My Hair Can Create a Demon Country

Chapter 93: Building a monument for civilization

Gene bloodline structure is unstable, which is a common defect of species hybridization.

Whether it's the inhumane hybrid witch experiment with white feather angels and cockroaches, the dark angels that appear, or the Udula who has been to the Night Banquet of the Gods and Devils, directly use the soul group to fuse... all know their physical defects.

It is not a real species, but the patchwork of gene clusters is bound to be incomplete.

But in front of me, the finer body arrangement and DNA remodeling here can improve their own defects!

"So that's the case. Civilization is elevated, and civilization has an opportunity for a leap forward?" Grace seemed to understand Amiro's trip to create life for all things.

Because our civilization is out of style.

So the existence in the dark came.

"I've seen this place, isn't it the Night Banquet of Gods and Devils? It's more sophisticated here!" On the other side, Yudura secretly said in his heart, "but here is more detailed, I can see the code of my soul group, which has various instability defects. , You can improve and make yourself a real life completely!"

This is something that the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons does not possess.

Here is the real origin of creation, right?

The man-made venue of the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons is a pirated version of Amiro! Perhaps it was that mysterious, unknown god, modeled after Amiro’s creation.

Although the night banquet looks very simple, it is already very unbelievable.

"The merchant who established the Night Banquet of Gods and Demons is too mysterious. He has the brand of Gods and Demons on his head, trading everything in the world... His goal of establishing this huge organization of God System is very terrible."

She secretly said in her heart: "Perhaps, that mysterious businessman not only mastered the power of time, but also tried to imitate the original rules of the world and the universe, and the laws of the universe involving life..."

She seemed to see a deep mist of mythology, hiding too much horror.

At this time, the two of them didn't say much, constantly sorting out their soul genes, sorting them thoroughly, and constantly modifying the unreasonable and incompatible parts of them to increase the stability of their genes.

In this way, a truly stable and powerful species is formed.

No longer will be due to genetic instability, but as before, there will be various offspring mutations.


When they came back to their senses, the whole land returned to dead silence, everything quietly.

There were ruins of blood everywhere, as if nothing had happened, the monstrous fog of the ancient god, the outer **** of the universe who mastered the life of all things, disappeared without a trace.

It's like a big dream in life.

"Where did that one exist?"

The lord of the demon world, Grace, the king of dark angels, said in surprise.



Fu Qingjun retracted his hair and planned to go downstairs to eat.

He found that the soul's nutrition had just been replenished, and the body was wailing fiercely again, and every cell was emitting a roar of relief from hunger.

"You still have to double energy."

Fu Qingjun tidyed up the recovered hair and covered a large area on the ground. No matter what the huge gain, he would go downstairs to eat first.

He connected the mobile phone to the charger to charge it, and it turned into a charging state. The screen lit up slightly. Although he didn't know that the voltage of this era did not match, he didn't bother to care about it. The battery was damaged.


As he opened the door, his new hair curled up his own delicate hairstyle.

Going downstairs, the street next to it is still the same. Under dusk, there are occasional bicycles passing by, and the vendors on both sides are chatting.

"Hello, Lord Fu."

"Hello, Lord Fu."

They yelled politely.

Fu Qingjun nodded, and walked all the way to the cafeteria. He suddenly turned away the black vehicle in the distance. The place where he had parked before had disappeared.

Where did they go?

Fu Qingjun frowned slightly.

But quickly ignored them. For me, these people were not important at the beginning and didn't care much.

"For them, it should be just a magnificent, short-lived and tragic epic myth. A good dream... Enter my ruined doomsday world for a trip." Fu Qingjun stepped into the canteen, the little speaker, already Posing at the dinner table.



The trumpet was sitting on the chair, holding the chopsticks, knocking on the porcelain bowl clankingly, and shouted in dissatisfaction: "Big brother today, why haven't you come down!"


She was not angry, and from time to time she held the golden suona around her waist and blew it on.

Small speakers have always been the most positive one.

"Don't steal it, wait for Big Brother to come." Bai Yu patiently asked.

"Brother Fu said that he is not actively eating and there is a problem with his brain." The little speaker hummed.

Entering the canteen, Fu Qingjun walked down, sat on the main seat of the dining table, and looked at the suona with a small horn hanging around his waist. Xindao Suona blows to your ears, the destructive power is indeed terrible.

"Let's have dinner, bring today's account book." Fu Qingjun greeted the dusk outside the canteen, doing business routinely.



This is the nearest cemetery garden nearby.

It was already dusk, and the sky looked a little gloomy, and only a few people were scattered here to mourn, worship, and present bouquets.

Jiang Yu has a few people with rich wealth, and in a few hours, he settled a few cemeteries and erected a few stone tablets.

The blade passed, and the tombstones fell one by one, revealing the text.

"The Knights of Nassar Witches-Tomb of Nasir."

"Knights of Nassar Witches-Tomb of Morgana."

Li Yi sculpted it silently.

At the entrance of the cemetery, Jiang Yang and others stood quietly in the distance, calmly.

Jiang Yang and Duke Morton slowly smoked, vomiting mist.

Everyone can understand Li Yi's feelings. This seemingly strong and mighty man is still extremely fragile in his heart. His family who devoted himself to his heart finally chose to live and die with himself, which made him sober and guilty, and painful. I couldn't breathe.

"Maybe they can escape, they can escape from that era, but I took them to death for something very ridiculous."

Li Yi sat in front of the tombstone, drinking heavily, and gently stroking the tombstone.

That battle was already defeated. The earth was reduced to a dark forbidden zone, ruled by the fallen devil, and Emperor Lianna was missing. Jiang Yang said that he had changed history and sent her away, but Jiang Yu said that they had changed only the illusion. In real ancient history, Emperor Lianna had already been ambushed.

"The distant dream, let us witness the myth."

Angels, demons, witches, Quetzalcoatl, dragons...

That bizarre fantasy and epic world.

Li Yi raised his head, and the afterglow of the dusk fell on his face, a little warm, "However, the foggy era in prehistoric times is really a dark period, even the sky is covered with fog, and it is far less clear than ours."

Everyone was silent, Jiang Yang, and even the Duke of Morton who rushed over, the commander of the knight in the fourth theater of the front line, an extremely prestigious man.

They are powerless to change and can only witness the demise of ancient history. A deep loneliness lingers in my heart, that history and era are disappearing, being swallowed, and why not?

The arena is gone.

Everything is about to be replaced by a new era.

They couldn't help but remember the last moment Lianna left, and resolutely went deep into the mist, took up the burden of civilization, and disappeared into the distant prehistoric mist.

"Perhaps, that is hope.... And we saved the hope of prehistoric times. In fact, we also gained hope, enough to change our era." Jiang Yang said earnestly: "The fourth realm, the wormhole in front of us, is This prehistoric dream, the gift of prehistoric gods, to us descendants..."

"Let us temporarily travel through the distant time and space to understand the true meaning of martial arts..."

Everyone was silent before the tombstone.

A withered sunflower in the distance was buried in the soil with a flowerpot, swaying with the evening breeze.

"Hey! Does anyone know that we are in an ordinary cemetery, buried with the myths of prehistoric Mayan civilization, some old people from the past?" Jiang Yu said with a smile.

Suddenly, in the black car in the distance, the last person who fell asleep slowly woke up.

Professor Nasika stood up and looked at the people in front of the cemetery.

Everyone looked at her.

"I hurried back, and at the cost of my life, I recorded the last historical demise of the Mayan civilization." Professor Nasika also looked inexplicable, but the words that were uttered in the next second were shocking and shocked everyone.

Just listen to what she said:

"I saw the arrival of the Primordial True God in the ancient creation slate!"

In the cemetery, everyone was dumbfounded.

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