My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 64: The birth of parasitic beast civilization

     Fu Qingjun was slightly surprised.

   She seems to have perfectly integrated the three genes of snail, human and ant.

   "My lord, what's the situation?"

   She turned around, "You gave me the power to regenerate, and this is the limit I can do."

   In Fu Qingjun's eyes, her posture is very elegant and classical. After all, she inherited Qin Hong's oriental face, with long black hair and a snail shell, which is very flavorful.

   Is this really some kind of transcendent human species?

   "Very good, I didn't expect it, you are beyond my expectation." Fu Qingjun said.

   "Yes." Yudura spoke, and Fu Qingjun discovered that there were tens of thousands of dense and sharp comb teeth in her mouth, densely packed.

   Have you inherited the snail's teeth?

   The snail is the animal with the most teeth.

   varies from species to species, but each snail generally has 10,000 to 20,000 teeth.

"I have evolved into a different life from before." She took off the carapace, and her skin became smooth and delicate, giving a moist jelly feel, but she stood upright and tight for a few seconds before she fell soft again. To the ground.

   "I still can't stand up, I stretch my body, it's very hard."

   She was like a soft rubber figure, her feet stuck to the ground, her whole body arched back, like a rainbow jelly, and said:

   "But it's much better now, I can temporarily tighten my body and straighten my body!"

   "Also, after I practice martial arts, my muscles will become stronger and I should be able to walk upright... After all, I am now a pure boneless muscle rubber man."

   In the ruins, they naturally also found the material of "rubber", which has this concept.

   "As a family member of mine, I'm still qualified." Fu Qingjun nodded and smiled: "It's not in vain that I chose to invest in you and paid a huge investment."

   "My head, in fact, is in the swirling circular shell at the back." She said seriously.

   Fu Qingjun glanced at her.

   The snail shell is the main body, with the brain inside?

   Just think about it, isn’t she just a snail now?

   A snail shell, a rubber beauty with a human shape?

   Snail girl?

   "That brain is exposed, isn't it very fragile?" Fu Qingjun smiled.

   "When fighting, you can take it back." She became very horrified, the snail shell behind it slowly stuffed into the brain, and gradually the wriggling meat was wrapped up and turned into a snail shell skull.

   All of a sudden, her long hair and shawl looked like ordinary people, and even her skin was as delicate as jade and white, soft and boneless. The beauty of the city made her heart sprouting.

  Fu Qingjun feels that this is clearly a monster in the myth, a ghost! Let it go, it can scare people directly.

   looks beautiful, a mouth, a mouthful of monster fangs...

   "While fighting, it's like this."

   She flicked her arm slightly, and her whole hand turned into a serrated knife, and a row of sharp and dense comb teeth appeared directly, which were thrown out like a long whip.


   For an instant, there was an astonishing sonic boom.

   The entire wooden table in front of me was cut perfectly.

   Fu Qingjun was stunned.

   Whip is the only weapon that can accelerate in a short time and hit a sonic boom.

The end speed of the whiplash can even reach Mach 2, which is twice the speed of sound. This phenomenon is called the whiplash effect.

   Is this a double speed knife?

   "This is power without bones."

Udurah respectfully said, "I finally understood your question! I have seen the power of a whip that can speed up and throw unimaginable speed and power to form super destructive power! It seems the softest, but it causes The most terrifying lethality!"

   Fu Qingjun smiled and said, "It's very promising."

Yudura was very embarrassed, "I took the route of the research-type intelligent queen. After all, my race can't fight, so I have been dissecting, researching, and interbreeding my offspring. I still have a lot of research in this area. ."

   "It's a perfect species." Fu Qingjun said.

   "No, it's not perfect."

   Yudura showed hesitation, "I try anyway, because too much has been incorporated into this biological structure called the snail, which inherited the snail's brain, resulting in biological degradation, and the offspring are beasts with extremely low brain capacity."

   She said that because she is a mutation, she can still preserve her wisdom, but her offspring... completely become beasts.

   After all, the snail’s brain, which claims to have only two brain cells, is as famous as its teeth.

   "Brainless creatures?" Fu Qingjun frowned.

   Only if the offspring have wisdom, can they form a corps and carry on an army.

   Without wisdom, it is equivalent to controlling a bunch of wild dogs and fighting in a frenzy... Moreover, they have no autonomy at all, they must stay by their side at any time to control

   And they are all highly intelligent confidantes who can be dispatched to various places to perform tasks.... Therefore, this is one person, one country.

   "Yes, if this problem can't be solved, I will be a single soldier female emperor. There is no strong possibility for future generations." She said bitterly: "But after all, we can try to solve it. The basic template of species has appeared, and many abilities can be developed."

   After all, the angel species also had wings in the beginning, but now it has developed into this, countless branches...

"I believe you."

Fu Qingjun said: "I will leave this tower to you to study, and I will be watching it quietly. You can even secretly recruit scholars from this academy as believers. Your current potential is in their eyes. No less than Ismail, they will regard you as their hope of rising."


  Yudula looked in a daze.

   I already have this kind of appeal?

"I will. This academy is also in charge of an intelligent female emperor and queen. The scholars here are basically the same family... They help me solve the problem, study my descendants, conduct effective mutations, and they should be powerful. A lot!" She quickly made the right choice.

Fu Qingjun smiled and said: "I will guard you in this high tower and stay in this world for a period of time... I want you to evolve a kind of miniature plant that grows everywhere on the earth... if You didn't make any achievements in the end, and I will not criticize you and let you live your life here."

   "What if I can succeed?" Yudura said nervously.

  Stay in this world?

   In other words, the world and civilization we live in is just one of countless worlds?

   How big is the world!

   She is extremely excited, if she can’t succeed, she can’t reach the level of satisfaction, she can only be glorious for an age at most, if she can be taken away from this world...

   Become a real family member?

   "Where are you from?" she asked.

"Nibiru." Fu Qingjun thought for a while and smiled gently: "No one is special, it can be you Udula, it can be someone else... and you just happened to find me ."


  Udula's head seemed to burst, and she remembered the ancient legend of the empress.


   Times are overlapping.

   I saw the proud Dolores before, and looked at Udula in shock.

   "Hahahaha! What a powerful species this is, I will let your offspring have wisdom, and will have incomparably huge super brains, terrifying mental powers, and even possess magic skills at birth, becoming a natural master!"

   She still insists on her ideas fanatically.

  Udula does not believe that she is also an intelligent queen herself, and she has studied this aspect very well.

   But the times have begun.

   The entire Black Sun Academy has quietly entered a state of alert, studying a new soft shell race!

   Everyone knows that this will be the sixth race comparable to the five previous races!

time flies.

   After a century of chaos, a generation of ordinary people has declined.

   "The first version has finally appeared! Although there is still no wisdom, this will also be one of the strongest species, the auxiliary combat empress, each of your descendants is the strongest weapon in the world!"

   "It is about ten times smaller than the normal offspring, but the combat effectiveness is stronger!"

   "By selling offspring soldiers, we will gain the greatest wealth in the world!"

   An invisible species, a hidden mysterious force, gradually appeared everywhere, and said extremely exaggerated advertisements,

   "This is the strongest weapon!"

   "This is the strongest prosthesis for knights!"

   "It will become a boost for the regeneration of the brave warriors, and it will make you extremely powerful!"


   Some powerful hero soldiers with mutilated limbs began to try.

   A powerful knight with a mutilated arm bought a mysterious carapace vortex ball with a huge amount of money, and according to the instructions, sutured the snail shell to the broken left hand.

   And the snail shell slowly stretched out a flesh-colored gelatinous wingless human with good facial features, eyes, ears, nose, nose, and limbs.

   "These are simple living creatures. They don't have strong intelligence, but they understand their own commands. As long as we continue to cultivate relationships, we can become the masters of this species and replace arms."

   "The martial arts masters are even more convenient. They can use their martial arts spirit, their coercion and courage to pass on their consciousness!"

He kept meditating in his heart, nurturing feelings with this mysterious human species, and even after getting acquainted with it, he communicated with each other, so that its muscles and gums were simply tightened into the shape of his left hand. As long as he conveyed his martial arts spirit... it could be perfect. Manipulation.

   A perfect arm!

   "I can go back to the battlefield again, Xiao Zuo." He stretched out his left hand and waved his white and tender left hand forward. The hand suddenly turned into a jagged whip and flew out like a stretched plasticine.


   An evil undead behemoth was cut off in an instant.

   "Unexpectedly, so powerful?" The knight was shocked, revealing an incredible color.

   At this time, a wolf-head wandering knight walked out of the ruins nearby, and said: "Very good, this giant beast corpse belongs to me."

   "You want to grab?" The knight snorted coldly, and clenched his left hand. This was his strongest combat power.

   "You don't think that only you have it?" The wolfhead knight on the opposite side snorted coldly, flicking both arms, as if swinging a long whip, it turned into two stretched muscles with sharp blades in an instant.


   clang clang clang!

   The two people stood facing each other at a very far distance, the arms in the middle were constantly shaking and turned into afterimages, the boneless rubber arms with sharp blades collided with each other, tearing the sonic boom, and making an unimaginable violent collision.


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