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There was some regret in Fu Qingjun's heart.

This feeling is like collecting a full trophies picture book, but one is missing.

In addition to himself, the three long-time Taizu emperors of the universe, two of them have honored their old fathers, have blown suona to themselves, and cooked, leaving the last Wence Tianzun...

"Hey, I always feel that life is a little short of regret."

Fu Qingjun shook his head and said,

But Fu Qingjun didn't know that Wen Ce Tianzun had already secretly reincarnated. It was Chen Nianzi in the restaurant who spent countless hours cooking and playing for himself.

His "full picture book" has already been collected.

"Wait, what am I thinking."

Fu Qingjun's expression suddenly moved, and he couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "No, after all, I was unknowingly, when I was a teenager, I became the big capitalist I hated the most."

"Before, the three spiritual capitalist teachers told me that there are three types of capitalists in society."

"The first type of capitalists are junior capitalists who are still accumulating original capital. They will only squeeze others and let the workers complain. Eventually, the people will betray their relatives and their families will leave, the turnover rate is extremely high, and the turnover of personnel is high. Some takeaway groups are like this.

"The second type of capitalists, the top senior capitalists in society, have often completed their primitive accumulation, become monopolistic plutocrats, and begin to pay attention to fame. They clearly treat others as workers, and call for the benefit of ninety-six and sixty-six every day, making them bald. Sacrifice one's own hairline, but can speak well, and make people willingly work hard for the so-called "dream", but every effort of working as a worker will allow one to live in a luxury house and drive a luxury car."

"The top capitalists have directly crossed over ethics, morality, and blood, treating others as sons and grandsons. Not only do they have to work for themselves for free, but they will also willingly and unconditionally honor themselves."

Fu Qingjun raised his head and sighed.

Seeing it thoroughly, the three masters gave themselves the cruelty of popular science in the same day of endless reincarnation! sinister!

Every pore of those monopoly capitals is permeated with blood!

At that time, when I was still in high school, I was terrified and terrified. In the end, in order to get some abilities in society, I couldn't help but sacrifice my hair and be bald, trying to become a programmer...

But now, he has finally become the largest and most terrifying indescribable behind the scenes of the universe, monopolizing the future of the entire universe, and the ultimate evil existence that plays with the long river of the entire epoch.

How to describe it? ?

He lives in time and space, overlooking the long river of time in the past and the future.

He is the origin of all life and creatures in the entire universe, and the ancient ancestor of the blood of all things.

His hair links all things, spans endless time and space dimensions, and plays with the common people. All living things are his flesh and blood, and his soul diverges. He is the father of all things universe era, the ultimate black hand of the birth of the ultimate universe.

His name is:

Father Jun.

Just by listening to the name, you know how terrifying this unseen cosmic black hand behind the scenes is!

No wonder the general trend of the universe was so scared that it would leave Fu Qingjun in an instant.

This person was decayed when he came up. The decay was unimaginable and unimaginable. If the dead thing in the universe is conscious, I am afraid that they will be stunned...


Time has flowed for a while.

Over the years, there have been countless small battles, and the rules and fragments of countless strong people are still accumulating and converging.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat dried shrimps,

With the jungle rules of natural selection, the small fish and shrimps at the end of the food chain are gradually eliminated, and the more rules begin to converge in the hands of the top powerhouses.

Among them, the reputation of the death song is getting bigger and bigger.

After all, even though he had teamed up to defeat Wen Ce Tianzun and killed him and fled, it was enough to shake the entire universe.

Who is Wen Ce Tianzun?

One of the three emperors of the universe, the overlord who once ruled the endless stream of time, although old, but not ordinary people can bully.

The younger generation can beat him, which shows that this person is terrible.

And no one had doubts about the substitution of the goddess Tianzun, after all, the behavior was almost exactly the same, it was perfect for the civet cat to change the prince.

Even Yu Fu Qingjun saw the Taizu Shisheng when he was young, and he was a little speechless.

It seems that the legend is still beautified, even if the IQ of the small speaker before is countless times higher than him.

The previous little speaker, Fu Qingjun fooled her, she was still able to react, and she was so angry that Fu Qingjun was playing with her again, but if she was replaced by this brawny man, it is estimated that the reaction would not be able to react.

However, his ability to enlighten Dao, cultivate, and perceive is simply terrifying. This unprecedented Dao Heart is indeed exchanged for IQ.

At this time, the whole universe is surging,

"Wen Ce Tianzun, after all, he is old and defeated by young people."

"Yes, these older generations of them are gone after all, and they can only become advocates. In the young age, only our young people can fight for hegemony!"

Because of public opinion, many people relax their vigilance against Wen Ce Tianzun.

This is also the prosperous fortune of the protagonist,

After all, Wen Ce Tianzun won, and the general situation will help him hide, even if the blood loss is beaten violently, the general situation will make everyone relax their vigilance against him, and there are various opportunities to come back.

Every seat in the universe is extremely powerful.

What is the ‘big trend’ seat?

Get it, the son of heaven, if there is **** help, if there is **** help!

The things in the dark seem to be inferior to the combat power of time, space, and life, but they are the most powerful. The entire universe's ancestors have succumbed to it!

Five hundred years have passed.

The world has discovered that as fragments continue to condense, tens of millions of wind, fire, thunder, electricity, water, gravity... these countless rules condense, and the new rules are completely clear.

Three major sequences:

Hunyuan, Yin and Yang, Four Elephants.

Corresponding to:

Life, space, time.

Hunyuan is naturally the chaos at the source of all matter and the beginning of all things.

There are also four mixing rules for this sequence, but the specific capabilities and effects of the bias are not yet known.

Because even one attribute ~www.readwn.com~ has countless branch changes.

Not to mention chaos, just a wind system can refine countless rules.

After that, there is the second sequence of Yin and Yang,

He symbolizes the opposition between the two major matter of the universe, and the more concrete image can be compared to similar matter and dark matter, but the concrete is more profound.

The four images are the four basic forces that form the foundation of most of the universe.

"The direction of the seat on the material side is in charge of the world."

At this time, Fu Qingjun touched the head of the horn, with lush hair and a good feel, and said in his heart:

"The seats on the material side are almost completely condensed. The giants are all holding pieces of one side, and they are almost not in the hands of retail investors. The real battle for new heavenly seats is about to begin."

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