This is a huge cemetery, and almost all the strong men in the whole time of the war are buried.

  Although most of them are dead, they are just clothes.

   In front of him is Chen Nianzi, the tombstone prophesying the first reincarnation of Amiro.

   For this apprentice, Fu Qingjun has completely calmed down for a while, there are no more enemies, no more overwhelming things, and some doubts are gradually discovered.

   But all the doubts are not important anymore.

   I came here this time just to see her,

   After all, this layer of behind-the-scenes BUFF that I left behind has indeed blocked too much of the protagonist for myself, and it can even be said that without him, I would never do this step so easily.

far away,

   Chen Weizhu came slowly, "Master, don't you go to the celebration party?"

   "It's too lively, I want to find a secluded place to stay for a while." After putting down the flowers, Fu Qingjun stood up.

   "Does the master also think that reading the purple is a bit strange?" Chen Weizhu suddenly said.

   "It's a bit strange." Fu Qingjun replied.

Chen Weizhu nodded and knelt down to stroke the tombstone, "Perhaps, Master has already known who she is. After all, it is you and the Immortal Blessed One who left the three major reincarnation prophecies because of her true body. Didn’t she decide that she belonged to Amiro?"

   I really didn’t know at the time,

   Fu Qingjun shook his head,

  Who knows that Wen Ce Tianzun's real body turned out to be a woman?

   And the calculation is deep, so insidious and cunning, secretly being Amiro?

  So far, Fu Qingjun has never imagined that the greatest evil that is serious and plays with the common people-Wen Ce Tianzun, has already sang na for himself and has cooked many times.

   This can be regarded as a loophole in the blind corner of thinking. Tianzun Wen Ce has always been a man in this world, and according to history, he is still lewd. He has married countless empresses and princesses. Who knows that in the previous universe, he was a woman.

   But now that these things are not important anymore.

   Chen Weizhu thinks so, think so...

   After all, this can also complement my own heels. I am not a young man in the world, but an ancestor from prehistoric times, and the eternal trumpet, the oldest existence of two people in an age,

   In this way, since I am an ancestor, it is understandable that all the future generations and the universe are our descendants.

   Therefore, it’s very important to hide the true origins,

Chen Weizhu whispered: "I only knew her true body when I was brought down by the general seat before. At that time, I was possessed by the general power. As the son of destiny, I could feel the disgust and decay towards her. My wisdom made me I can easily see through her flaws."

   "But you found a really corrupt black hand. You didn't choose to kill her. You chose to pretend not to know, and let her decay, so you left." Fu Qingjun looked calm and talked about the past at that time.

"Because when I knew she was the real Wence Tianzun, I was aware of everything she had done to me and what she thought of me." Chen Weizhu suddenly showed a gentle smile, "She went back to the past. , Resetting my life is just to find me and save my destiny. If I abandon her, am I still a human? I can’t take her."

   "So you lose the entire universe."

   Fu Qingjun also smiled, "It's probably true that human nature has defeated the cold heaven."

   Some of Fu Qingjun’s doubts at the time have now also been explained.

   Chen Weizhu at that time had already guessed the other person’s true body, but pretended not to know.

   After all, the "son of destiny"'s enemy-finding mechanism is terrible. Fu Qingjun once worked as a natural understanding. At that time, he was inexplicably provoked by Tianzun Wen Ce, piercing the opponent's true body...

   is so unreasonable.

   "It is someone like you who is worthy of her pursuing a lifetime. She didn't see the wrong person." Fu Qingjun comforted.

   Chen Weizhu shook his head and smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say for a while.

"I know what she wants. She wants to realize her dream, but to be with me, but to gain real freedom. Even, she was willing to let me get the final seat long ago. I gave my life, but when she died in front of me, my heart was completely empty."

   A breeze blows, the green grass on the ground is swaying with the wind,

   In the distance, there are also some worshippers one after another, who come here to send flowers to some of the dead friends, and mourn gently.

   Fu Qingjun, as a lecturer, just listened to Chen Weizhu talking about the past of the two of them together, even some trivial things, clues,

   Wen Ce Tianzun has always been enemies and friends with himself,

   I felt my scalp numb when I was in my enemy camp, but when my teammates resisted the protagonist of heaven and earth together in my camp, all kinds of calculations and talents were undoubtedly the most reliable daoists on my side.

   Although both himself and him hide each other's identity and do not know each other’s identities, they have a natural tacit understanding that overthrows the protagonists of heaven and earth very decisively and cruelly.

   Regarding some of her stubborn and crazy practices, Fu Qingjun can also understand Wen Ce Tianzun's mood, and can also understand the behavior of the paranoid Emperor Taizu who only pursues his dreams.

   "It's a pity. After all, he fell to the last step, failing to realize his dream and gain true freedom."

   Fu Qingjun felt a little melancholy, and he touched the rough stele, "However, what he can't do, I will do it. He can't realize the dream, and I will carry his dream and realize it together."

   Fu Qingjun thought of the Immortal World-Honor that back then, he also said similar things,

   "Our emperors in all dynasties are pioneers and opened the way for you, the fourth latecomer."

   "World Lord of Good Can you fight and take your good fortune dynasty era to defeat him, I will wait and see."

  , with the hope of all the emperors of the past, he has walked to this day and is finally about to succeed.

   Immortal Tianzun, and Wen Ce Tianzun in front of them, their lives are so similar and miserable,

   As for Qianxiu Taizu, it might be like the Immortal World Zun said, he and he doesn't remember everything, he is the happiest one among us.

   But the only pity is that after all, he didn't have a real meeting with the real Emperor Qianxiu Taizu.

Fu Qingjun stood up, no longer melancholy mourned, and talked about the business: "The overall situation has been set, and the new protagonist has been born. It will unify all seats and give birth to the eighth rank. I can make her decay at any time.... I am about to Become an eighth order."

   Fu Qingjun paused and looked at Chen Weizhu.

   "The wall of the ultimate universe has been updated, and no one can resurrect, but if I really succeed and reach the ultimate eighth stage of omniscience and omnipotence, I may be able to reset the universe again and let Wen Cetian respect the new resurrection."

   Chen Weizhu was startled, and suddenly looked down at the tombstone.

   After a long time, Chen Weizhu suddenly smiled and said, "No, I am different from her. I don't want her to be resurrected."


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