My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 609: Uncomfortable

   Chen Weizhu gave a strong grip and grabbed the new seat.


   Then she stretched out her hand and swept around, shaking away the surrounding Tianzun, her eyes sharply said: "You want to surround me too? Think I am the Wence Tianzun?"

She paused, nonchalantly, "After all, he is a person with too weak combat power, fancy, avoiding all kinds of changes, and I am the strongest player in the two-day seat, with a new and complete material seat. , Can you encircle me?"

   She faintly said, "Yes, if you are completely intimate and completely join hands, you can encircle and suppress me, but the chaotic scenes of your mutual raids will be able to beat the already weak Wence Tianzun."

   The other Tianzun's complexion changed slightly, and they looked at Yuanshou Tianzun with a little unkindness.

   They also feel that they can't beat each other. If they don't join forces, it will be difficult to win each other!

   However, without trust, they cannot join hands completely. This is an unsolvable problem.

   "Wen Ce Tianzun has already fallen, your Excellency Yuanshou Tianzun, who is also an old man, has got a seat, I'm afraid I can't serve the world, right?"

   "Yes, your Excellency is a rotten old day after all, and you won't be able to convince the crowd if you get a new seat."


   The other Tianzun spoke one after another.

   Fu Qingjun also sighed, "Sure enough, it's not that simple. It's not a small speaker, but Chen Weizhu... She can win the prize. Actually, she expected that she has enough love, enough chance, and young blood."

   She also inherited half of the wisdom of the Immortal Blessed One.

   If it was Chen Weizhu, it would be a little troublesome!

   Although she is a good disciple of her own, she is stubborn, piercing herself, and may be merciless.

"Although, she found out about my details. After overthrowing my rule, she may not kill me, but give me a place to return home and go to the elderly." Fu Qingjun shook his head, "But after all, it's not what I want. of."

   Although he has salted fish, he also has pursuits.

   I still have to continue to subvert Chen Weizhu’s rule,

   There is only one seat at the final peak, which is the most unacceptable.

   However, she is not so easy to overthrow, and she can no longer use the decadent Yuanshou Laotianzun identity to overthrow her, and overthrow his rule with reasons that are not worthy of being a new universe emperor.

  Because she is only wearing a vest of Yuanshou Tianzun, it can be pierced at any time.

as predicted,

   "Everyone, you say I am old?"

   Chen Weizhu chuckled and looked sharply at the surrounding deities, and said: "Funny! The deity is very young! Take a look again, who am I???"

   She tore her face, her breath suddenly changed, turning into Chen Weizhu.

   The Immortal Heavenly Lord who followed by his side also suddenly changed his breath and became Amiro.

   Everyone was surprised,

   turned out to be the two supreme rulers of Amiro Heaven,

   "Yuan Shou, immortal, you two are actually Amiro and the Empress?"

   "You voluntarily surrendered, turned into that decadent Yuanshou Tianzun, and overthrew your own heaven? Pretending that I killed myself?"


   They were dumbfounded.

   The truth is so terrible, it's just calculated your calculations.

Chen Weizhu laughed and said: "I and Emperor Amiluo will inevitably disintegrate from the inside in the future, and use the two people of Longevity and Immortality as a breakthrough, so the two of us became incarnations of these two... "

   "Today, we return again, and again overthrow the Wence Tianzun who murdered the collapse of our heavenly court, defeated him, and mastered the new seat rules. It can be said that the merits have been fulfilled!"

   The two of them looked at each other,

   Chen Nianzi Amiruo understood, looked majestic, put on the emperor's robe again, and stood up and said: "Amiruo Heaven, where are the heavens?"

   "The minister is here!"

   "The minister is here!"

   In the chaotic battlefield, a famous Tianzun strong came out again.

   They are so happy, why don’t they know?

   Emperor Amiruo was not dead, and received a new vow. Then the material vows and conceptual vows are in the hands of two people, and they are completely impeccable, and the situation is set!

   They go out and follow, and the Amiro Heaven will be rebuilt!

   Although you can't take the highest seat of the emperor, how can it be so easy to take?

   There is only one person, most of the weaker Tianzun do not expect to be themselves at all.

  Following the emperor in front of him, he has the merits of his career. In the future, he will dominate the world and distribute the seats, and he will be able to get one of the forty-nine seats. It is still the highest in the universe.

   "The legend did not make a mistake, the Emperor Amiro did not die. He was the strongest man who defeated Tianzun Wence. How could he fall easily? It turned out to be suspended animation!"

   "A clever plan, it is a clever plan!"

   "In this way, isn't it just how the legendary prophecy happened to be that Amiro defeated Wence Tianzun, the biggest decay, and then led the common people on the earth to glory?"

   They couldn't help but get excited.

   just as predicted,

   At this time, the other scattered Heavenly Sovereigns looked extremely wrong, and felt helpless. Daoyi is now standing on the other side, so you don't have any excuses to overthrow him.

   The Heavenly Court appeared in this world, really terrifying!

   They didn't actually fall down, but hid them.

   How are they going to overthrow these giants entrenched in the universe?

   They are also numb, feeling that there is no chance of winning.

   Fu Qingjun was also silent for a few seconds, completely dumb.

   "It's really harder for me. The Amiro Heavenly Court in front of me has really become the prophetic one, overthrowing the decadent existence of the past, and leading the common people on the ground to glory!"

   "It's just that this decadent existence is not only Wen Ce Tianzun, but also myself soon."

   Fu Qingjun's face turned black,

   This is like shooting himself in the foot!

   I left three major prophecies, UU reading www. predicts that I will be overthrown! ?

   I established the Amiro Heaven, which is specifically used to overthrow myself...

  The apprentice I raised will kill me in turn!

   Is there any reason for this?

   Is there justice at all?

   "It's uncomfortable." Fu Qingjun sighed, "The opponent really has become stronger, even invulnerable, the monolithic Amiro Heavenly Court."

   It's a big move.

   "As soon as I want to fight against the sky, the entire universe is fighting against me. Drinking cold water will scald my throat." Fu Qingjun felt helpless.

   But it's really so easy to win, and the emperors who have lived for a long time will not be so desperate.

   But Fu Qingjun thought it was also an improvement.

   At the very least, I have achieved a step that no emperor in the past has taken. It is already an unprecedented milestone.

   "In the universe, there are only a few candidates for the general trend. If I overthrow Chen Weizhu two people, it should be the turn of the trumpet, the strongest hero trumpet in the universe."

   Fu Qingjun took a deep breath.



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