My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 78: Travel through ancient myths and epics!

   "We crossed?"

   "What kind of a mythical and extraordinary world is this."

   The two black-clothed white bodyguards, who had been rigorously trained, were extremely calm when encountering unexpected events, but at this time they were directly frightened and stuck in place.

   "It's so beautiful, this picture." Nasika had always believed that there was a prehistoric civilization.

   But the flying sky and escape are absolutely exaggerated by the ancient humans, and now, the ancient myth has completely disappeared.

   But now, Nasika feels that her whole worldview has collapsed.


   In the sky, a majestic angel with white feathers holding a long sword slowly flew by.

  ? ? ?

   They stood at the gate of the city, their eyes widened suddenly.

   "That's an angel."

   The moment everyone saw the angel, the whole person was not calm.

   Although, they didn't even know that it was a duck man made by Qin Hong based on his own chaos some time ago.


   A giant dragon flew by, some of them are different, with wolf head, snake scales, duck wings, chicken feet, like a deformed ancestor dragon with underdevelopment...

   "Oh! My God! Dragon! It turned out to be a giant dragon!"

  Professor Nasika, this knowledgeable scholar, had a huge impact on his worldview.

   is different from Jiang Yu and Li Yi from the Eastern Continent. She feels more shocked than the two of them.

   This is their mythical civilization!

   This is their belief!

   These are our mythical ancestors, right?

   "You really didn't lie to us." She concluded: "We passed through a wormhole in the distant time and space, and temporarily came to a mysterious ancient mythical city!"

  No, everyone, you just came to my residential building in the ruins of the earth.

   Fu Qingjun observes from a distance.

   At the same time, they didn't seem to realize that they were getting smaller, thinking they were normal body shapes.

  Of course, Yudura is quite cunning and doesn't say anything.

   She is observing in secret, crazily trying to obtain information, and even want to know about her civilization and its footprint in history, so as to know her future destiny.

  Nashika was very intoxicated, "Our god, has appeared here! Even if it is an unknown ancient environment, a mirage, from the ancient to the modern, it is also satisfying!"

   "It's a pity, for safety, I didn't bring my son in..."

   She even saw the iconic deity of Maya civilization-Quetzalcoatl.

   The huge and most brilliant gorgeous feather coat, beautiful and elegant serpentine, floats in mid-air, passing directly over their heads.


   She, a serious historian, raised her head, flushed with excitement, reading the historical records in her impression,

   "In ancient Mayan mythology, the Quetzalcoatl is called the epic that holds the position of the sun god! He is in charge of life, harvest, culture, wind and rain!"

   Her voice fell off.

Jiang Yu beside    was a little confused, "I know that historical myths are all deified. Angels are demihumans with wings, and Quetzalcoatl is a wise snake with wings..."

"You said that you are in charge of life, harvest, and culture. I can understand it. This can be understood as a certain power and position in a kingdom... But wind and rain?" Jiang Yu couldn't help but said, "This wind and rain is a bit outrageous. Right?"

   When a few people think, the same is true.

   This is unreasonable in their understanding and cannot be explained.

   But they just finished speaking.


   High in the sky, the giant feather snake **** suddenly opened his mouth.

   The howling wind surged and swept the streets.

   Then a large amount of fine rainwater spouted from its mouth and turned into a huge rain curtain.

   "Wind, rain?" Jiang Yu was completely dumbfounded.

   And something even stranger happened.

   The feather snake **** sprayed out the wind and rain, quickly became smaller, and then flew away.

   "The ancients really didn't lie to us."

   Nasika was completely excited, and was watching with a few ghosts around him, and said to Li Yi, who was controlling his body: "Hurry up and ask the witch next to him about this feathered snake god."

   Li Yi nodded and asked the witch next to him who was in charge of taking him around.


The witch said, "This great race is indeed responsible for rainfall and watering the soil. After all, our land is full of special plants cultivated by witches, even some potions, and is developing witch pharmacy... We also need water to live."

  Plant is the first task Fu Qingjun gave Udula some time ago.

   "However, the sinister Demon Realm over the years has occupied the position of the water source, controlled the spring water source of the entire world, and even polluted it. We had a very difficult life..."

   "Every front-line war, we are robbing water, and the feathered snake **** is a water transporter."

   Several people were shocked.

  Those people in the devil world are really cunning, and they even opened and established invasion tunnels in water sources everywhere.

Jiang Yu thought for a while, exclaimed, and said earnestly: "The art of war is clear: do not move the soldiers and horses, the food and grass go first! Cut off its water source, this is indeed a wonderful art of war, which shows that civilization has developed to a very high level. Civilized war is very exciting."

  Nashika also agrees that attacking its water source is too detrimental.

  As a historian, she really hopes to see the Demon Realm, see the Demon Insects inside, the dark, stinky, and extremely filthy world in the legend.

   It's just that they are not allowed to leave this city, and it is even more impossible to go to the front line.

   "It's amazing, this land seems to have entered a foreign world."

  Walking on the street, Jiang Yu said: "Professor Nasika, how much do you understand the ancient Mayan mythology?"

  Nashika shook her head and said, "This has overturned my three views! Maya civilization is a very remote prehistoric civilization, and now there are only clues, and I don't know anything about that mythical age."

   They chatted while observing the world.

   And under the introduction of the witch next to him, I understood the background of this era. Now, it is the era after the arrival of the three great gods and the era after the Great Flood. There are ruins everywhere, and the inheritance is broken.

   is re-developing at this time, and the level of civilization is actually not very high.

   "Prehistoric flood!" Nasika naturally knew this timeline division.

   "However, in the ruins, there are many ancient ruins, prehistoric artifacts, which we cannot resolve." Under the leadership of a witch, they saw a huge mobile phone.

   The screen is lit.

   "What is this?" Several people were surprised.

   A witch said: "Our witch is very sensitive to spiritual power, and vaguely feels that this magical instrument also has a witch-like spiritual aura, constantly emitting certain special energy waves."

Pointing to this mobile phone, another witch said in a deep voice, "According to our research, this may be a corpse of a prehistoric witch! It has broken through the existence of the fourth realm! Even if it is a dead body, it continues to emit energy waves! "

   "I think so too."

   Li Yi walked back and forth, holding several of his babies, wrapped in wet wipes, and said solemnly:

   "I think this is not a witch's corpse, but it must be a square and square ancient coffin. When the coffin is lit, there is a naked and charming beauty mural, which must be a picture of a prehistoric witch!"

   Li Yi quickly asked how many people in his body think?

  Nashika is not proficient in martial arts, but her words are obviously more reliable than Li Yi, who is muscular and brainy. She tried to think: "I think this is not an ancient coffin, but a huge magic weapon!"

   "It was left by a prehistoric strong man. As we all know, it is like a grandmaster with a famous sword and a famous knife. He will accompany him throughout his life. The spirit and spirit will gradually become magical, with the spirit and spirit attached to it!"

   She believes that this is a weapon used by prehistoric powerful men to attack others.

Hardening day and night, injecting energy and spirit, eating and drinking Lhasa never leave, even if you lose the owner, it will contain the spirit and energy of the owner. If you are in the arena, you will be listed on the map of hundreds of soldiers and the list of artifacts. Ranked among the best.

   Jiang Yu: "..."

   Energy wave?

   She vaguely felt that this was a personal telephone and radio transmitter from the pre-Flood history.

   It can be seen that the prehistoric civilization is extremely powerful!

   Not only individual power can be against the sky, but also in the age of mechanical technology is countless times stronger than them.

   After all, military equipment has always been ahead of civilian use for decades. In their current era, military radios have become popular. Otherwise, how to communicate with aircraft, artillery, and ships?

   It’s just that the folk radio is not there yet.

   The witch smiled slightly and said, "I hope you can study with us and save our time!"

   All of a sudden, the eyes of a few people were bright red, and they looked forward to the shocking study.

   Jiang Yu said excitedly: "You don't need to find someone, just cut it out, I feel like it's machinery, I just studied mechanical engineering."

   The journey of this different world, I don’t know how exciting it is.

   It's a pity, how many days will it last?

  Professor Nasika also knew that this was his spiritual misunderstanding, and couldn't help but smile, "I will leave it to you. I will study the history and myths here."

   But, now there is only one body, Li Yi is manipulating it, and other people are watching. It is more troublesome to research.

   "Can you perform a repetition of the summoning ceremony?" Li Yi tentatively pleaded, hoping to tell the ancestor of the witch, Yudura, whose world is close to the prestige of the gods.

   "Yes." Yudura issued an order and said: "As long as you can contribute to our civilization! If you can, study the fourth prehistoric level!"

   Soon, Jiang Yu gained a body.

   And Nasika is a historian, and there are a few bodyguards who have not obtained any body, so they can only stay with Li Yi.

   But Li Yi had nothing to accompanied Professor Narcica, walking around the city, observing the Witch’s Tower, and even the mercenary union, "Oh my God! What a delicacy this is!"

   They were holding sparkling drinks.

   Then he began to study the ancient stone slabs, and Nasika said seriously: "Sure enough, the allusion of God descending for three days is also present here, and the details are unimaginable."

   "In other words, God came down for three days and gave life, knowledge, and wisdom to people on the earth....Is the world really created by God?"

  Nashika bypassed all this.

   She knows her mission, she is only proficient in history.

   "Before I was asked to study ancient documents, I tried to find a breakthrough method for the ancient fourth realm!"

Nasika said: "And here, there are more perfect ancient documents, such as the record of the **** of wisdom descending on the earth, the **** of Jiaxia, the reincarnation of the mortal...the breakthrough of the fourth realm, such as contained in his life In the track."

   She also felt strange.

  The God of Wisdom, why has he been stuck in the third realm, waiting for others to kill him?

  Obviously once the fourth realm is exposed, no one dares to do it.

   She was puzzled, "Is it possible to kill Jiaxia... Is this allusion true?"

   "The **** of wisdom is really implying the common people, killing himself, in order to kill the **** in the heart? This is a certain deep meaning, containing the possibility of breaking through the fourth realm before he leaves this world?"

   This is the God of Wisdom. It is necessary to tell the creatures on the earth that the way to break through is to hide it.

   She continued to research, combined with advanced historical data, and the research of bio-explorers, vaguely grasped a possibility, the possibility of the fourth realm.

   "What Jiaxia wants to tell us, maybe this is it!" She was suddenly inspired.


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