My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 88: Ancient regret

   "Return to the embrace of the origin of all things."

   Fu Qingjun smiled.

   At that time, the dynasty of the Golden Pagoda of the Sun was destroyed, he absorbed the gods and demons, and the whole person experienced violent transformation.

  In front of us, the wizarding civilization will also form a huge disaster, which can absorb their dead souls,

   is like planting seeds, growing fruits and returning.

   Fu Qingjun does not pay attention to this demon world disaster, who wins and loses in the dark and turbulent war, even if he is ruled by the evil, why does he do it?

   To myself, they are all ants...

   belongs to the dimension of ant civilization...

   Give life to themselves, no matter what the process they go through, they are only responsible for recycling in the end.

   This is an equivalent exchange.

   Unless it really violates the interests of civilization and hinders the advancement of the ant demon kingdom.

   Fu Qingjun just looked at this piece of earth ruined building quietly, "The third transformation, what will I be like?"

   He keeps absorbing the soul introduction of the fourth realm.


   The battlefield of the earth, race against time.

   "Too much, too much!"

   Looking at the powerful black-winged angels, everyone's hearts can't stop sinking.

   "Huh? This fourth stage did not allow Lianna to break through, but you?"

A ruling-level dark angel finally arrived, with cold eyes, stepping from the air step by step, extremely steady, "My name is You Xi, I don’t know what happened, but you can kill the other fourth realm, it’s amazing. Was it a sonic attack?"

   Jiang Yang remained silent, faltering.

   "No matter how strong it is, it can't stop the siege."

   You Xi laughed, cruelly,

"I like you a **** powerhouse! They use blood and bones to interpret the indomitability and tenacity. I just killed hundreds of people like you. You are the only one who can kill all the way here. Not ordinary people can. It can be done."

   "But for what?" You Xi asked, tilting his head.

   "For the rivers and lakes." Jiang Yang said.

   "Jianghu, what is that?" You Xi puzzled, "It is for the common people of this world. I want to carry through your heart. Even if you die, it will be remembered by the eternal future generations?"

   will be remembered by future generations?

   No, I remember it myself.

   I am...

  Humanity after eternal years!

   Jiang Yang's consciousness has been completely tranced.

   He no longer knows if this is a dream of a distant prehistoric illusion...

   But I did gain a lot.

  The excavation of the fourth realm and the gift of prehistoric civilization myths gave the entire rivers and lakes of my own era a brand new future.

  Since these martyrs have changed the fate of our descendants, they have also tried to change the tragedy of ancient times. Even a dream is worth doing.

   "Let's go, only the last part of the road is left, I'll stop them, this elite unit." Jiang Yang's voice was hoarse, his sentence was short, but he appeared sonorous and powerful.

"let's go."

   Looking at the figure standing in front of him, Professor Nasika yelled, "It's close at hand, although there is no protection from the fourth realm, the rest is the battle of the same realm, we have to fight a **** way."

   "Chong!" Jiang Yu waved a big flag and shouted on the front section of Quetzalcoatl's train.

   Boom! !

   The train behind him began to move at high speed, carrying strong and witch survivors from various countries, young hope, all fighting behind him.

   The Duke of Morton also joined the fight, bathed in blood.

   He was already middle-aged, far inferior to Jiang Yang, a grandmaster genius who came out every few hundred years, not to mention that he was only a third-level grandmaster at this time, not much taller than the other powerhouses next to him.


   "You are a respectable great emperor. Although I don't know why you didn't show up before, but death in battle is the best home." In the distance, the opponent shouted loudly, "I will send you on the road."

  The radiance is so bright, and a lot of magic tricks come out.

   The blood was blooming, Jiang Yang was already exhausted, the oil ran out, the blood ran out, most of his body was broken, and the organs were all broken down, but he stood upright.

   The train is flying far away, and many people on it can’t help but choke.

   "This is very much like that ancient emperor who once lonely suppressed the dark forbidden areas everywhere. Although he could not suppress the collapse of the present world, he carried everything on his shoulders and pulled a ray of life for the common people!"

   saved the race and stood up recklessly at the last moment. He was a hero.

Second floor.


   "Continue down."

   "Don't talk about victory, just saving a trace of civilization is already so difficult."

   "Civilization has been invaded, run away, children, as long as you are still alive, there is hope!"

   Countless people growled.

  The more you go down, the closer you get to the Abyss Demon Realm, and a large number of fallen angels gush out.

   Countless people are fighting, blazing a trail of blood, blood is blooming, and the ground is stained with a magnificent tragic song.

   The Duke of Morton also fell.

   Even if the realm of Lianna the Great is unfathomable, he still feels unbearable. There are too many and too many, and he has been besieged, and his whole body is covered with blood.

   Finally, I came to the first floor of the tower, with the door in front of my eyes.

   There is endless light ahead, it is the dusk of the night, but it means hope.


   Looking back, almost all of the feather snake gods who could fight have been killed, and only some young descendants and clansmen remain.

"Let's go."

  The Great Emperor Lianna was silent for a while, walked out of the unit building, and stepped into the mist with the only common people, and said firmly:

   "I will come back again."

woo woo woo woo!

  Countless people are crying.

   Someone recorded this scene in a mural of eternal history:

   Countless survivors wailed, and a train came out of the tower and penetrated into the depths of the white mist.


   Soon, the surviving Nasika and Jiang Yu split into two groups.

Nasika chose to stay in the ruins, waiting to observe the destruction of the Mayan civilization. Crazy she was already ready to die, and she had to record the last epic tragedy of Jiang Yu followed Lianna stepped into the unknown prehistoric white fog and headed for the distant future.

   left the building and stepped into the white mist.

   A feather snake **** did not fly, wandering alone on the ground, drifting away, constantly frantically tired, Jiang Yu getting tired.

   Her consciousness is also gradually blurred, as if the soul is gradually leaving and returning to reality, and the surroundings gradually become fragmented and fragmented.

  , suddenly came the voice of Emperor Lianna, but he couldn't hear him clearly.

   She was in a trance, and her surroundings were cracking, like a broken mirror falling on the ground.

   She slowly opened her eyes again, looking at the extremely real ceiling of the vehicle, tears in her eyes,

   "Is this really a distant dream?"

   "My consciousness really passed through the wormhole of time and space temporarily!"

  Perhaps, they seem to have changed everything, but in fact, what they see is only the remnants of history, the mirage, the real history has not changed, and Lianna has not been sent out, and is dead in history.

   We are all the dust of history.

   When seeing the weight of history, the girl only felt a deep sense of powerlessness that was bound by fate, and she almost couldn't breathe.

   woo woo woo.

Next to   , Li Yi was crying, whimpering and sobbing outside the car. This strong and mighty tall man was crying like a little girl at this time.

   Several people next to each other also woke up one after another, their eyes were red, and they looked at each other speechlessly.

   This seems to have made a heroic and long epic dream, the civilization in the mist, the characters who stand in front of them are filled with heroism and heroic tragic songs.

   "Praise the nameless existence, let us travel through the ancient years before history."


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