My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 612: Chen Weizhu's suspicion

   This fake Wence Tianzun, now I don’t want to fight anymore, maybe I can only take care of the old.

   Where else can I go?

  I am here now, although I am guaranteed safety, I am also free, and promised to leave as long as I want to leave,

   But, does he dare to leave?

   He is notoriously famous, and the Tianzun spare tires of the entire universe want to settle accounts with him, a tea master with eighteen ships!

   Also, the current seat fragments have basically been collected, and I have fallen into a mortal, a Tier VI, how can I regain the fragments and re-enter the threshold?

   is basically impossible,

   Therefore, he really intends to take care of the old age. After all, he has lived for tens of billions of years as the Tianzun Wence, so he should retreat, and his heart is tired.

   This may also be the departure of the general seat, so that he does not want to fight so much.

   "Master, really is a great talent."

   Chen Weizhu couldn't help but said: "It's so easy, even if you count the biggest rotten existence in history, Wen Ce Tianzun will overthrow him!"

   "This strategy has another advantage."

   Fu Qingjun said: "After overthrowing him, his rules are scattered, and the celestial lords are fighting everywhere, who is the most likely to get it?"

   Chen Weizhu thought, "It's me! Because I have the strongest combat power!"

"Yes it is."

Fu Qingjun gave birth to flowers in a wonderful mouth. He had his own set of theories, and smiled: "Everything I do is naturally for you, and you can get it most easily. In this way, this plan will be perfect and overthrow the decadent Wence Tianzun. , Don’t let his decadent existence occupy a seat, and then let the protagonist seat to find the most suitable next home.”

   Chen Weizhu was immediately moved and stood up and bowed, "It is because of the master's layout that I can get this protagonist rule, let me reach the top and overthrow the decadent existence of the entire universe!"

   "Yes." Fu Qingjun smiled, very pleased.

   But his heart is uncomfortable,

   a ghostly layout!

   Is this asking you to overthrow me?

   This general trend simply doesn't talk about martial arts, so it's **** me like this!

   The three prophecies of the Amiro Heavenly Court I raised, are all used to do me in the end?

   In this way, the overall situation is set, and Chen Nianzi is most excited, saying: "The rules of the two new protagonists, the material aspect and the conceptual aspect, are in the hands of our Amiro Heavenly Court!"

   "The general trend of the world is basically here."

Chen Nianzi was very happy, "This ultimate universe is the rule of our Amiro Heavenly Court! The next step is to continue to collect the rules of fragments, complete the new protagonist's seat on the material side, and combine the two seats to open a new era! "

Fu Qingjun nodded and smiled: "Although I won the seat for you, there is still competition between the master and the apprentice. There is only one seat for the emperor of the universe, and we each hold half of it. I will not bully you, wait until you We got a completely new seat, and the two of us had a fair battle, and the winner was the emperor."

   Chen Weizhu was a little moved suddenly,

   The master obviously let himself, and even set up a bureau to give himself a new seat,

   The present is for a fair battle, peaceful exchanges between masters and apprentices, such a respected master, such a mentor, is a true teacher in the true sense.

Next to   , Chen Nianzi was secretly anxious when he heard this sentence: "This master seems to have nothing to say to us, but Chen Weizhu, you have to fight, a fair fight!"

   After all, she knows Chen Weizhu's character.

   Kindness, justice, selflessness, and nostalgia,

Chen Weizhu will probably say this: "Master, you are serious. Since both of us are working for the good of the universe, who is not appropriate for this emperor's position? Growth is the first. You nurture us and win it for me. New seat, this should have been yours!"

   Chen Weizhu, won’t fight,

   But in the next second, Chen Weizhu's heart moved and said: "Then Master, when I collect the new seat rules, the two of us will have a fair battle in the future."

   Chen Nianzi was shocked when she heard it.

   Although these words fit my own ideas, I can't let this seat!

   is of course the most suitable for you, but you are not like the one who said this...

But Fu Qingjun sighed after hearing this, "I knew that Chen Weizhu's character I still wanted to use this kind of emotional card to give me the rules for giving her the general seat. Unfortunately, the general trend is not that simple at all. no surprise...."

   "The son of destiny, the seat of power, is the white blood cells that the universe, the mother body, runs and develops. It has an immune mechanism and will instinctively eradicate viruses in the body. As a sword bearer, he will defeat decay and defeat the bacteria in his body that try to resist him."

   Chen Weizhu, I am afraid that he has resisted his instinct, disgusted, guarded, and vigilant...

   Even if there is no evidence, her "sixth sense" instinct will resist and hate Fu Qingjun in this way.

   "She is looking at me warily, it's literally!"

   Fu Qingjun sat at the table and had dinner with two people, with a smile at the corners of his mouth, and his heart was very stunned. The more tentative this trend is, the more he discovers that this rule does not emphasize martial arts!

   Can this special have a sixth sense?

   I am behind the scenes, and I hide next to you. On the bright side, as the confidant elder of your kind hero, considerate and kind grandfather, you still have a look at my appraisal skills?

  Ming face: Fu Qingjun, a professional mentor in Novice Village, level 70,

  I lost the appraisal technique.

   Actually: The ultimate boss of the universe is rotten behind the scenes, level 99,

  How to fight this? ?

   You hang up too hard.

   Fu Qingjun stuck a mouthful of old blood in his throat.

   is like a white blood cell in a living body. UU reading www.uukā will instinctively dislike it, eradicate the virus, and protect the operation of the mechanism in the body, which is very reasonable.

   "Since your fighting spirit is raging, then I will wait and see." Fu Qingjun said with a gentle smile: "It is a good story to fight for a seat in the universe between our master and apprentice."

   "Yes, Master."

   Chen Weizhu nodded, and the girl's firm face became rigid.

She didn't know what was going on in her heart, but she found that her wisdom was gradually elevated, her instinct was abnormal, and there was a huge call in her heart: Let me investigate Master, Chen Nianzi, I will There is some kind of gain.

   "I'm really, it's getting weird."

   After she finished eating, she turned and left, frowning:

   "When I look at Nian Zi and Master, I always feel that they have an evil and weird aura. On the contrary, when I look at the evil and defeated Wen Ce Tianzun, he actually feels that he has a clear eyebrow and a kind of like-minded feeling."

"What's wrong with me??"

   She has a kind of living in the mist, and the relatives around her are a little weird. In a terrible huge hoax, when everything is revealed, the most terrifying unbelievable truth may begin.



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