My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 648: The Blood of Creation God (The Finale)


   The blue earth, ascended into the universe, entered the orbit around the universe, as if the moon revolved around the earth, accelerating continuously.

   "There is no problem with all operating parameters."

   "Get used to it for a while."


   In this way, the earth slowly revolves around the universe, gradually moving away.

   In the canteen, Xiao Horn and Fu Qingjun are drying their meals, chatting on the table, and taking a break.

"The universe under our feet is all descendants of our earth! In the future, our goal is the stars and the sea! Everything outside the entire universe is also descendants of our earth." Little Horn looked excited and half-hearted. She has recently become fascinated by Xi being a mother, "Brother Fu, your name is Fu Qingjun. Isn't the homophony your father? Then I am the mother!"

   Fu Qingjun was eating, silently: "..."

   Little girl, your thoughts have slipped very seriously!

   The world is full of my children, how can I have such dangerous thoughts? ?

   However, from the perspective of Little Horn, she doesn't know the truth. She believes that she is the true Immortal World-Honor, the first dynasty of the universe, and the people who live in the entire universe are indeed her descendants.

"and many more!"

The little speaker suddenly said: "We have taken the earth away, and we have sailed away. In the future, in this universe, will our blood become thinner and we no longer remember that we are the ancestors of everything, and our earth is a bloodline, will it not be complete? Decline? The world no longer remembers our existence?"

   "Then what do you want to do?" Fu Qingjun ate the meal without raising his head.

   In front of him, this is his outward life,

   The real freedom, the ordinary morning and evening shifts every day, as an ordinary gang leader, six hours of daily life in the cafeteria is not necessary.

   Going back to the root, I am a person who longs for the ordinary.

The trumpet slapped the table, drank a big bowl of wine, and shouted: "The Sajia suddenly had a bold idea! Before we go, we have to leave some traces to prove our existence. In order to let our blood flow through the ages, this There must also be an earth! Not only must there be, but every future era must have it!"

   Fu Qingjun screams good guy, you are having a problem,

Fu Qingjun thought for a while, "It's difficult, but it's not impossible... The ancient tree of the universe avenue rule is the main program of the entire universe... I can't change the basic parameter rule, but add a big bang in it. Creation data, forming a planet, is not difficult..."

   "Even in the future, every singularity-type universe will inherit the birthplace of our birthplace, the planet."

"However, I can only maintain the stage of the singularity-type universe. How many epochs will be restarted, there will be as many earths... and I will not be able to interfere that far when I update the next stage of the universe. After all, I have already left. The earth."

   Fu Qingjun looked calm,

   As for this earth civilization, it’s just a matter of thinking about whether it can rise or not, it’s up to them.

   After all, most planetary civilizations are mediocre. The probability of each racial civilization breaking through is less than 0.000001%. Fu Qingjun does not think there can be any miracles.


   The little speaker scratched his head, "I just want to leave a trace."

   Fu Qingjun nodded, and gently stretched out his hand over the universe, "I said, in every epoch, there must be an earth."

   Boom! A large number of data parameters are written into the old trees on the avenue.

   For him and Little Horn, it is just a memorial to the future when they leave the universe.

   However, the small speaker has gotten into the inch again, and said, "Brother Fu, Brother Fu! Can you change the tendency of the'big power seat' to come mainly to the earth?"

   Fu Qingjun: "???"

   Good fellow, you are more decayed than me, and more lawless?

  I secretly acted as the old king next door, turning the entire universe into a human being on earth, but you really turned the earth into the center of the universe? Are the protagonists of heaven and earth appearing on the earth?

   You want to mess around on a whim?

"This is impossible." Fu Qingjun shook his head. "The zeroth day seat-the general trend is also the seat of the sky. In this new era, the sky is completely closed, and the entire singularity universe will not be The birth of this heavenly seat."

   Just like the update mentioned before,

[4. It is no longer necessary to beat the decay at the expense of common people, but to change the new decay immunity mechanism: the five decay of heaven and man (no need to artificially defeat the decay, the heaven will spontaneously defeat the decay with the mechanism of the five decay of heaven and man, avoid all kinds of instability Human Factors)】

   The seat of great power is ultimately a human being, the son of destiny, to defeat the decay, there will be various unstable factors,

   Fu Qingjun won victory by this factor before,

  , there will be no general seats, the cosmic mechanism of the Son of Destiny. Instead, it will use the fully automatic five decay of heaven and man, which is more secure and safe, to eradicate decay and cosmic pests.

   "Ah, then there is no general trend of the heavenly seat, then we can't leave any chance for these descendants to rise." Little Horn has been entangled in how to help the earth people of the future era.

   "Don't be so entangled, just let the flow take place." Fu Qingjun smiled.

   "No, no, no!"

   The little speaker was very stubborn and shouted:

"Brother Fu, you don’t want us to be on earth after we leave, in this universe, among the descendants of our earth clan, can there be the next eighth step, the next singularity avenue that transcends the universe? A member of the Clan, who can appear an eighth rank, may catch up with our footsteps on the sea of ​​stars and meet us!"


Fu Qingjun was dumb, looking at the little speaker with a dazed expression, and thought for a while, "It's not impossible. Although the general situation is gone, you can't directly turn on and become the son of destiny, but a little help is also possible. ...It's just that they don't make it, and they still rely on themselves."

   "After all, after we leave, our control over the universe will only get smaller and smaller."

   Fu Qingjun took a bite of rice, thought about it, and said:

   "The pattern of the future universe, in the decay of heaven and man, lies in old age and death... I may be able to help them a little, give them a drop of my blood of rules, and let them grasp the opportunity for the rise of freedom."

   "Freedom?" The little speaker was dazed.

   "In our cicada eclipse universe era, we never worry about old age, but in the future era of death and old age, immortality is freedom." Fu Qingjun finished speaking and reached out a little lightly.


   your fingertips are scratched,

   A drop of bright red blood poured into the old trees on the avenue, as if saying to himself:

"This is the last deity of my universe age: the deity of good fortune, before leaving this universe, the blessings to the blood of my future generations, the future people of the earth, everyone can receive my blessing, the blood of eternal life, this is the creation of the world. God's blood."

   Fu Qingjun smiled with a calm expression, "It's just that this blood is terrifying, if mortals don't practice, they can't bear it at all. The infinite and prolonged immortal cells will turn into disease and terminal illness, tearing their bodies."

   "In this way, you are satisfied with the little speaker, right?" Fu Qingjun said.

   "Satisfied, satisfied!" Little Horn was eating with a happy expression.


   The earth is moving away from this universe.

   The universe gradually shrank and turned into a huge irregular egg-shaped giant.

   For the small speaker, this is just a whim, she will forget it even after two days, but Fu Qingjun still intends to satisfy the small speaker,

   can be considered as a possibility for future generations,

   Even though after I leave, my control over the universe will be completely reduced. It is not clear at all to what extent that opportunity can continue, and it will only gradually dilute.

   "Although they are given a certain chance, whether they can rise or not depends on them. After all, chance is a springboard. If the people of later generations are not up to date, I have nothing to do." Fu Qingjun laughed.

   "Oh oh." The little speaker nodded, "I hope that our blood of distant future generations will be more vigorous! Like Big Brother Fu, so mighty and powerful rise rapidly!"

   "That can't be done." Fu Qingjun shook his head.

"That's right." Little Horn nodded, "We are the oldest cosmic existence in the past life, all, now we are rising very fast, leaving all the time through time and space, the real time spent, the time of Big Brother Fu's rise is fully calculated. Only one hundred thousand years! I don't think anyone can rise to this level in one hundred thousand years."

   Fu Qingjun nodded, not relying on his previous life, but a real modern person.

   As the last emperor of the cosmos, he counted on Wen Ce Tianzun, Shisheng Taizu... all the way was bathing in blood, going through conspiracies, and surviving near death. Behind the scenes, he calculated the protagonists of various worlds and killed them fiercely.

   It only took one hundred thousand years,

   This is an extremely exaggerated horror number, rising like a meteor rocket,

   He also doesn't think that there will be this level of existence in later generations, and there will be someone in this universe who can compare with himself, or even exceed his own rise record: one hundred thousand years.

   After all, this time, for most of the Xeons in the universe, is just a long retreat.

   "After all, not everyone is my ordinary gang leader." Fu Qingjun shook his head.

   "That's right, that's right."

The little speaker suddenly thought of something, "If there are descendants of the earth, then our blood will continue to continue one era after another. You are the father, then this descendant, in my opinion, must be called What is the best one, so it’s right!...what lunatic, awkward, plate... Only in this way can I show a sense of solemnity."

   Fu Qingjun: "???"

   God is so solemn,

   Are you holding a wish to have a son?

"Inheriting our kindness, the opportunity we left behind to rise is the'cause' that we owe us. Then, we must repay this'fruit'. I don't ask much for this effect, it's just the name." The little speaker said: "Quickly write, and quickly write about the long history of the universe, the cause and effect are in the general trend!"

   "Neurosis, the cause and effect of repayment is just a name? Isn't this taking advantage of others?"

Fu Qingjun became speechless and ignored her mischief at all, "Besides, this is the rule of the universe time series. I have already talked about the rule of time. I can't use it. If I can't do it, I will change it now. There will be no cause and effect in the future."

   "Then I hope that he has self-knowledge, and the cause and effect of the universe is self-knowledge, so be intuitive!" Little Horn hummed.

Fu Qingjun shook his head and laughed completely, "Besides, I only give a certain chance. The probability of rising is still very low. The future universe will be renewed even more terrifying. The opportunity I give is better than nothing, not to mention whether we can rise, even if It is true that our descendants have risen..."

"Maybe, the future universe update has entered the next version. This singularity-type universe is still being updated, perhaps directly raising the upper limit. Maybe it is a stalwart existence above the singularity realm... Far more than I wait, we will be beaten to death."

"No, no, this is a surprise. What I want is that if we meet again in the vast universe, we will all come from our hometown, all of the same civilized people. He will look at his name and look at Brother Fu's. The name will be very dumb."

   The two of them were chatting, and they completely entered the long void of the universe.

  ——The book is over.



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