My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 581: 1 plan without trust

   a few years ago.

   In an elegant pavilion in the heaven.

   Chen Nianzi and Chen Weizhu have just participated in the battle of "The Immortal Blessed One’s Gate Tragedy" and are counting their gains. The biggest gain is that they can grab the original immortal rule of the Immortal Blessed One in the hands of everyone.

   "That's it!"

   They kept researching and discovered the powerful truth about the Immortal Blessed One,

"If we have this rule, we can also be like the Immortal Blessed One. By eating human souls, we can grow our souls and enhance the talent and intelligence of our souls... and eventually become the powerhouses of ultimate wisdom. And this rule itself, I can also greatly bless my own wisdom and let myself deduct the general trend of the future!"

   They have found the reason why the Immortal Blessed One was so powerful.

   "Let's use this rule for you." Amelo Chen Nianzi thought for a while and gave it to Chen Weizhu.

   "How to make it?" Chen Weizhu quickly shook his head, "You are Amiro, you are the hope and hero of the entire universe, and you should improve your talents."

   Chen Nianzi shook his head, "I will give it to you if I tell you."

   I am old, without talent and wisdom.

  Perhaps, I can continuously swallow other people's young souls to make myself young. The Immortal Blessed One was very old, but he still possessed powerful talent and wisdom, I'm afraid that was the case.

  Through eating, stay young forever, this is the unique characteristic of the rule of immortality.

   However, it takes too long for this immortal rule to make oneself "rejuvenate". I'm afraid I won't wait for that time. It's better to continue to support Chen Nianzi in one breath.

   Chen Nianzi’s aptitude is known to me,

   was originally a powerful Tianzun-level qualification, if it is strengthened, it will be even more powerful!

   "I told you, you can take it."

   Chen Nianzi has a gentle expression, "I will find you some heavenly condemned geniuses, so that you can quickly improve yourself and deduct the general trend. We will rely on you in the future."

time flies.

   Chen Weizhu’s wisdom continued to grow. He was originally only the second echelon, but he eventually rose to the first and strongest echelon in the universe.

   In this echelon, there are only fake Wence Tianzun and the small speaker made by Fu Qingjun.

   There are smart people in the world, but two people,

   At this time, she added another Chen Weizhu.

   "My wisdom has increased a lot, and coupled with the general blessing of the immortal rules, I deduced to the general trend."

   On this day, Chen Weizhu said in horror: "I can see the future. We, Amiro Heaven, seem to be at the peak of the universe and the strongest. In fact, it is about to perish. Heaven wants to kill us and we have to die!"

   He also saw the general trend of the future that the fake Wence Tianzun saw, and like the other party, he saw similar content.

"so fast??"

After Amelo Chen Nianzi listened, he couldn't help but show a heavy face, and said in his heart: "Why is the update speed of the universe getting faster and faster? I have only reincarnated once and become the protagonist of the next big trend. Is the next trend coming again?"

   "I'm too difficult, so I will be overthrown soon, thinking about how to run again."

   Actually, Fu Qingjun thought so too, it was really difficult.

   The further the universe is, the faster it will be updated.


Amelo Chen Nianzi hesitated back and forth, and finally made a plan, "If we are to be overthrown as you said, the flaw is the internal disintegration! Let us have a new Tianzun! I am afraid that the choice is immortality and longevity. The two walls have been used as a breakthrough, let them become the highest seats of new seats!"

   At this time, Chen Weizhu said: "I have a way to solve this problem, so that they want to start from within us, and there is no chance."

   "Oh?" Chen Nianzi smiled and said, "Let's listen to it?"

   Chen Weizhu said: "We only need to ask each new Tianzun rule to take out a fragment, collect it together, put it in a magic box, and keep it by the emperor of the universe, Amelo, and it can be solved..."

   "In this way, even if they give the rules to Yuanshou and Immortal, they can't be 100%, at most 99% of the rules seats, which can't be complete."

   This method is perfect.

   As long as one piece is taken away, it cannot be completely complete.

   can't be completed, can't shake the foundation of the oath heaven!

   "The solution is good."

However, after hearing this, Chen Nianzi paced back and forth in the pavilion, and suddenly picked up the tea on the table and drank it, saying: "This method is rationally perfect, but it treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. The general situation is about to kill us. Can we hide this trick, hide this life?"

   "It is better to block than to loose."

   "Instead of resisting, we might as well take advantage of the trend and get out as early as possible. In this way, although we have silly and abandoned the greatest power and wealth of the universe, we can actually make a comeback."

   These words are very old-fashioned.

   is also the experience of Wen Ce Tianzun over the years.

   Don't try to resist the general trend, reincarnate as soon as possible and get away.

   "Then what should we do?" Chen Weizhu asked.

   "The breakthrough lies in the longevity and immortality."

  Chen Nianzi thought for a while, and said: "We went to replace these two wall grasses in the dark. We do not reincarnate and escape as young heroes, but reincarnate as the most decadent old man in the universe, to get the next chance."

   "However, we have an oath in our hands and cannot do anything to them...We cannot replace their identities." Chen Weizhu said.

   "It's okay."

   Chen Nianzi carried her hands on her back and said: "It's okay, there is no need to release it. We just need to continue to sign another pledge."

"I set up a vow transaction. We want his two identities, let them find a place in the country to settle, return to their hometown, and give them two people a one-third of the rules of the Amiro Heavenly Court. This vow transaction contract comes out. , Will they disagree?"

   After all, the Amiro Heavenly Court has collapsed, and there is no problem with giving them a part of those rules.

   "This method is wonderful."

   Chen Weizhu said: "Although they would doubt why we took their two useless identities at such a high price, they would also choose to accept it. After all, we still have an alliance vow and cannot start against each other."

  Although the vows will have no binding power afterwards, but that is afterwards,

   Now they don’t know,

   After all, they are rotten and old. Although insidious, they can't see the future.

In the end, Chen Nianzi said: "Indestructible, Yuanshou, which one they try to contact, which deity you are, you become the strongest deity in the universe, to overthrow my Amiruo's rule and kill me! That's it! When you are, you have the strongest new seat!"

   The general framework of this escape plan has been set.

   After all, he is one of the three strongest Taizu emperors in the universe for a long time. How could he be easily overthrown as the man behind the scenes?

   "But this plan has one more important issue," Chen Weizhu said suddenly.

   "What's the problem?" Chen Nianzi suddenly smiled.


Chen Weizhu suddenly looked at Emperor Amiruo in front of him, and said seriously: "This plan requires someone to cooperate, so that this person has unprecedented power and opportunity to overthrow you... But why are you not afraid of me? Kill the donkey?"

  All the gods can’t escape their trust,

   Amiruo in front of him is equivalent to handing over all the accumulation and all the chances of his bankruptcy to the other party, making him the strongest heavenly sovereign, killing himself, overthrowing his own royal court, and directly turning himself into a mortal.

   If the other party crosses the river and demolishes the bridge, he will definitely die if he wants to kill himself!

"No one can trust anyone perfectly. The human heart is the most difficult to believe." Chen Weizhu suddenly muttered, "You gave me everything and let me kill you... if I really kill you completely What?"

   In front of me, this is a plan without trust,

   is based on the conscience of the other party,

Chen Nianzi suddenly smiled, and his face revealed an unprecedented gentleness: "If you kill me, I am willing, and I will try my best to help you ascend the only seat of the highest eighth rank in the universe. UU reading www.uukā is even necessary. At the time, in order to ensure the benefit, you'd better kill me directly."

   "Why, why?"

   Chen Weizhu was dumbfounded, looking at the people in front of him.

   "Why? The reason is simple."

   "I hold the authority of trust in the universe. I have seen too much mistrust in the universe, so I fear trust the most."

   "Just like Yuanshou Tianzun, fearing the vicissitudes and aging of his Yuanshou."

   "Just like the Immortal God, fearing the exhaustion of his soul's talents."

   "I also have great fears in my heart, but why did my trusting deity choose to give up trust? In fear and fear, facing the most terrifying things in my life?"

   Chen Nianzi suddenly hugged Chen Weizhu in her arms, showing an extremely sweet and pure smile.

   "The answer..."

   One of the four strongest emperors in the universe, and the only grandfather emperor in the universe, she said the most sincere words in her tens of billions of fraud and hidden life: "Because I love you."

   "I will try my best to resist anyone in the world who kills me, the king of the universe. Only you and I will not resist.



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