My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 90: The origin of the world is an indescribable giant

boom! !

A weird and transparent spirit rose to the sky.

In the ruins, the spirits of the only remaining angels and witches from the war were shocked, and they saw a scene that they will never forget:


He stood at the huge square entrance of the tower, facing the evening light outside, obliquely shooting down a faint shadow of huge black fog, covering a full four witch towns on the earth.

The divine light lingers, like a miracle, like the only true **** in the sky and the earth.

"The body shape goes straight through the clouds..."

"The great **** who created all life!"

The world seemed silent for a moment, even Professor Nasika's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it and looked at the distorted tall figure in the sky.

Fu Qingjun didn't care about the ants on the ground at all. He was used to the desk at the beginning. He walked through the guard room, looked calm, step by step, and slowly went upstairs and calmly said:

"Return the souls of the dead."

"Then, go back to my room and find the phone to take back..."

"For my third transformation, the entrance to the world tunnel finally got a big fist. It should be able to pass... Bring back my phone. I don't have to be so bored every day."

As a modern person, he is thoroughly aware of how painful it is without mobile phones and the Internet.

The network is difficult to solve, so get your own mobile phone first.

The mobile phone will also become a powerful tool for organizing a lot of gang information. Modern smart phones can far beat the super-cumbersome computers during World War II.

Yes, it is said that in that terrible technological country, not only robots have appeared, but electronic computers have already appeared.

Perhaps looking at it now, instead of being in the past World War II period, it is better to say that the World War II period in this world is only a hundred years late.


Fu Qingjun's black hair was flying in the sky coldly, as if an endless whip was flapping in the void, shuttled through the mist, sucking the soul mist that filled the room.

The wind swept across.

The huge distorted shadow is like a vortex of the world transformed into an endless starry sky.

A lot of souls are returning.


far away.

The figure of a feathered snake stands tall.

His whole body was broken and stained with blood, but he was holding a golden flower bone weapon with his arms drooping.

"The strong are always worthy of respect."

You Xi, a powerful black-winged angel witch, stood in front of the figure, still admiring her eyes.

This incredible man actually dragged their footsteps abruptly, stopped a large number of troops who had arrived, and delayed time for the feathered snake **** train, and even let the opponent escape from his life.

Although it was the fourth stage, it was eventually killed by them.

Suddenly, she seemed to sense something, looking at the vast giant god, who was stepping up the stairs step by step.

"Our world... is returning to chaos!?"

There was an uncontrollable shock on her face, "Our world seems to be collapsing, becoming a homecoming point!!"

In the distance, the black-winged angel guards, a group of core powerhouses are dumbfounded,

The advent of that existence seems to break through the world barrier and pull the surroundings into another dimension. The world is distorting, time and space are winding, like turning into a black hole, chaosing the entire world.

Yes it is.

They were horrified to find that the world was turning into chaos.

The whole world is distorted, and tall buildings, towers, corpses, including themselves, are all bending and turning into a multicolored starry sky vortex, like the masterpiece of an abstract artist, sinking into an endless sea of ​​stars.

But that is not a real distortion of the world, but a huge spiritual illusion produced by Fu Qingjun's huge soul far surpassing them, and the majestic soul vortex absorbs and pulls their souls!

Just like a huge celestial body, the energy sun is billions of sizes larger than theirs. Its gravitation alone can **** the small stars of the same origin around it, revolve and stretch around itself, and finally return to its embrace.

It is as if the stars are returning to the singularity, reshaping the big bang of the universe.

"No! Don't look at him directly!"

Someone screamed.

Someone yelled in horror, "That is... that is the life-giving **** Amiro! The ancient **** hidden in the void, he walks in countless worlds, and his whole body is composed of endless life, sucking Our return!"

God, don't look directly at it!

This incredible idea broke out in everyone's hearts.

They hurriedly bowed their heads, and retreated one after another, hiding in the broken towers in the building, with their eyes closed, hoping that the huge sight of the unknown world could let them go...

This scene shattered their arrogance. For the first time in their lives, they knew how huge the world is, the world around them, and the humble things in the universe.

Everyone hides in horror.

Fu Qingjun looked calm, and walked up the stairs of the residential building step by step, as if the child who had left home returned to his hometown, his expression was full of nostalgia, "I haven't come back for a long time, and there are moth-eaten ant nests under my feet, and even the stairs are broken. Looks like."

The hair is very light.

But when the number increases, the formation of a huge human body is also very important, and every foot slowly smashes the buildings and towns of the earth ladder.


With the heavy and dull sound of the earthquake, the buildings on the ground were constantly shaking, like a miniature earthquake, erupting in the entire kingdom.

In this heavy, majestic atmosphere of suffocation, no one dared to speak.

Almost everyone stopped, stunned like a statue, looking at the ancient gods waving by the countless round black pillars, and completely left and disappeared step by step.

After a long period of silence, suddenly someone still spoke.

"You, angered the first ancient **** who gave life!" The old white-winged sacred angel became a prisoner, crying loudly, and shed tears of blood.




Professor Nasika hid in the shadows, her pupils dilated, her lips tightly covered, and she couldn't help but follow behind. There was a voice in her heart screaming frantically, "Catch him! Catch him!"

For her, it seemed to have seen the most lofty dream.

The biggest dream.

She is a historian who studies ancient historical mythology and even the remains of Anunnaki's ancient civilization. She has witnessed the strongest and first ancient **** in the description...

"On the first day, Amiro gave life!" She chased and climbed the huge corridor of the sky, and began to mutter the original record in the ancient stone slab in a silent voice.

It was indeed correct to choose to observe the destruction of the entire civilization.

In the destruction of this prehistoric civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago, I saw the creation **** recorded in the first stone slab.

On our planet, in the distant prehistoric years, did there really exist a God of Creation?

She once arched the Anunnaki, and the **** written by "that group of people" who descended from the sky appeared for three days, but she was still unbelievable about the **** who created the world.

But in front of her, she dared to swear that this would be a scene she had never seen in her life in her thirties.

She didn't know what it was.

But she is sure that it is definitely something far beyond the scope of human cognition.

"He, the vast and majestic figure of the giant wriggling mist can't see the specific shape, it is a mass of endlessly expanding and contracting black mist, like the arms and legs of some kind of deep-sea mollusk, stretched softly in an abominable posture. Spikes."

"He, like a huge black dead icy mountain range in the space of countless light years, standing in the distant dark abyss starry sky, eternal existence, staring coldly at this land."

All of this has suffocated her throat, and the most primitive fear was released from the depths of her genes in vain.

"He, don't look directly at him. If you look directly at him for more than three seconds, my soul will start to shake, and for more than five seconds, I will feel it; similar to the physical symptoms of high fever and fever, the soul floats out and returns to his embrace." She kept testing. The degree of gaze, the terrible phenomenon produced.

From this point of view, Professor Nasika is indeed a qualified, keen, and adaptable scientist.

"But, this is the creator who created everything in the world and the stars of the universe, Amiro?"

Professor Nasika looked up at the behemoth as humble and small as a human looking at a lofty mountain, but he was deeply disappointed.

The **** of creation, this is completely different from the **** in my imagination.

Unkind, ominous, incomparably indifferent, with an ancient dead silence, in my own eyes there is even a horrible, morbid, weird, and profound blasphemous atmosphere. It is better to be closer than gods...



This completely subverted her positive perception of the entire deity system.

In the mythology of the earth, the **** of creation is a bright, stalwart, kind, white-haired old man, a strong human man with a giant axe, and a hermaphrodite humanoid...

In any case, it is a human-shaped **** who created mankind.

But her expression suddenly changed.

She has studied too much history, walking in this new continent of America for countless years, studying ancient history.

She knows that most of the myths and histories of the indigenous people in this world are made up by people in the age. Ancient people often use themselves as image templates to create stories and create the lives of gods with their own lives. Therefore, gods are almost in human form and must have eyes. Ear, nose and mouth...

But maybe this is what the real **** looks like?

"Why does he follow the human aesthetic? Human beings are ridiculously small and powerless! Human beings are not even considered bacteria in the entire universe and river system, in front of the stars!"

Will he care for mankind?

Will it be a loving humanoid creature, caring for human beings in line with human aesthetics?

Don't be stinky.

This is the real Primordial God.

She thought for a long time, still couldn't help being excited and fanatical, and suddenly fell to her knees and shouted: "It is not the dead who sleeps forever. In the secret eternal age, even death will pass away."

"Only they live forever."

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