A thunderstorm fell, illuminating the face of Tianzun Wen Ce,

   He lifted his head, and he ushered in an unprecedented peace in his heart.

   The world always says he is rotten,

   He is indeed decadent in a certain sense.

   After all, Wen Ce Tianzun’s life experience can be described as a sea of ​​blood. He destroys the universe, he suppresses young geniuses, he enslaves the world to study for himself, and uses harsh government to rule the universe epochs.

  He is a real tyrant.

   What he is best at is to turn people back into enemies, hide behind the scenes and deprive them of the trust of the powerful, turning the universe into a dark forest.

   He played with people's hearts and trust, with other people's emotions and hearts. It can be said that the emperor's mentality has reached a height that none of the emperors of the previous generations has.

But now, he is eager to use the power of those outstanding heroes to promise those heroes who have lived for a long time, that he will realize his and their dreams, detach from the universe, break through the seventh-order civilization of mankind, and let mankind have great freedom to overcome that. General trend...

   This is, how ridiculous?

   Even he couldn't help laughing out loud.



   Does my childhood dream really exist?

   He suddenly reached out and pressed his chest like a mortal, feeling the beating heart.

   It seems that he has regained his youth by using the rules of the Immortal Blessed One, but he has already gone through the vicissitudes of life, and there is no more vigor, no more ignorant innocence.

"Dreams are ridiculous things only young people have. The dreams I promised to them are not really the illusory dreams of teenagers that I don't exist, but the reality that I, an old man, wants to realize step by step. "

   "In the adult world, we have been living under the framework of stale and inherent rules. We have no dreams, only reality."

"That's not a dream. It has turned into the stubbornness in my old man's heart. If I am not bound by the general trend, I want to pursue true detachment, true freedom, true... great freedom!" The endless shock wave enveloped him, behind him. It seems that there is an endless river of humanity and time. The faces of countless heroes and the looks of determination have turned into historical monuments.

   A majestic momentum haunts him. This is not the power of the sky, but the power of humanity and the prosperity of humanity.

   Wen Ce Tianzun alone is a humane tomb of heroes of all living beings. He seems to be a true young hero.


   Suddenly, the sky shattered in chaos, the immortal world-zun stepped in the void, and he who descended in the form of heaven, his eyes were cold and merciless, and he walked down step by step, an icy dead thing.

   "The Immortal World Zun, the first great ancestor emperor in the history of the universe."

Wen Ce Tianzun stared at the first great ancestor of the universe, and suddenly laughed loudly: "This is a duel between the old and new heavens. The son of destiny is prosperous, and you, who symbolizes the immortal heaven of the old heaven, and I am destined to have a battle in the Amiro Heavenly Court, which symbolizes the general humanity situation in this world!"

   The new sky versus the old day.

   The human power heavenly court, which is newly born in this world, is opposite to the old traditional heavenly power heaven.

   All the members of the heavenly court raised their heads, and all the gods looked in a trance, and suddenly a thought broke out in their hearts:

   Amiro Heaven, maybe it’s not inevitable!

   The Heavenly Palace of the Immortal World Zun, looks orthodox, but not orthodox!

   In front of this, the two heavenly courts are opposite and equal, which symbolizes the collision of the two great ideas. This is the real great heavenly court era.

   The Supreme Humanity, against the Supreme Heaven.

   Amiro is the son of the three major prophecies in the universe. He is the first reincarnation of life in the prophecy. He descends into the earth and is destined to lead the common people on the earth to unprecedented glory.

   may be as predicted now.

   However, he saw and heard that Ce Tianzun sat in white clothes, grinned and sneered, and the killing intent spread, "I have gathered almost all the heroic wisdom of the common people for a long time, and it is not impossible to fight against the sky!"


   The two sides collided fiercely.

   The chaotic outer realm of the universe is like the surface of the sea, rolling up numerous tsunamis, tumbling waves, countless materials and rules overwhelming the river and the sea, making all the heavenly masters who are watching from afar dumbfounded.


   They never thought that the power of the individual would reach this extreme.

   is obviously the same rule, and the power exerted in their hands is not as good as one percent of the opponent's!

   How terrible is this?

"Using the power of humanity to hold the seat of the Heavenly Dao, naturally it cannot be fully utilized. If the power of the Heavenly Dao is controlled by the Heavenly Dao, it will naturally surpass all human imagination." Fu Qingjun looked at the sky, his eyes fixed, "However, the Emperor Amiro , To master the rules of heaven with human power, can fight to such an incredible degree!"

   These are already two monsters,

   They collided and fought together like crazy, and the entire universe seemed to be set off by them in a huge tsunami.


   Wence Tianzun was severely smashed into the wall of the universe, was driven into the depths, and fell into the interior of the universe.

   "The sky has fallen..."

   All Tianzun watched all this blankly.

   This ultimate universe of more than thirty epochs merged, the new wall membrane was so tough that it was unimaginable, the ordinary Heavenly Sovereign was already difficult to damage, but the two easily penetrated the sky.

   The sky is falling apart and the earth is cracking.

   A large amount of chaotic matter poured into the earth, like a waterfall, scouring the endless galaxy river below.

   Wence Tianzun was smashed into the air directly, hitting several galaxies before stopping, and landed on a planet.

   In the next second, Tianzun Wen Ce disappeared in this planet, and the planet burst open quickly, and was shattered by the immortal world with sound waves.

   The two people fought against each other in a speeding way, colliding on a white dwarf star in the last second, and smashing another huge sun in the vast star field in the next second.

   "This is outrageous!"

  In the distance, the fake Wence Tianzun and the immortal and Yuanshou trio in the restaurant watched all this blankly, "The Amiro that we gave up is also so strong? Why are we going to win each other?"

"Even, in a sense, I hope Amiro will win." Yuan Shou suddenly whispered: "Although speaking out will make you laugh, but his body, that little girl, is carrying something It was my dream when I was young."

   "Dream?" Indestructible couldn't help but laugh, laughed loudly at this old friend, patted him on the shoulder, "It's funny! Do old people like us still have dreams?"

He smiled and smiled. I don’t know why. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly cried, wiped his eyes, and said softly, "Strange, why I was looking forward to it, that insidious guy playing with us, Amiro can win."

   the other side.

   Fu Qingjun frowned constantly, watching the battle.

Chen Weizhu beside him also kept his eyes fixed, staring at the battlefield, his heart became tense, a complex and proud emotion filled his heart, "I was in an abnormal mood for a period of time, my thinking increased, and I already knew about you. Who is it... You did this for me..."

   All the strong in the entire universe are nervous to the limit,

   The level of this kind of battle has risen to the ultimate conceptual level of the universe, far beyond their imagination. This battle will determine the trend of the entire universe.

   "I can't go on like this."

   At this moment, Wen Ce Tianzun felt the opponent's cold killing intent, "I, the third and last Taizu emperor of the universe, and the first and first generation Taizu emperor, seem to be evenly matched."

"But I am a living creature, my intelligence and talent cannot always be maintained in a state of subversion, my combat power and state are slowly declining, and he is a dead creature, it can always be at its peak, if this is the case... . I have to decide the victory with one blow."



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