My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 583: The discomfort of the decayed trio

   Yuanshou and Immortal feel uncomfortable.

   They also know that they may not be able to hide for long.

   "Amiruo's failure to learn well will hurt us two old men!"

   Yuanshou was heartbroken, "Even though we returned home before returning home, we still lived in seclusion in the territories of Amiruo Heaven. We also signed a vow contract with Amiruo and accepted his asylum. Who would dare to kill us?"

   The former Amiruo appeared in the Heavenly Court, extremely prosperous, only to chase down those Sansha Tianzun, how can those Sanren Tianzun have the courage to attack the Amilo Heavenly Court?

   But it's different now,

  I never thought that the Amiro Heavenly Court, which seemed to be at its peak, would collapse when it collapsed.

   "Amiruo's heavenly court collapsed, and all the heavenly beings within us have turned into the scattered heavenly beings like them, fighting each, fighting each other's things!"

   "Those other scattered celestial lords who are staring at it have been staring at this moment long ago. This group of wolves are waiting for the collapse of the Amiro Heavenly Court, and they rushed forward, one person tore off a piece of meat, and hunted down the Heavenly Lords."

   "We are afraid that we will also be hunted."

   "Even if we are carrying a huge treasure, we can find us only if we sense and locate a little bit with rules. We are the biggest target of this group of hungry wolves."

   "We have to run away!" Inqueue said.

"Yes, we have to run away." Yuanshou also turned green. "Before, in order to give us the rules, Amiro declared to the outside that we are the guardians of the treasury of the heavens, responsible for guarding the treasures of the heavens. Now we With one-third of the new rule legacy of Amiro Heavenly Court, everyone is staring at our treasury!"

   They collapsed in their hearts. This is using us as living targets to attract hatred!

   is too cruel,

   This Amiro with thick eyebrows and big eyes is really not a good thing!

   It seems that all the great benefits and conditions that have been offered have been reversed. These conditions are all at a loss for them, and they are horribly cheated!

   "However, the Amiruo Heavenly Court collapsed, and we inherited the largest share of the Heavenly Court's legacy. If Amiruo and the others took a qualitative change in their new seats, then what they took was a quantitative change."

"Although we can't integrate a complete seat, we have the largest number of fragments in our hands. Our combat power is theoretically the strongest, but unfortunately we still can't beat them. We will be leaped by the young people who have beaten them. "

   They are very self-aware, they are too old,

  The combat power is far inferior to these young people,

   Where is the embodiment of talent?

  First, deduct the general trend and calculate the future of the universe.

  Secondly, develop your own seat technique. These existences are all terrifying masters, who personally develop their own strongest methods and enhance their frontal combat effectiveness.

   At this time, they are holding the new rules, even if they are fused in the body, they can't develop a method that suits them, and they can't use their combat power. How can they fight with young people?

   What's more, even though they have many fragments of rules, a person can only fuse one, and the remaining pile of fragments of seats cannot be transformed into combat power.

   "The chase has come!"

They had already felt inwardly, looking towards the sky, sweating coldly, "The more Amiruo thinks about it, the worse he gets, he reincarnated and escaped, and before he left, he played with our three rotten old men and drove us all over. It's a pitfall! Don't respect the old and love the young at all!"

   Those young people, like a fly smelling the meat, ran over frantically, just waiting for this moment to eat themselves.

   "We must run away, and with the fragments of seats, we must find a reliable and trustworthy next home investment as soon as possible!" They quickly disappeared in place and ran away quickly.

   It's a pity that it is extremely difficult to ask the other party to be credited after taking their rules and not to slay the donkey. In the face of the cold universe without trust.


   Amiruo's heavenly court collapsed, a great battle broke out on the ruins, and there were interceptions and ambushes everywhere.

   Yuanshou and the immortal two brothers and sisters were uncomfortable. They were robbed of the chance by Baiwan. Now Meiyue returned home, but was chased and killed frantically in this battlefield.

   And now, as the most decadent leader of the old decadent trio, "Wen Ce Tianzun" is also not having a good time in this battlefield.

   Amidst a galaxy, the fake Wen Ce Tianzun stands on a dark and cold metal planet, looking at the powerful men who besieged and killed, his complexion is not very good, "Everyone, what does this mean?"

   "What do you mean?"

   "What do you mean by me?"

   "We have to ask, what do you mean!"

   A group of powerful young heroes, whose faces are more ugly than Wen Ce Tianzun, come to ask for an explanation.

   Before, although they knew that the green tea **** of the other party, who stepped on 18 boats, was the ultimate sea king, and regarded them as spare tires, they pretended not to know, because after all, one of the 18 spare tires would turn to normal.

   They all believe in their talents, wisdom and strength, and in the end they are the one who stands out.

   This transaction is not a loss before, as long as you win the opponent, you can get the opponent's assistant and powerful assistant, and you can also get the huge wealth collected by the opponent's long-sleeved Zenwu.

  Equivalent to everyone investing 10 yuan, to fight for that one thousand yuan, to see who has the ability to win the prize,

   so they pretend not to know,

   is equivalent to obtaining a wise internal helper with huge assets to help yourself contend for the world in the universe, which is a huge help!

   But now?

The other party is a green tea **** with eighteen boats. It’s glamorous and attractive. After all, it’s waiting to be married, but they found out that the other party is more talented than them when they take off their pants. How can they suffer? Come on?

   They thought that the other party was a good helper who couldn't fight for the world. Who knew it was a tougher womenswear boss than him, and a tough man who had more chances to dominate the universe than them. Who could stand these young talents?

   Disgusting like eating shit!

   What a bitch!

   aroused public outrage is a matter of course.

   It can only be said that although these young geniuses are terrifying in wisdom and talent, they are still too young to be beaten by the society before, and they have been severely taught a lesson in front of them.

Fake Wen Ce Tianzun's heart is stiff, watching these people twisted to a bit abnormal excitement, feeling a little flustered, but clasped his fists and said: "Everyone, it's all Amiro, before he died, I hated my organization member for overthrowing his royal court. The leader of the hub, just before he died, deceived the crowd and wanted to disintegrate us, which is absolutely unbelievable!"

Someone sneered, "Then Amiruo said before his death that Yuanshou Tianzun was hiding his heart to restore young people. UU read and Yuanshou Tianzun suddenly broke out all kinds of horrible cards. Why? Everyone knows that. Amiro did not lie, Yuanshou Tianzun is young!"

   Someone ridiculed, "The decadent Yuanshou Tianzun is young and has entered the ultimate battlefield. We can't help but suspect that you, Wen Ce Tianzun, are also young and have entered the ultimate battlefield."

   "This is a matter of no logic at all." Fake Wen Ce Tianzun said, "How come a person suddenly becomes younger without a reason?"

   "It is not in line with common sense, but maybe the universe is not in line with common sense in this way, making you young at the same time inexplicably, giving you the utmost fairness, and participating in this battlefield." Someone sneered and they were about to get a physical examination.


   They surrounded Wen Ce Tianzun.

   Their suspicion is very serious. Even if it is just a guess, they are absolutely not allowed to appear. No matter what, they want to besieged Wen Ce Tianzun and regain their own rules.

   And, he was originally the fattest piece of meat, even if he admits wrong, he won’t suffer a loss if he is killed!


   Wen Ce Tianzun looked at all directions, feeling completely helpless, "If you don't erupt your real strength, you will be dead. If you erupt your real strength, then I will also be exposed."



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