My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 606: Life's first battle


   He was very uncomfortable, but the killing intent spread in his eyes, "I have to get rid of the two people in front of me, cut the roots, or they will leak the wind, I will not take the oath, and I will become holding the oath!"

   What's more, his rules were originally the protagonist's rules, and when he was noticed, flaws would definitely be revealed.

   "He wants to kill us!"

   Yuanshou and Immortal felt each other’s killing intent instantly, they became more determined in their hearts, and rejoiced in their hearts: Wen Ce, an old yin stuff, really has something in his hands.

   The rule of the protagonist of the general trend, the rule seat of the next Tianzun emperor who is in charge of the king of heaven, is on him!

   kill him, get the world!

   Suddenly, the fighting became fiercer, and they fought hard.

   Fu Qingjun looked in the dark and wanted to laugh, "Finally, you rotten trio, finally started to do it on your own, rare, simply rare!"

   They played more and more terrifying,

   is almost deadly, even the top celestial beings hiding in the dark are dumbfounded.

   There are these two unknown young Tianzun, and they also have such exaggerated terrorist combat power?

after all,

   Yuanshou and Immortal are naturally able to fight,

   It means that I don’t have the ability to open up new rules of the practice, not to mention the version update, and even the rules and logic of the new seats are not clear.

   But where is the foundation of the previous battle, Fu Qingjun prepared for them the new rules of the new rule era, even if they are infinitely close to the young people.


   The two sides fought more and more fiercely.

   But Yuan Shou and Indestructible, even though they hold a huge share of the rules, they are gradually losing ground. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it will be a matter of time for the two of them to lose.

   It's not that they are too weak, but that Wen Ce Tianzun is simply too bad!

  His talent is indeed unprecedented in the entire history of the universe.

   Under the blessing of the general seat, the strongest protagonist in the history of the universe, even the first strong player with the new double seat, can escape under his hands. How can the two of them be opponents?

   I saw only two people, getting weaker and weaker.

   But the next second,

   Fu Qingjun suddenly shot from the dark.

   A big hand that came out of thin air suddenly pressed down, perfectly seizing the moment Wen Ce Tianzun greeted the two people's joint attack, and couldn't avoid it.

   "It really is you, Master Qingjun, you are in my shadow!"

   Wen Ce Tianzun banged, his whole body burst open, and his whole body flew out again.

   Fu Qingjun walked out step by step,

Although it was a sneak attack and it was not very glorious, but the magnificent words are still to be said, "You ruined the Amiro Heavenly Court and killed my lover Amiro. I will definitely kill you the most evil in the universe. exist!"

   Wen Ce Tianzun was furious, "Didn't he Yuanshou Tianzun, who killed Amiro and overthrew the royal court? Why are you looking for me?"

   "You are planning behind the scenes."

   Fu Qingjun replied casually, "I will kill you first, and then I will deal with him."

  The three of them joined forces, and suddenly Wen Ce Tianzun flew out.

   Fu Qingjun felt emotional in his heart,

   "This is the first battle in my life."

   "The previous scenes of fighting in front of Jiaxia, Bai Long and others were basically acting, not really fighting the enemy."

"And the first battle I thought was to block the door in the tomb of the Immortal Blessed One. Who knew he wouldn't fight you at all, because he deduced countless battles in the future, knowing that he was bound to die, so he used tricks to survive. ."

   "That journey, I have not really taken a shot, it is a little lack of interest, and now it is the real first battle."

   Fu Qingjun said in his heart: "However, it is estimated that it is the only battle in my life. If I win, I will be completely flat, and there are no obstacles. If I lose, I will die without a place to be buried."

   Speaking of it, the Tianzun who experienced such a legendary experience in the universe is only Fu Qingjun alone.

  Hidden development behind the scenes in his life, he reached the top of the universe, and it was the first real battle as a strong man in his life.


   How terrifying is Fu Qingjun’s combat power?

   actually showed the use and strength, no less than his own.

   Coupled with the old and powerful Tianzun, Yuanshou and Immortal, he was completely at a disadvantage.

   "Damn it."

   Wence Tianzun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "I have to use the power of rules."

   In the next second, he completely turned into a chameleon, madly switching rules and fighting between three people. In an instant, the two sides were evenly matched, and it was difficult to distinguish between them.

   But in the next second, Wen Ce Tianzun directly used his hole cards, and directly used three Tianzun seats at the same time, and met the three at the same time.


   The three of them lost in an instant and quit.

   He has three seats for one person, and three seats for each of the other three.

   Although they are all three-to-three, it is obvious that one person uses his strength to be more tacit and concentrated, not as simple as one plus one plus one.

   Yuanshou Tianzun dried the blood from the corners of his mouth and couldn't help but sneer, "How do you explain this? This is not a crazy change of seats, alternate use, but simultaneous use, can it be explained by talent?"

   Wence Tianzun's eyes were sharp, and he didn't speak, looking at the three people's intention to kill.

   Yuanshou said: "It's just that he has an oath in his body, and he signed several heavenly venerables at the same time, so that they can provide power in his body, so that he can use several rules at the same time!"

   After all, he did not understand the emergence of new rules, so he could only explain it with inherent logic.

   The two sides are in total war,

   It is a pity that Tianzun Wen Ce's combat power is too terrifying, one control three, Fu Qingjun and the three are at a great disadvantage.

"let's go!"

   Fu Qingjun showed a bad expression and said loudly, "He is too terrifying, he is countless times more powerful than imagined. We will take a long-term plan and go first! Otherwise, we will all die here!"

   "You guys don't leave!"

   Wen Ce Tianzun sneered.

   Fu Qingjun and others ran away.

   Fu Qingjun was conscious and directional, and in the process of escaping accidentally, he broke through a hidden void somewhere.

   A few Tianzun fell out,

   "Why are people watching us?"

   Yuanshou, Indestructible and others were stunned, "Why are there still people here? We didn't siege in secret, who leaked the news? Now that the news has spread, this Wence Tianzun will not fall into our hands."

   Fu Qingjun also pretended to be stunned, and said with grief: "I don't know anymore. Why did the news leak out? Why is there a Tianzun watching here and taking advantage of the fishermen?"

   He doesn’t know how to say, UU reading www. is deliberately leaking wind noise,

   Can the three of us beat each other?

   It looks like there is a chance, but Fu Qingjun knows that the possibility is extremely small. The opponent is the son of destiny. There is no exaggeration of the cards and all kinds of adventures. Then there is a ghost.

   So he induced these two people to be bait, and deceived the other gods to come and watch...

   Let the heavens of the universe kill him one after another!

   This is called borrowing power.

as predicted,

   A famous Tianzun in the dark is already discussing,

   "Unexpectedly, Wen Ce Tianzun actually has an oath!"

   "He must be killed!"

   Suddenly, a statue of Tianzun emerged from all directions.

  ? ? ?

   All of a sudden, Wen Ce Tianzun looked at this scene, his face turned black.

   Tianzun is everywhere, this is not the previous Colosseum, is it reopened again?

"I'm afraid that I will become a monkey watching in the middle again, and be attacked by everyone." His face was completely dark, and his heart was completely stunned. "What kind of luck is this for me, this is unexpected, there will be a second time? "


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