My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 86: The era is ruined, one song is shocked

   The king Nas in the distance was trembling.

   A blockbuster witch died, and countless knights fell in a pool of blood.

   The whole world seems to have turned into blood, wailing, pain, roar, shouting, mixed together, forming an ocean of disasters.

   Hundreds of millions of creatures are being invaded by the demon world, and the earth is full of catastrophes, and no one can be spared.

   "The chaos of war is not granted by me, what I grant them is life."

   "However, when this world has life, there is war."

   "The era... is suddenly destroyed. Whoever takes the advantage of the fourth realm first will rule the world." Fu Qingjun walked on the earth quietly, looking silent, watching the people who fled quietly.

   He squatted slightly, stroking a child’s rattle-like toy on the ground, stained with blood donation.

   just feels extremely heavy.

   The general trend of the world, the torrent of history, the iterative development of myth and civilization...

   The fourth realm appears, and it is bound to change. This is expected.

   Even the appearance of the Fourth Realm is the true opening of all civilizations, from ordinary civilization into the extraordinary century, into the real mythical era.

   And this rapid development, for Fu Qingjun, only came to this World War II world for more than 20 days.

   Is the mythical and epic civilization of insects?

   "Everything in the world has its own gains and losses... Yudura chooses to be the cornerstone of civilization. As the foundation of the witch system, you have to give up your individual strength."

   Fu Qingjun stood on the balcony of the building, facing the sunset outside the sky window, overlooking the land of the inner living room, the bustling city collapsed,

   "As a cornerstone, people may be trampled underfoot, enslaved and imprisoned..."

   "But, if no one wants to be the cornerstone of civilization, how to build tall buildings?"

   He smiled and walked on one step at a time.



far away.

   The little people in several eras are still struggling.

   "It's hard to win this war!"

  Professor Nasika looked low, "We don't know where Emperor Lianna is. Secondly, our time is too tight. We can't find it in a short time, and the battle has already been lost."

   Lianna the Great, absolutely knows that the capital has changed.

   is coming.

   It's just that, if she can't successfully dock with these "tentacles" of them and deliver the blood of the gods to her, once she approaches as the third realm, she will be detected by the ruling layer of the demon world and killed directly.

   has almost no solution.

   Because it was too luck to meet.

   "We swallow God's blood, is it useful?" Jiang Yu said very directly, with a sharp expression.

   Survival in troubled times will be extremely difficult.

   Jiang Yang frowned, "No, I feel jerky. This is not the real world. Perhaps the prehistoric spiritual illusion allows us to witness prehistoric history."

   Even though he is confident that his combat power is invincible at the same level, he has only swept through the various corrupt sects, but he is not sure that he can use his martial arts with this body, and can use the borrowed mortal body to challenge a true god!

   "If you turn over, hope is slim."

   Professor Narcica's voice is very cold.

   "Yes, the Mayan civilization will inevitably decline. The ancestor of Udula was imprisoned, and the civilization disappeared in the dust of distant history." Jiang Yang also said: "I can't find any inventory."

   "Take a step back and say, even if the Empress Lianna is allowed to come over and break through with the blood of the gods, can she defeat it? Hope is very slim! Unless it is extremely instant, join forces with the current powers!"

   Everyone knows that this is unrealistic.

   Whatever you think, there is no possibility of a turnaround.

   "Is history really irreversible?" Professor Nasika fell into a long silence.

   "No, there is another way." Jiang Yang said calmly.

"any solution?"

   "Since we must be defeated, then we will not save it." Jiang Yang said: "We take the blood of the gods to break the fourth stage, release on this land with the breath of the son of Udula, and boldly search for Lianna!"

Jiang Yu was puzzled, "After serving the blood of God, you can indeed have invincible force. Find Liana in the war-torn land. Liana will follow the breath of Udula... how is it?"

   "We didn't plan to use it for Lianna."

   Jiang Yang said: "As the fourth realm, we escorted Emperor Lianna to flee and leave this world. She led her people to rebuild Maya civilization. With her qualifications, she would inevitably break the gods again and come back to save this land."

   Everyone was stunned.

   This is a wild idea, it can be described as bold!

  Since the king city cannot be saved, the ancestor of the true **** cannot be saved, then **** the other great emperors out...

   That is the fire of civilization!

   At this time, Udula was covering their minds, and suddenly she was stunned: "..."

   Is this going to abandon yourself?

   But she was silent for a while and said nothing. This is the best rational choice.

   "Then, it's so decided." Jiang Yang said: "I'll take the blood of the gods to break the fourth stage, do you disagree?"

   The knight next to him hesitated to speak but stopped.

   But it's not easy to say anything, after all, the port that Li Yi entered is on Li Yi, and he can kick them out at any time.

   "Then I will start taking the blood of God..." Jiang Yang was about to speak.

   Suddenly, the sky flickered.


   In a remote area, a fourth-level existence broke through, and with the breath of Udurah, appeared on this disaster and **** battlefield.

   "Who, ran away from the four sacred blood troops, left in four directions, and everyone else thought the same as us?" Jiang Yu was surprised.

   This is the same as their plan to release the breath. With the power of the fourth realm, the breath of the ancestor of the witch attracts Emperor Lianna, and then **** her away?

  Professor Nasika frowned, "No, it's not like this at all, the big thing is not good!"

   "Huh?" Li Yi was at a loss.

   Jiang Yang also said: "They are Yudula's cronies. Since they can be allowed to perform the mission of the blood of God, they will definitely not give up their **** like this..."

   "They are dead men, how could they abandon their master and flee with Lianna?"

   "It's only possible that these few confidants have internal traitors, and they used God's blood without authorization to draw out Emperor Lianna and kill him."

  A rape?

   Everyone's heart sank.

   The news of the fourth realm, only a few people know.

   But the Demon Realm has broken through, and the high level of the Witch Kingdom has also been infiltrated...

   After all, the opponent is already familiar with the road. Before, the Empress Lianna was secretly promoted by the high-level spies of the Angel Dynasty, and was relegated to the throne by her clan...

   Repeat the old technique!

   Even if there is no fight, the hidden overlord of the demon world can be called a generation of heroes!

  Nasika History Professor analyzed: "Then, even this only way of life is a dead end! According to the development of the matter, Lianna the Great, who came to rescue, was also ambushed and must be destroyed!"

   Yudura, who is observing in the spirit, is also desperate in his heart.

   I have been too slack over the years. I have been studying in the Witch Tower, but have neglected the demon civilization that has been hiding deeply.

   "Things are worse than expected."

   Jiang Yang said: "Our only way, we can only break through at the same time, rush to the other side, kill the fourth stage, and pick up Emperor Lianna."

   "The same is the fourth stage, and you are a borrowed body, are you sure?" Professor Nasika was worried.

   "If I master other bodies, I may not be an opponent, but I master Quetzalcoatl.... Ordinary genius, it is difficult to be my opponent in the same realm."

   Jiang Yang's expression was cold, "Queen Serpent God, in my opinion, they haven't even played one percent of their strength."

   He started to use the blood of God, closing his eyes and resting.

   step on..

   Step on!

   But at this moment, there was the sound of footsteps in the distance.

   "You, die here, too." A group of evil angels came, and the people who took the lead.

   Everyone's complexion changed slightly, very ugly.

   Sure enough, there was an insider. They fled secretly with the blood of God in all directions, and even the direction of their departure was leaked...Someone was chased and killed.

   All this is already a serial trap.

   The secret methods of the Yudura Witch have also been seen through by the enemy.

   "Miss and Master, you go first." Li Yi was silent for a moment, and brought his descendants to stand up, many great masters.

   "The Knights of the Nassar Witch Come Out!"

  He is calling.

   Countless people jumped from Quetzalcoatl.

   "This is, your children and offspring..." Jiang Yu was silent.

   "The rivers and lakes are still there, right?"

   Li Yi suddenly made such inexplicable words.

   This tall and mighty muscular weightlifter is already full of face, "Jianghu, still..."

   Jiang Yu stared blankly at the guard who had been protecting him since he was a child. This mighty man with a fierce appearance and a soft heart had never seen him look like this.

   Big brother Jiang Yang is a martial arts genius, but he gave up martial arts and promoted science and technology.

   Jiang Yu has been smart since she was a child, but she was not even willing to learn martial arts, wasting a lot of energy in it, and started to learn mechanical craftsmanship.

This has broken the heart of Li Yi, who grew up with them, but this fierce, passionate and heroic man taught the two children to become stronger by martial arts, but never said that he was depressed, but just silently guarding the side. .

   "Miao Yongtang has a lineage, loyal to generations."

   Li Yi took up his walking stick and put on the wizard's cloak, "Our family once swears to the Guizhou Miao family that as long as we are still a day, we will always be their iron shield."

   "Now, our Knights of the Nassar Witch is also the iron shield of the Witch Empire."

   "I will guard your stay, and they will guard the empire without conflict."

   Li Yi looked at these tough-faced witches and knights. He was completely different from other witches. He did not regard his descendants as guards and tools, but as real family members.

   "Miss, Master." Li Yi moaned his lips, "I never begged you."

   "You said..." Jiang Yu was silent.

   "Please save the people in this civilization."

   Li Yi strode away with the knights behind him, and walked forward to meet the enemy.

   Jiang Yu wailed his lips, trying to say that he couldn't save him at all, and he had already protected himself...


   He raised his arm, raised a wizard parasitic beast stick in one hand, and walked closer to the witch’s route.

   "My fellow is from Guizhou, Li Yi from Miao Family Miao Yongtang! A good sledgehammer wields horrible wind!"

   "Do you still want to struggle? It's ridiculous." The opposite black feather angel said lightly.


   "Don't underestimate the justice in my heart!"

   But the next second, she was smashed and flew out instantly.

   "You?? How could it be...!??" A surprised and angry voice came from behind.



  Professor Nasika and others did not stop, and the Quetzalcoatl under the control of Duke Morton quickly left.

   Jiang Yang did not move, still accumulating strength on the back of the snake.

   Time passed, and the feather snake moved quickly.

   along the way, I crossed countless streets.

   They saw countless demons, with serrated sickles, walking on the eaves, harvesting the common people of the earth, the earth was stained with corpses, and the streets were full of broken limbs and broken arms.

   A child sobbed, crying in the crowd, lying on the ground, eyes closed.

   Jiang Yu couldn't see it anymore, and directly connected the child to the back of Quetzalcoatl, "Why did you close your eyes and never run away?"

   The child howled and cried, "Mom told me to hurry up and fall asleep on the bed, so that it won’t hurt when I die... But Yar just couldn’t sleep and was kicked off the bed."

   Feathered Serpent God saved people, and countless people were shouting, "Your Royal Highness Feathered Serpent, please save us!"

   However, he can only ignore it, Quetzalcoatl hurriedly speeding through the chaotic streets, running rampant.

   "Even in a matrilineal society, a female emperor can multiply countless heirs, commoners, and knights...There are more than one hundred thousand witches in the world, ruling hundreds of millions of people, but the people are like weeds and they are too cruel." Professor Nasika was silent.

   lives in the war era, but the chaos here still silences them.

   "Jiang Yu, you always have a machine to help me make this thing." Jiang Yang described a weapon shape.

   "Also, you guys start to use everything to make earmuffs and try to plug your ears."

   speeding all the way.

   They crossed the battlefield of countless wailing, and went straight to the place where the breath broke out.

   came to the same place, but I didn't expect to be a step late.

  The Great Emperor Lianna has been attracted to him. In front of him is a witch minister who has seen him in the palace. He has taken the blood of God himself and broke through the fourth stage.

   Lianna the Great has a low face, "You are spies, trick me with your breath?"

   "Three Fourth Realms..."

   Jiang Yu's expression also changed drastically, "They have intercepted and killed those troops, and stolen the blood of His Royal Highness Yudura, but let their own people break through three, how to fight?

   Jiang Yu thought of Li Yi just now and was completely silent.

   The defeat is set.

"It's okay." At this time, Jiang Yang also opened his eyes, with an unimaginable courage, "Three, really are the worst expected... But I have entered the fourth stage, although it is temporary. The blood of God is already for the sake of the world of our world, opened the fairy gate, and saw the fourth realm of hope."

   Have slipped through the net?

   Someone has taken the blood of God and broke through the fourth stage?

   In front of him, three masters of the fourth **** realm, killing Man Yan.

   But the blood of the gods is gone, and the most threatening Emperor Lianna can't break through the fourth stage. How about this person's breakthrough, it's just a dying struggle.

   "You take Lianna the Great to leave, I'm all alone."

   Jiang Yang stepped off the back of the feather snake god, and said lightly: "In our world, there used to be such a master, he was an actor, walks the rivers and lakes, and one person can block a thousand troops."

   "Everyone says that he has a sea mouth, and some people say that he sang the song of death..."

   "Although I don't know what I have learned, I have also asked that senior to teach him the faculty of his school. Although outsiders practice, they will be mentally shocked and disintegrate, hurting myself and then hurting others..."

   "That year, he was defeated, and the world said that the rivers and lakes were gone. Today, I am one person against one country, and maybe... still here."

Jiang Yang said, his whole body quickly inhaled, swelled, and turned into a giant feather snake god, floating in the air, took out a special suona, and blew his musical instrument, "One person is the river and lake, and the heroic intention blocks the army. , I will give it a try."

   "A song of liver and intestines are broken, where to find a friend in the world."

   For a time, the whole earth shook, and ghosts and gods were shocked.


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