My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 70: Complete development of the building, **** of the devil

The amount of information brought to them by    Yeyan is huge.

   transcends distant time and space and connects two people from different eras.

   This is an unimaginable vast and mighty force, as if to see a majesty towering in the space-time dimension, full of time and time, with countless tentacles of ancient and vast aura!

   "It is so happy to be blessed by this kind of existence."

  Udula said: "I live in a distant prehistoric, in a ruin, full of unknowable fog, full of natural disasters and disasters, and even living is hard."

Qin Hong said: "I am living in the future era of war and chaos. The twilight of the gods has passed countless years. The era has also been transformed by mechanical warfare. In the era of ancient myths, the power of the individual will completely dissipate even the last light. ."

   Originally, they could only survive in a small wave of the times, but now, they have transcended the world, achieved extraordinary achievements, and possessed an incredible mythical future.

   They were extremely grateful. After a brief exchange, they agreed to meet each other and went to work on their own affairs.

   After all, no one has too many free events.

   "The mysterious night banquet of gods and monsters is simply too horrible, as if it has touched the truth of the whole world."

   Qin Hong was solemn in his heart, continued to practice martial arts in reality, and kept summarizing, "It seems that while I am practicing martial arts, I continue to read and study the knowledge of biology."

   And Yudura, after this short meeting, began to devote himself to the research of his species.

   "As the ancestor of witches, I was originally a research queen, and I am very good at this..." She looked at the group of soul materials in front of her.

   This time, it turned out to be roughly the same as before.

   "It's just that it is based on snails and incorporates the genes of ants and humans." She kept thinking about it. Using snails as a template is completely different from using ants as a template.

   First of all, the body shape is different.

   I'm afraid it's a snail-sized life.

  Secondly, fertility. The fertility of the snail species is far lower than that of ants. There are only one or two hundred offspring at a time, and the survival rate is low.

   "I don't know, what world will I go to?"

   She fused species in the night banquet, but what she worried about was what kind of unknown world she would spend her life.

   "Forget it, take your time." She began to merge.

   During the night banquet, I can observe the real world outside at the same time, and withdraw at any time.

   In the time of continuous integration, with her secrecy and retreat, she discovered unimaginable changes in the outside world.

   The white feather angel clan, with the loss of the martial arts emperor, gradually began to decline, and was stared at by the other powerful three angel species.

   Soon, all the forces were broken, and a new witch system was born!

   Master the feathered snake line of "doubling witchcraft".

   A new race developed by a feather snake witch named Yater,

   She used a special and softer muscle structure, combined with the soft stretch of the snake, and through the internal expansion, the internal inflation was instantly inflated, bulging countless times.

   After all, the belly of a snake is extremely flexible.

   is like a balloon, able to swallow countless times as much food, otherwise Xiao Xuxian in Haikou would not easily blow up a snake in the name of his achievements.

   And in front of me, the snake's soft body, plus the snail...have a qualitative change.

   Boom! !

   An extremely huge feather snake, inhaling air, like an inflated rubber puffer fish, flapping its wings, blowing and expanding quickly against the wind, soaring into the sky!

   is like an extinct giant snake, wandering in the sky, giving people a sense of vastness, as if they have truly entered the age of mythology.

   "This is my feathered snake!"

  Yatre stood on the back of a huge feathered snake, the king of feathered snakes, overlooking the entire land, "Rising up in the wind! The back of the feathered snake can build cities, and we are the city of the sky!"

   "I wait, for the sky witch!"

   They began to attack the angel family and decided to stand up.

   However, the angel family also appeared an extremely powerful angel witch. She was completely dark, and she had a pair of black wings...

   "You have merged with the blood of the undead behemoth, you have fallen!"

   "You, an evil existence, have been hiding in the high tower of wizards. No wonder your clan wants to target the once martial emperor. It turns out that you have already studied the undead behemoth to this extent!"

  The angels have always been the strongest fighters on the front line, and they have the highest research on undead behemoths, but no one thought that among them, rebels would dare to do such a taboo thing.

   Black feather angel leader Grace, who turned out to be a prince of the dynasty at that time, said in a cold voice: "There is no righteous and evil in power! We are the strongest!"

   A war broke out.

   At first, the feather snake clan was lost.

   However, with the addition of the Red Wing Angel and Ant Dragon, the other two angel species, the Angel Kingdom has been in decline.

  Even, some of the white feather angels also cursed that this was a conspiracy. They secretly calculated and instigated the white feather angels to abandon the king, so they began to help encircle and suppress those black feather angels who had been making waves in secret.

   "They drove the Empress Lianna, this is a conspiracy, we want to avenge the emperor!"

   "They instigated us and persecuted our king." An old white feather angel said angrily.

   Countless people growled.

However, this black feather angel saw that his identity was revealed. Facing the encirclement and suppression of all races, he sneered and said: "Although I have been exposed, I am not afraid of you at all. I think you can really destroy us? Already invincible, the future of this world will be ruled by us!"

   This is a careerist, trying to rule all races in the world.

   A large number of black feather angels rushed to a toilet single room in a certain world, plunged into the huge circular underground black magic abyss, and splashed countless water splashes.

   After all, I used to be a duck, so I can dive naturally, combined with the food habits of cockroaches...

   "We've found out a long time ago, inside this pool of water, extending in all directions! It connects all parts of the world, and there is a lot of food in it!" said a black winged angel:

   "This is a prehistoric existence, giving us a huge gift of food!"

   At this point, **** has appeared.

   This is also the characteristic of developing the architectural structure of the entire building to the extreme.

   Even the toilet pipes are being used.


   "Kill them!"


   "They walked out of the cave!"

   "For the empire, for the witch! For the tower!"

   Soon, countless dark creatures walked out of the holes in the toilets in the depths of **** and attacked humans everywhere.

   There are countless kingdom soldiers, witches, and dispatched soldiers stationed in the circular abyss magic pond in every place to prevent the magic world from attacking the entire land.

   A piece of news came.

   "Hateful! All over the world, there are magic caves extending in all directions!"

   "How long did they develop in secret? If not completely exposed..." "That's a dungeon! There are countless evil creatures inside!"

   "We must send troops to garrison!"

"It is said that these **** pipes extending in all directions are connected to the deepest bottom, which is the evil dark pool of pitch-black hell! The ruling city of black-winged angels is extremely vast, sitting on countless black swamp silt, right in ours The bottom floor!" They exaggeratedly described the septic tank in this building.

   "They have already been in ancient times, and they have developed there. I don't know how deep the background is! We only discovered it by accident now!"


   Times are breaking out.

   However, when Yudura heard the news, he was surprised in the tower, but he ignored him and continued to study.

   She just ran into Qin Hong again by accident and talked about it.

   "The war broke out, and the gods and demons appeared again."

   "God has a huge ability ~ to enlarge himself countless times and fly in the sky."

   Giant Spirit God?

   Qin Hong thought of this word immediately after hearing it, and was surprised. This is indeed the age of mythology!

   is unimaginable.

   How can a normal person expand wildly?

   These muscles, bones, and skin are impossible to do.

   However, Yudura said something that surprised her even more:

   "And the demon occupies the demon world, the demon world has channels extending in all directions, connecting the circular space-time gaps around the world to attack!"

   "The Hell Demon Realm is full of foul smell, stained water, broken internal organs, and condensed bright red tissues. In the interweaving of yellow and brown, it is full of horror and evil."

   Qin Hong became more shocked after hearing this.

   The opponent is in an extraordinary world of prehistoric myths!

   That is the description of Western hell, the same as what I have seen in mythological allusions!

  The demon lives in the demon world, lives in the ancient demon city, and constantly attacks everywhere through the tunnels that open everywhere.

   "It's a mythical world that people look forward to." Qin Hong admired that it was a real prehistoric myth. "I don't know how much time has passed since the era I went before?"

   "Fortunately, I didn't expect such a war to break out." Yudura also felt that those tunnels were too weird.

   "By the way, are you going to enter this life?" Qin Hong said.

   Yudura nodded, "I don't have time to manage the war outside. I have to solve this life trial and take a sigh of relief before I have the energy and time to pay attention to the outside world."

  Udura took a deep breath, said goodbye to Qin Hong, brought his new species, and secretly said, "I don't know, what kind of world?"


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