
   "Go and preach!"

   Some of the original celestials reacted in an instant, "Quickly feel the cosmic Tao tree to see which rule is the strongest, to prove that rule's avenue, and to contribute to the universe!"

   Countless people moved quickly,

   This is a chance!

  The sage seats on the branches of the road tree are all vacant. Whoever gets the strongest will have a better life in the future.

   So they started to fight.

   The groundbreaking of this scene is imprinted in eternal history,

   At this point in the universe, there are no more legendary gods.

   Tianzun, destined to become a myth in the history of the prehistoric era.

After   , there will be only one mortal who will proclaim the rules of the universe, fill the branches and rules of the universe, and become a cosmic saint.

  The saint is the limit.




time flies.

   And accompanied by the heavenly court of the ultimate universe, the saints continue to testify, and this new universe has stabilized again.

   The common people on the Ark have returned to the universe to thrive and thrive, and there are constantly mortal powerhouses appearing,


   "Zhengtiandao saint, sit on the road seat!"

   Even because there are too many seats for the newly-born saints, after the powerhouses of the heavenly court are divided up, there are still 99% vacancies. There are constantly young mortals fighting for hegemony, stepping out of the times, demonstrating the rules of the Tao, and becoming a saint.

   The entire universe has formed a prosperous age of saints' hegemony.

   As the heavenly court of this world, countless powerful people have continuously studied the structure of the universe, they have also discovered the special features of this universe.

   In the heaven.

   Qin Hong is already acting as the emperor of heaven. After all, a certain contemporary emperor’s trumpet has been “practising in retreat,” regardless of world affairs.

   Qin Hong sat on the seat and said: "According to the exploration of the cosmic saints, we have proclaimed the saint seat, and we have become the incarnation of this rule, just like in the past."

   "However, it is also different from the past."

"In the past, the seats of the gods and the saints were hereditary and seized. Other powerful people can seize the seat from you and merge with me... But the rules of the new seat cannot be seized, even if you kill it. , And can't seize the holy position in this person."

   Qin Hong looked at the strong men around him, and said, "Also, our saints are already living, aging, sick, and dying."

  The other saints are silent,

Before   , their saints live forever,

   is because the deity of life masters the main rules of life of the universe and arbitrarily modify the lifespan of all saints and deities, so that they will live forever and live the same life as the era!

   But now that there is no rule of heaven, they will also have a normal lifespan, and they will live and die.

   "With this kind of difference, our'Cicada Degenerate Universe' is now in the next stage of evolution, the unique aging and death of the'Singularity Universe,' which we call, the five decay of heaven and man."

   Qin Hong thought for a while, and said, "As a cosmic saint, we will gradually be assimilated by the big rules of the universe and gradually lose consciousness. Eventually, we will be absorbed, return to his Taoist tree, and become branches."

   Everyone is silent,

A strong person stepped up and couldn't help but say: "Then our heavenly court, can't it be like the heavenly courts of the past, that we can live and rule the birth and death of each cosmic epoch? But all our strong men will soon die of old age. past?"

   Qin Hong nodded, "Theoretically, this is the case. Our heavenly life span is no more than a million years...because we are saints who will die of old age."

   Million years?

   We can only live a million years?

   How ridiculous is this?

   In the past era, even the most ordinary saint, as long as he is not killed by others, he can even live for tens of billions of years, from the birth of the universe to the destruction of the universe!

   tens of billions of years!

   In front of my eyes, a million years?

   In comparison, it is a trivial and ridiculous number!

   Everyone became more and more silent, and they laughed bitterly, very unacceptable,

   Is this what they are after?

   came up on the head and was slashed by the universe?

   Are we not human anymore?

   worked hard for you, updated the version, but you did this to us?

   So cruel and ruthless? ?

   When they think of this, they have countless bitterness in their hearts.

   But everyone knows that this seems desperate and makes all the strong anger, but it makes the whole universe happy!

   The spontaneous renewal of these universes has weakened the time for them, the strongest, to decay and rule the universe!

   accelerates the iterative update of the universe, and alternates the blood of new heroes more quickly,

   "Singularity Universe", no one is allowed to decay! !

  Although, it is miserable that these heavenly powerhouses have short life spans, only live a glorious life, and can no longer monopolize the era, but they can benefit from 99.9% of ordinary creatures in the entire universe.

   This is an era where everyone competes for freedom!

   The common people profit, the universe profit!

  The only thing that suffers is that they are the strongest, they can no longer decay forever...

   "There is no doubt that we will die."

   The sages around, sighed in the heaven, and couldn't help but mourn: "We will die of old age. This is something we have never had before."

At this time, Emperor Qin Hongtian also had a silent face, and then said softly: "Moreover, the rules of the saints are more than this. We found that the completion of the rules of each saint, the proving of the Tao, is a branch of the perfect Tao tree, a piece of green leaf. !"

   "This Taoist tree has limits."

   "The universe at this time is like a vase full of gaps. It has been proclaimed by the saints of the past, completing each fragment, when the last fragment is completely completed!"

   "The avenue of ancient trees is complete, and the rules of the universe are complete."

   Qin Hong Tianzun paused, "At that time, the universe of this era is completely perfected, what will happen?"

"According to our countless powerful deductions, the general trend of the universe in the future, the universe will be completely perfected, a major collapse will occur, it will turn into a singularity, and the next cycle will occur. At the same time, the second eighth seat opportunity will be born at the same time as the universe is destroyed. ."

   The hearts of the crowd were lingering.

   The upper limit of the universe's realm has already accommodated the appearance of Tier 8!

   Sage, there are five decays in nature and man, and he must die of old age.

  To live eternally in this new cosmic era, only the eighth order!

  The eighth-order emperor is the stalwart existence that transcends everything!

   "Is it the second eighth order?"

   Everyone yearns for this seat~www.readwn.com~the only seat that survives.

   Actually, this is another new cruel era.

   seems to make them desperate, but it also gives them the opportunity to compete for a higher and stronger eighth seat, which can be described as good fortune and misfortune.

"However, we are all getting old very quickly. We can't wait until this time. At that time, it will take at least tens of billions of years and the birth of millions of saints to completely complete the cosmos's ancient trees again and again." Someone said. .

   "Yes, tens of billions of years from now? We are all going to die of old age."

   "If you want a saint from past generations to complete it, we won't be able to live the cosmic era opened by the eighth order."


   Everyone frowned.

   Do you make wedding dresses for future generations?

  At this time, Qin Hong looked at the Qingjun Guoshi next to him and said: "Guoshi, our heavenly court, can there be a way of detachment?"

Fu Qingjun thought for a while, and said, "Since the future opened by Tier 8 is in the distant future generations, then our heavenly court may be able to create an ark and smuggle into the distant future generations, from the era of opening up the world, directly to that level 8. The opened universe ends at the end of the era."



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