My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 593: Fu Qingjun: I'm going to be paraded

Yes it is,

   Fu Qingjun has seen the future development of the pattern, and it is quite clear.

   If Fu Qingjun does not interfere and does not make any changes, it will inevitably develop as follows:

   In this round of encirclement and suppression, Wen Ce Tianzun can no longer kill Wen Ce Tianzun, because although the combat power is not as good as the full seat of "Yuan Shou Tianzun" Chen Weizhu, as a chameleon, it is already difficult for the opponent to kill him.

   After this battle,

  Wen Ce Tianzun is still gnawing his teeth and has countless enemies, and he must have hidden it again, not being watched by everyone.

   Because no one knows, the new general protagonist rules are on him.

   Instead, people will chase what they think is similar to the "vow" rule of the protagonist on the material side.

There are new protagonist rules on the bright side, and everyone is madly snatched. He just needs to be smarter, hide, and pretend to fight for the material vow, but he is very unhappy. If he can't steal it, he will not be targeted as a live target and re-disposed. With another layer of protective color, wretchedness develops.

   In the end, those strong men broke the net and won the oath rules. When they thought they could dominate the 49 seats on the material side, they discovered that he, the real protagonist, has become a general trend and dominates the world!

   Then he began to reach the highest emperor of the universe and deal with Qingjun!

   "Because I changed history and hide the truth of the universe, no one knows that the rule of the protagonist on the bright side is an oath, and the rule of the protagonist behind the scenes is already a dependent."

   "Even my hiding, constantly perfect layout, the world does not know the existence of my dependents rules, and of course, do not know that his rules exist..."

   "At present, in this universe, only the two of us know each other's existence."

   Fu Qingjun sighed, he really made a wedding dress for him!

   "I worked so hard to create a protective color for him and **** him to the top, which is really uncomfortable." Fu Qingjun shook his head.

   He didn't expect that the general trend actually has this kind of hidden attribute, not only to make the other party Hongfu Qitian, but also to let the other party come up and take away the protagonist's rules directly.

   What kind of "luck" is too explosive.

   Forty-nine rules. I don’t know what the rules are if I don’t take the accumulated fragments to a certain shape. Everyone takes them randomly for cultivation, and the rules he majored in happened to be the rules of the protagonist?

   One forty-nine?

   2% probability? ?

   This kind of luck is nothing like martial ethics!

   Otherwise, Fu Qingjun is still thinking, waiting for the 49 rules to slowly change with the times, and discover which one is the "family" rule on the material side, and directly start collecting secretly...

  Who knows, the other party is so shameless.

   Fighting with a guy who opened a plug-in, there was a big trend to help him, and it was so disgusting to throw up.

   "I spent so much time and painstaking planning, and worked so hard to get him a protective color. If I don't care, 90% of him will reach the top without any problems."

   Fu Qingjun took a deep breath, "Since I made the protective color, what if I go to expose my protective color and expose him?"

   doesn’t work either,

   If you tell everyone that he takes the rules of the protagonist, he will indeed become the center of the vortex of the entire universe, besieged and killed, and countless people surround him, wanting to win the rules of the protagonist.

  Everyone knows that those who get the rules of the protagonist will definitely be able to command the world!

and then?

   He was exposed, and Fu Qingjun was also exposed.

   All the hidden methods of Fu Qingjun have been in vain. Like him, he has become a mouse crossing the street, and everyone shouts!

   Two people are the rules of the protagonist of the entire universe, one is the protagonist on the material side, and the other is the protagonist on the conceptual side... They are both chased and killed by the world to seize opportunities!

   At this time, everyone will have a guess. As long as two protagonist rules are obtained at the same time, the material and concept are unified, a total of 98 seats, and all the rules are integrated, it is bound to be the ultimate realm of Tier 8.

   "If I expose him, both of us will be besieged and killed by all the gods of the entire universe."

"Even, I was the one who was besieged the most! Why? If I was exposed, everyone would study my heels and my origins, discover what I did in the past, and discover that I have turned them into themselves Son..."

"Ha ha?"

   "How can they stand it?"

   "Being turned into a son?"

   "It is discovered that all the epochs of the entire universe, the immortal dynasty, the Yuanshou dynasty, the oath dynasty, and the three dynasties of all epochs in the universe are said to be the blood of my people on earth?"

   "How decay is this! It has changed the entire history of the universe! The entire universe has been modified by me for a long time to become my person?"

   "Their mood is worse than being PUA by this green tea bitch!"

   Who do you hate?

   This is an obvious question.

   gives you two choices:

   First, being crazy PUA by the green tea bitch, cheating out of money.

   Second, unknowingly, being put on a green hat by the old king next door, he has become someone else’s son, constantly wearing hemp and filial piety, filial piety to each other, I don’t know yet.

   Must bite the bullet and choose one, how to choose?

   is one that everyone knows the second is worse.

   The first one is a brutal beating on the soul, the second one is...

   "I'm going to die with him, and be surrounded by all the heavens in the universe in anger."

   Fu Qingjun whispered: "Even, I am the core of the two people most likely to be besieged! Instead, he can relax, because I stand in front and fight for him."

Fu Qingjun lowered his head and looked at the 3,000-meter long-distance running field on the campus. "Now, he is surrounded by people! People in the audience throw watermelon peels and rotten eggs, but then, this treatment may be me. Now, the next door Pharaoh, the most decayed in the universe, was paraded like this, and the picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it."

   "He of today, me in the future."

   Fu Qingjun looked at him running laps on the field, and also applied this sentence, which also felt very appropriate.

   can't help but think about it, the more terrifying, the role is replaced, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com himself enjoys this treatment on it, and his scalp is tingling!

   So, the pattern in front of me is very clear.

   First, regardless of him.

   He will inevitably hide his wretched development, and eventually reach the top, following the general trend to successfully reach the top of the universe and kill himself.

   Second, expose him.

   told the world that he took the strongest rules of the universe and was chased and killed by the entire universe.

   I have also been exposed, and share the joys and sorrows with his brothers and sisters,

   But obviously, he was besieged and killed 100% more than him, and he was called the most evil and terrifying existence in the universe and the largest and most corrupt black hand in history!

   "It's difficult."

   Fu Qingjun is as uncomfortable as eating shit, no matter whether he is exposed or not, he is a dead end!

   This is the future trend that Fu Qingjun sees,

   It seems that he is still the strongest at present, but in fact he is just a castle in the sky, and his death is approaching!

   As said:

  God wants to kill him, he has to die!

   He was struggling no matter how he walked in front of him. The whole universe was aiming at himself. He finally fully realized the unlucky feeling of drinking water stuffed between his teeth.


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