My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 637: Win or lose choice

     the general trend of heaven, exists as a seat? The zeroth seat above the three regular seats? ?

   Wen Ce Tianzun was silent for a while, and suddenly wanted to understand everything.

   She wanted to understand the unreasonableness of the fake Wence Tianzun, and wondered why Chen Weizhu suddenly became anomalous during that period of time, and suddenly laughed:

   "That's it, that's it!"

   She was full of sadness, with a low and miserable laugh, and endless sadness, "Xie Guoshi pointed out that today I killed him, although I won, but also lost."

   The price she won is quite huge!

   And this is the only power that can wrestle with the opponent, all the geniuses born in more than 30 epochs in the entire universe, all the accumulation of all the past humanitarian trends!

   And this accumulation is so powerful that it can't beat the opponent, but can only kill the same...

After   , there will never be such an opportunity again.

   can't kill the opponent at all.

   If it is the next time, the next protagonist will show up, how can he resist it? ?

   There is no chance to fight again.

"I'm really, I have tried my best." Chen Nianzi's voice was hoarse and bitter, and his figure gradually became hazy. He looked at Chen Weizhu next to him, "I seem to have killed the Di Ting Tiandi and won this big victory, but the future will still be new. This is the general trend of the enemy’s appearance. Heaven is going to kill us, and we have to die."

   "Although he won, he lost." He was full of unwillingness. He lived his whole life. He had paid everything he could, but he was still dead at the end.

   Fu Qingjun was also silent in his heart.

   He looked at Chen Nianzi in front of him, this emperor suddenly saw a certain shadow from him, and then remembered the immortal world-zun who was blocked by himself in the tomb, his sorrow and wailing.

The same is true for Chen Nianzi in front of   .

   Every cosmic emperor tried to resist, but fell to this end.

   "Guo Shi, can you agree to my last request?" Wen Ce Tianzun suddenly smiled.

   Fu Qingjun shook his head, "I don't agree to your request. Why don't you ask the national teacher if there is a law that can reverse the situation?"

Wen Ce Tianzun moved slightly in his heart and said: "Then the Chinese teacher, you have a profound wisdom and a mysterious origin. I would like to ask one last question: Tell me, in this battle, I will fight against the gods and break the sky, even though I win. But I lost, is there a way to reverse the situation?""

   "Although we won, we lost." Fu Qingjun suddenly smiled and said, "But there is a way to try."

   "Oh? How dare you ask the national teacher?" Wen Ce Tianzun said.

   "We won, but we lost." Fu Qingjun pointed to the head in her hand and said, "Why don't we reverse our plan. If we lose right now, maybe we won?"

   Wen Ce Tianzun looked at the dumb head he held in his hand, "Guo Shi mean, let her win?"

   "Yes." Fu Qingjun said.

   Wen Ce Tianzun suddenly wanted to understand something, and laughed: "That's it! That's it! The national teacher has a mysterious and long history, and he recognizes the oldest immortal world-zun?"

   "I recognize it," Fu Qingjun replied.

   "Then she will win."

Wen Ce Tianzun shook his head and threw it into Fu Qingjun’s hands. The whole person dissipated more and more. The hearty laughter resounded throughout the world. Your disciple Chen Weizhu has a way out!"

   The light and shadow disappeared.

   Everyone stared at all this in a daze.

   Almost no one knows that the strongest Taizu emperor who has crossed countless epochs in the universe, the real Wence Tianzun, finally fell into this end age.

   Fu Qingjun took the little speaker's head and closed his eyes, "It should be... I won."

"Heavenly Dao almost calculated my wave again. I didn’t expect that the little speaker would still have the state of Heaven’s Dao that the six relatives didn’t recognize. If Chen Nianzi didn’t intervene and awakened the little speaker, then she in this form would be killing her. After the decayed Amiro, he will come and kill the next me."

   Fortunately, Amiruo Chen Nianzi also happened to have his own plan to create miracles and win such an incredible incarnation of heaven.

   Then, plus the miracle on my side, the two miracles added together have created a real victory.

   Fu Qingjun has no time to grieve the death of his disciple in the martyrdom. He quickly shook his head and grabbed the dull hair and shook it like a yo-yo.

   Little Horn's head gradually opened his eyes and muttered, "Brother Fu, stop making trouble, Little Horn is sleeping, and I need to sleep."

   For Little Horn, she gave up thinking, which is equivalent to sleeping. For this innocent and romantic mortal girl, everything that just happened is equivalent to sleepwalking.

   "It's dinner." Fu Qingjun said.

   "It's the meal?" The little horn widened his eyes and looked around, completely blankly.

   She quickly regenerated the body below her neck, and quickly said: "What happened?"

"You promised the Immortal World-Honored One, you won." Fu Qingjun said: "Hurry up and go back to the Heavenly Court opposite, and declare your victory. We will talk about the next thing... and don't give up on you again. I’m in that state again, and Brother Fu is dead. Do you understand?"

   "Oh oh oh, yeah!"

   The little horn ran away in a hurry.

"No heart, no lungs." Fu Qingjun shook his head, but it is also this kind of personality, so that Fu Qingjun can trust this task, otherwise, if he is a bit deep-minded and smart, Fu Qingjun really dare not do this. No matter how good the relationship with oneself is, it is as good as the current little speaker,

   After all, people’s hearts will change,

  The only thing that remains unchanged is perhaps the small speaker.

   "Because the small speaker is heartless and does not use his brain." Fu Qingjun also smiled.

   "Weizhu, let's sort out the battlefield below and declare our surrender." Fu Qingjun looked at Chen Weizhu with a sad expression on his face. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm


   The Immortal Heavenly Court.

   Everyone is in a state of tension.

   Little Horn lost, they actually lost in Heaven!

   This is something no one can think of,

   After all, the power and horror of the Immortal Blessed One is obvious to all.

   But no one would have thought that the other party had this kind of method, arranged a large formation in advance, absorbed all the strong men who fell on the heavenly battlefield of both sides, and became an unprecedented genius.

"Even so, the combat power of Little Horn is still comparable to that of the opponent, but Amiro is a stubborn person, who burned all his life directly and wants to defeat her." Qin Hong sighed, "I don't know Little Horn, I've been defeated. What will happen after the captive?"

   "It shouldn't die." Tang Meng said quickly: "After all, we have had an agreement before. We are not a deep hatred, we are just fighting for the era. The winner, there is no need to rush to the end."

   "It doesn't have to be anymore, after all, Amiro is dying. It's not clear whether he will take the little speaker with him before he died." Qin Hong showed concern.

   But at this moment, there was a figure with head high and chest straight before their eyes.



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