words of the previous earth game: "As long as the boss dares to show the health bar, even the gods will kill it for you."

How dare Fu Qingjun measure his health?

Don't dare to be discovered by them.

To be honest, Fu Qingjun is also the first person in the entire history of the universe to hide himself so deeply. Compared with the previous hidden identity of Wen Ce Tianzun, the other party can hardly get on the stage!

Fu Qingjun has never really appeared from beginning to end. He ruled the universe behind the scenes, and abruptly opened up a new era of men. No one has discovered that his existence is also inevitable.

Although speaking out, the entire universe will be shocked!

Unprecedented Gou,

It is clear that the heavenly sovereigns of the entire universe are his family members, but they still live a poor life. They resolutely do not use the power of their family members, do not manipulate their lives, or even give them a chance to notice that their bodies are abnormal.

Empty guard Baoshan, but can endure it so formidable!

And the only time he used his power was the time when he used his hands against the Heavenly Sovereign Exterminating Forbidden and the others.

And right now, although some geniuses have discovered the doubts, this part of the doubts in front of them will be completely eliminated as they gradually reveal the truth of the universe.

at this time,

The gods of the entire universe gathered together to investigate the ruins of the original universe that had just merged into,

After all, this is the top mystery event in the universe!

Although they seem indifferent on the surface, they are actually waiting for the universe to merge to see the truth here.

The universe was only in more than 30 epochs. The Taiyuan Dynasty occupies more than a dozen epochs, and the Immortal Dynasty occupies more than 20 epochs. This is most of the universe. The strongest of this group of epochs disappeared and disappeared at the end of the universe.

This must be the biggest thing in the universe!

Who doesn't want to just come to understand?

Who doesn't want to understand the truth of the universe, understand all kinds of opportunities, and who is afraid to miss it?

The various truths explored here may affect the future pattern.

The number one case in the entire history of the vast universe!

The death scene where Fu Qingjun secretly slaughtered was discovered after all and studied...

"Sure enough, as we expected."

Amiruo spoke lightly, looked at Chen Weizhu next to him, and smiled: "The two of them are fighting, and almost all jade and stone are burned... But it is also natural. If I were the Exterminating Heavenly Sovereign, how could I be able to resurrect Taizu? I didn't. Ambition? The door to the eighth order of the universe opens. Why should I make a wedding dress for someone?"

"If I were to exterminate the forbidden Tianzun, I would sneak attack on Taizu, seizing his wisdom and accumulation, and replacing it..... What kind of person is the immortal Taizu? Calculating the future of the universe, it is not impossible to calculate the rebellion of the descendants. People are afraid that they will not be able to tolerate the ancestors riding on their heads. He is also ready to take off, wanting to seize the wisdom and accumulation of these young people, so that he can quickly wake up the entire universe after he wakes up.

Chen Nianzi smiled.

As Wence Tianzun, one of the great ancestors of the Fourth Era in the history of the universe, he naturally knows human nature!

"Smart, in a few words, deduced the truth as it should have happened."

Fu Qingjun nodded.

She guessed right, she deserves to be her own good disciple,

Without their own intervention and intervention, through their own secret observations, Tianzun Annihilation and the others really wanted to sneak attack on their great ancestors. How could they be able to let people ride on their heads?

The immortal Taizu Shisheng was not surprised at the time when the forbidden Tianzun and others were attacked and killed. Obviously, he had been prepared for it early, and he was very likely to have the idea of ​​killing his offspring.

Without Fu Qingjun's intervention, they would indeed fight inwardly, and both had the intention of attacking and killing.


Fu Qingjun's intervention allowed the real truth to be hidden in their apparent struggle and was completely covered up.

"It has been confirmed and no one has modified it. This is the fact."

Qin Hong contacted Tianzun at various times to check together, and said: "The time we saw, the retrospective influence, is indeed a fact that happened."


"Naturally so!"

A well-known Tianzun Tianzun agreed that there is no meaning to such a result, and he is guaranteed by his own personality and rules.

After all, this battle is indeed in line with the battle caused by disputes of interest, and they have seen their battles with their own eyes. The Immortal World Zun and others are fighting with Taizu...


Even they didn't expect it,

The real process picture I saw with my own eyes is not necessarily the real fact.

The world is full of calculations and fraud,

Even the facts you can see with your own eyes may not be taken seriously.

"The two are fighting together. This is correct, but it's a bit weird to die together."

At this time, Qin Hong said: "Usually one side wins, even if it is a tragic victory, it just happens to be the same thing. The probability is too low, too low, basically impossible!"

"You mean, one party survived and hid it?" Tang Meng said.

"I think so."

The young Qianxiu Taizu said: "One party is hidden, there is some way to survive, and even the golden cicada is already ready to escape. Maybe the winner has already been secretly mixed into our ultimate universe and developed secretly. It’s just a cover-up in front of you."

As soon as these words fell, everyone fell into contemplation.

The people present are all horrible means, and there are many evildoers.

Even those young material plane deities, who have some fragments of the material plane seat, are also meditating here,

Cunning Rabbit has three caves,

Even they have all kinds of back-hands, hiding their lives, or feigning death to escape, don't the other party?

Have a back hand!

It's not that simple!

This is in line with their suspicion!

Fu Qingjun couldn't help feeling dumb when watching them start to feel suspicious again.

"Sure enough, it is the most difficult group of people in the universe to fool. As the strongest behind-the-scenes boss in my universe, it is not difficult to kill, but it is difficult to deal with the funeral and hide the truth of the incident. This is all Conan per capita!"

To be honest, I am already amazing with this hand.

They saw most of the broken scenes of the battle with their own eyes. Fu Qingjun used the pictures of the truth to cover up the truth. It was wonderful, who would have thought?

To think of this, one must first understand Fu Qingjun's Tianzun skills!

But this is even harder to think of,

It was originally a dead knot,

"But even with such a perfect and reasonable game, they feel suspicious, because they are so arrogant, they must feel that they have to use their ingenuity to discover something. It is by no means as simple as the surface in order to give up satisfactorily!"

The corner of Fu Qingjun's mouth raised slightly, "However, they will soon discover the second truth, the hidden truth behind the scenes."

at this time,

These heavenly veterans have doubts on their faces, they are still exploring, studying everywhere in the ruins of the universe.

They don’t believe that this battle is so simple,

The fight between the two sides must be a battle of wits and courage, an extremely stunning, terrifying, and unprecedented battle!

They must try to restore the process of fighting, UU reading www. deduced the state of affairs at that time.

However, I searched the entire universe and found nothing. The entire universe experienced a terrible shock, and every place was broken and cleaned up.

However, someone found out,

"The cosmic wall membrane, there is an abnormality here, hurry up and study the cosmic wall membrane!" Fake Wen Ce Tianzun, the true young genius suddenly said.

Everyone was stunned, and they also realized that this universe is about to be completely integrated into the ultimate universe, and the bubbles in the wall of this universe will also completely smile away.

Now if you don’t study it in time, there may be no chance. The truth may be hidden in it.

Time is fleeting,

The entire universe is about to be completely integrated,

Therefore, a group of people immediately went to study the cosmic wall membrane, and they soon discovered the truth of the real battle! The real winner!

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