My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 57: Life kisses me bitterly, I will sing in return

   Qin Hong recalled that distant past myth and the continuation of the current martial arts arena, and suddenly said:

   "Budo is able to connect the distant past with the new future. It is the continuation of the will of the heroes of the past generations, and it is the artificial change and evolution of the life form of your own family. This path of inheritance... is so long that there is no end in sight."

"Our present hand bones, five fingers, spine... Isn't it not the generations of ancient ancestors who have obtained this body through the long efforts of nature and the constant survival and evolution of them? The blood of countless ancestors."

   She clenched her fists, feeling that every inch of bone shape, muscles, and skin are gifts accumulated by ancestors over tens of thousands of years, and they are already a relatively perfect form in life.

   Fu Qingjun didn't know what Qin Hong was thinking about.

   I just think it is inevitable to come to her to find gangs to join. After all, martial arts have to join the gang. Unless the family is rich, it is impossible to support such a huge expenditure.

   "It has passed the test, you want to join, you can learn martial arts."

   Fu Qingjun glanced at Qin Hong, and said routinely: "But if you get it, you have to pay, and you have to use the gang. When you do it, you will be able to do it, even if it is possible to die, there may be an accident."

   "Understand? People who enter the rivers and lakes hardly die. If they don't even have this determination, don't live a life of licking blood, just go back and be an ordinary person."

"I know."

   Qin Hong nodded resolutely.

   Fu Qingjun said again: "Speaking of which, our watch shop should be opened. Call all the brothers over. Let's have a meeting and decide on the development of our gang in the future."

   "Okay." Bai Yu nodded and smoked a cigarette.

   Fu Qingjun walked around a street, and at the corner next door, he saw a large row of cloth shops.

   Two or three shops are connected together, and it is one of the largest clothing and cloth shops in Duguan Town.

  Everyone knows that Miao Chuntang is in charge of the old school’s clothing, food, housing, and transportation industries, while the Ten Knife Society has opened factories to study machinery and textiles, and it is said that they have exchanges with foreigners outside the autonomous region.

   Soon, Fu Qingjun sat on a chair in a fabric shop, watching the bustling warrior and brawny squeeze in from below, always feeling a little weird, gang brother or something...

   "The whole gang, plus the new girl, thirty-seven people, are all here." Bai Yu walked over and said in a low voice.

   The number of people in the past was not only so small, but recently it has declined sharply, and there are more than a dozen brothers missing.

   "I'll be there." Fu Qingjun smiled. Being a gang elder brother doesn't really have much momentum, but I don't understand the affairs of the world, but there is still a logic for making money.

   Fu Qingjun said: "Today, we are going to announce one thing. Our gang's own watch shop has been established."


"it is good!"

"it is good!"

   The following frantically applauded, and countless straightforward men applauded.

   Fu Qingjun raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, “Many people don’t understand what’s going on. Why are the brothers under their hands restrained and not so brave? Let me tell you something.”

   "The rivers and lakes are gone, everyone understands."

   As soon as Fu Qingjun’s voice fell, everyone began to quietly,

   "But the rivers and lakes are gone, it's not that the warriors are gone."

   "We warriors will find new rivers and lakes in the new era and find new ways that suit us to survive... If we can't adapt, then the warriors will be gone."

   "Now, let's see how the enemy's ten knives will change."

   Fu Qingjun took the chalk on the canvas and wrote and painted on a large wooden board, saying:

"From this board, we can see their gang management logic. They no longer charge protection fees or grab sites. They built factories... What about their warriors? They just eat? We can see that their warriors don't fight, they start to work as employees, blacksmiths, and work hard with a sledgehammer!"

   "Warriors have a huge advantage in this regard."

   "What if someone dares to come to their factory to collect protection fees? They are warriors themselves, they protect themselves, produce and sell themselves, two in one!"

   There was a lot of noise below.

   "Brother Fu, shall we do the same?"

   "We have to change too?"

   "Yes, we are getting poorer and poorer."

   "But dry blacksmith, hand forge, this is too..."

   someone shouted below.

   In the previous era, the warriors were all responsible for practicing, eating and drinking, and didn't have to work.

   The nature of most gangs is equivalent to a local guard.

   fend off gangsters, bandits, murders, and even preside over fairness and transactions among local merchants, and local merchants and farmers are responsible for providing confessions to local gangs.

   Fu Qingjun smiled and said, "No! We don’t look like ten knives! We still follow the old traditional model, everyone only needs to practice martial arts...

   Welfare benefits remain the same, or even better, we will start our own industries, and you will form a security force...

   I just let you know what transformational situation other gangs are facing! And we, Miao Chuntang, give you this treatment, what kind of pressure is there to endure! "

   "We still adhere to the old-school warrior style, and loyalty is the first!"

The warrior below    was a little commotion, and a certain string in his heart was touched.

   "What you have to do is to practice martial arts hard, protect your own rice bowl, family property, and become a knife of our Miao Chuntang."

Fu Qingjun walked back and forth in front of the board, and continued: "From now on, we will be gangs. Everyone will earn 50 taels of silver a month. We will expand the noodle restaurant and build a large dining hall. Every brother will have food. Not only eat, but also Eat well, you can even bring your family members to eat."

"Of course, your family members need to work in our Miao Chuntang, weaving fabrics, pocket watches, music boxes, packaging bags, and unified gang martial arts uniforms, all need people to do, Miao Chuntang does not raise waste people... everyone is a family. People, when they are rich in the future, we will build a family residence for everyone."

   This time, all the warriors were excited.

   The treatment is really good.

Their previous treatment was basically just enough to eat, which is already a very happy thing for the martial artist... But now, there is still such a high amount of money to take. Before, they said that ten knives would be good, and now they are treated. Better than ten knives will be.

   In fact, including food and housing may be considered a favorable treatment in later generations, but here it is unprecedented.

   Fu Qingjun continued: "Also, our gang, according to the martial arts realm, is divided into three levels of treatment, respectively wearing gold, silver, bronze, three kinds of badges..."

   Fu Qingjun took out a golden mechanical badge the size of a table tennis ball and put it on the table, "Second master, third master, come up and collect it."

   Baiyu and Little Horn came forward with a badge in surprise and found that it turned out to be a mechanical pocket watch.

   Many people below are jealous.

   is for this exquisite mechanical badge, which is worth at least thirty or forty two, right?

   If you can be the master, how noble is the identity of wearing this thing? The little girls and pretty widows next door must look straight, and they must be able to ask a beautiful wife to go home...

   However, the power of the master and the second master is indeed worthy of such a beautiful watch.

   "At present, the golden badge will be issued first." Fu Qingjun was very calm, looking down and said: "Copper and silver will be issued in the next week. Everyone will have a share, but the color will be different."

   We have it too?

   Suddenly, all the samurai's eyes straightened. They sat on the small bench below, as if they were schoolchildren.

   That's a mechanical pocket watch!

   This value is...

   One piece per person. Isn’t it thirty-seven yuan? How much does it cost?

  Some warriors feel a rush of blood rushing to their brains. We big bosses, can we use the luxury that these nobles can only have? ?

   Put this exquisite mechanical badge in the palm of your hand, are you afraid of accidentally pinching it?

   "Brother, this is too..."

   "This watch is more expensive than our own, right?"

   "If you sell us, you won't be able to pay this price."

  Many people want to talk. These naive big guys were too envious just now. Now that they have it, they don’t even dare to ask for it. They feel that they don’t deserve it.

Fu Qingjun thought these surprised big guys were very cute, but ignored them, and continued to say in a deep voice: "And our guests also have a hierarchical membership system. Membership cards are issued, which symbolizes the friendship of our Miao Chuntang. The lowest Wait for the membership card, you can enjoy a 10% discount on all our businesses."

   "Currently, there is only the lowest membership card."

   Fu Qingjun took out a two-centimeter-thick square card that was slightly lighter and thinner. With a light press on it, the sweet classical bell was released, which turned out to be a beautiful music box.

On the    music box, there are two rows of dragon and phoenix dancing characters written:

   Crossing Guan Miao Chuntang.

   Life kisses me bitterly, and I will sing for it.

   "This business card...??" Qin Hong looked at the simple flying characters of this business card and played music. At first sight, he liked it.

  The other martial artists had no culture and could not understand, but Qin Hong only became a martial artist halfway through. She could read this line of words, and she only felt too domineering! It's simply not good!

  Life kisses me bitterly...

   I will sing for it.

   This short sentence on the business card is too poetic, giving outsiders the first feeling that this is a gang with a cultural background, the feeling of being tall, not the feeling of brutal violence.

   In a short sentence, the martial artist's unwillingness to be reconciled to the ending of the rivers and lakes, the martial artist's blood domineering and wanton free and easy, and his willingness to enmity, in this sentence, in an extremely subtle way!

  Good literary talent!

   She looked at the tall, handsome gang leader wearing a crown.

   Secretly sighed, this Fu Qingjun's literary talent, I am afraid that even the master who teaches himself can't compare.

   At this moment, she was truly shocked by the designs that had been hanging from the sky, thinking that her vision was still not enough, and she suffered from the loss of no culture. The duck angel empire back then could not play this kind of fancy hierarchical system.

   I have to learn from this one myself.

   "Brother, this is so expensive, to give it to the guests?" Bai Yu looked at the music box and felt that she was so exquisitely fond of it. He was surprised: "Brother, this is at least a dozen pieces of silver, right?"

One or two silvers, it cost an ordinary person to live for a Fu Qingjun shook his head and sighed that he is still too young, "This is not something ordinary people can get, this is a status symbol... In the future, everyone will be proud of the friendship of our Miao Chuntang!"

   Everyone showed joy that could not be concealed.

Fu Qingjun continued to laugh and said: "Let’s talk about loyalty, you can work for your brothers, but talking about money is not tacky. We Miao Chuntang will only grow bigger and bigger. I will give you a promise today. Brother, as long as you work hard and practice martial arts diligently, everyone is a high-level person, and in the future will have a wealth of money and become a famous family!"

   Everyone is in a state of turmoil.

   Even Qin Hong sitting in the corner below was stunned. Miao Chuntang's handwriting and ambition were too great.

   Even the second leader of Bai Yu felt admired and admired. Spiritual brotherhood plus material food and drink is the best way to consolidate the gang.

   It's just that this can only be sustained by a very exaggerated supply of goods, and can it be done all the time.

   "Second master Bai Yu, come here." Fu Qingjun called.

   The other person came over.

   "Don't think this thing is valuable."

   Fu Qingjun personally hung the mechanical golden badge on his neckline, looked down and said:

   "Dear brothers, there are two views on money in this world."

   "One is that the mechanical pocket watch on your body is worth a hundred taels, and the other is because you have worn this mechanical pocket watch and it is worth 10,000 taels."

   "One day, among the 37 elders present, this pocket watch is worth ten thousand silver because you have worn it."

   This sentence is not generally lethal to these warriors. All the brothers were so shocked that they couldn't speak, and their minds went blank.


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