Bai Lingling's face suddenly became hideous:

"Hundred blows break !!"

Twenty-fifth hit!

This is an unprecedented collision!

Boom -

the entire Lei family base even trembled!

A black fog exploded in the field!

Wind Chimes and Bai Lingling's figure retreated sharply again.

But this time, the wind chimes stopped early, and there was still a little black gas left in the arm.

The blow just now consumed most of the energy.

The rest of this, I don't know, can hold up a few punches.

And Bai Lingling's figure is like a kite with a broken line, flying upside down!

Just as she was about to fly out of the boundary, she came back to her senses and quickly stopped.

The left hand kept covering his right arm, and the right arm was broken!

But, too, it's just broken!

With a hideous expression, she rushed forward again.

With this blow, the wind chimes will invade all the remaining demon qi!

Just break her left arm again and you can win!

Boom -

a hundred blows broke to this point.

The energy of its collision has far exceeded the scope of the sixth order.

Everyone present did not expect it.

Two sixth-order Initial Realm Earth Spirit Masters were able to make such terrifying movements!

If you don't know, you think that these two are all seventh-order imperial spirit masters!

After this blow, Bai Lingling was still the one who retreated more.

However, her left arm was not broken.

Wind Chimes showed a surprised expression, and then, suddenly smiled:

"Oh, is this your limit?"

He felt just now that this was Bai Lingling's 26th hit, but compared with 25 hits, it was no improvement.

That's the limit of her body.

The Bai family's powerful physical arts and spiritual techniques need to be based on the foundation that their own body is strong enough.

Otherwise, it is self-digging.

A hundred blows are broken, and the further back, the greater the increase in the power of each blow, and the peak is a hundred hits.

However, it requires the user's own strength and physical fitness to keep up.

Bai Lingling's current limit is only 25 hits.

She stood in the distance, panting heavily.

His left hand covered his right arm, and his eyes were very unwilling.

Urging the spiritual power in the body, like crazy, rushed up again.

"Hit you! Enough anyway!

She roared and threw her ultimate blow again.

Wind Chimes just smiled and raised his fist.

At this time, the black qi in his arm had disappeared and was consumed.


"I'm 25 too!"

Each punch collides more violently than the energy of the previous punch.

This punch is even more so.

But this punch, the wind chimes did not retreat.

It was Bai Lingling who retreated!

At the same time as she retreated, a golden light flashed under the feet of the wind chimes:

"Wind and thunder!"

Oh -

like a bolt of lightning, came to Bai Lingling, who flew upside down.

Shen Shen said:

"Is this your limit? But, not my limit! "

What flows in his body is the blood of a half-demon!

His body, but under the torture of that ghost pool and thousands of demon races, his body has been quenched for half a year!

So, this is the 26th hit!

Bai Lingling panicked in her heart and wanted to resist again.

Boom -

but this time, she completely lost the qualification to collide with the wind chimes.

Now, the advantage, already firmly held in the hands of the wind chimes.


Bai Lingling's somewhat delicate body, like a shooting star, fell to the earth.

The playground centered on her and slammed down!

Blowing up a vortex of dust that spreads like smoke rings.

Bai Lingling lay on the ground, looking at the dust in front of her.

Through the fog, look at the golden list shining with golden light directly above his head.


she couldn't help but mutter.

Seeing this, the wind chimes fell to the ground, panting heavily, and clenched their fists.

After a while, he took a deep breath and shouted:

"You lost!"


Just when everyone thought it was over.

Bai Lingling's shout, piercing through the fog!

"Mighty move!"

Wind Chime frowned, and his spiritual power vision saw a figure.

With terrifying energy, from the fog, burst out.

Obviously, this spiritual technique is her killing move!


Wind Chime shook his head:

"No matter how strong it is, after all, it is only a sixth-order ah..."

Saying that, he once again activated the spiritual power in his body.

Fortunately, just now, the casting of the hundred blows was not canceled.

Then, he greeted Bai Lingling, and once again, rushed up!

At the same time, the sound shook with the soaring spiritual power in the body!

"Strike 27!"

That voice announced Bai Lingling's doomed defeat.

This punch is a seventh-order power!

Boom -

this punch, like a missile, penetrated her defenses.

Shattered her spiritual power.

Shot through, all the pride in her heart!

The earth trembled again, and the dust filled again.

The world, but silent.

Subsequently, the wind chimes fell to the ground, canceling the casting of the hundred blows.

In the sky, the golden giant list that had not changed all day.

At this moment, a golden light flashed.

I saw that the gold of the eighth hundred and one line dissipated like fireflies.

Then, a golden light flashed.

One stroke at a time, rewriting this so-called, Qingling List!

[801, wind chime, 18 years old, sixth-order first realm! ] [

The 802nd place, Bai Lingling, 19 years old, sixth-order first realm! ] Pull

the hair, and move the whole body.

All the people in the back fell one place.

The appearance of wind chimes directly squeezed out the thousandth place and squeezed out this green spirit list!

The golden scroll rewritten, and the aura in the field was flourishing, and everyone was shocked and silent.


Wind chimes won.

People waited for that miracle.

However, no one dares to cheer for this miracle!

At this time, there were more than a dozen people on the chairman, who had seen wind chimes.

Just half a year ago.

Half a year ago, no one could have imagined.

Half a year later, this teenager with a bit of a personality problem in their eyes.

Will jump from the third order to the sixth order!

Still in full view of everyone, stepping on the super genius of the Bai family and entering the Qingling List!

Who dares to think?

Dream, don't dare to think so!

[Eh, me, I, I announce! ] If the capital is home, wind chimes, win!

The young lady said with some fear, and her voice trembled a little.

I even stammered two sentences rarely.

"I have an objection!"

A person from the Bai family immediately stood up angrily and roared, "

He used demon qi just now! I demand a strict investigation! I suspect that this person has something to do with the demon race! As

soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar!

They all remembered, too.

Fang was only halfway through the battle.

The wind chimes released the demon qi!

That demon qi, where did it come from!?


A cough immediately suppressed the restless people present.

It was Lei Jing's voice, the smile on his face narrowed slightly, and said lightly:

"That's from my Ghost Pond Demon Qi, just now this kid quenched his body inside and broke through the sixth order." Just broke through, I testify! "


The people in the audience were stunned when they heard this.

What did he just say?

Fifth order?

Quenching in the Haunted Pool?

Or is it the sixth order that has just broken through?

A sixth-order who had just broken through defeated Bai Lingling of the Bai family!?

After hearing this, the most shocked people were the people of the Lei family.

What the Ghost Pool was, they couldn't be clearer.

The endless movement of feelings in the past half a year, is the ghost of wind chimes?

Please eat!

This guy has to treat the big guy to a meal!

When the smoke cleared, Bai Lingling's tragic situation was also revealed.


collapsed in a pool of blood, both arms crushed.

Wind Chime's last punch even smashed her right shoulder to pieces!

But even so, she was not in a coma.

His eyes were fixed on the wind chimes.

She lost, lost to a brat who had just advanced to the sixth order.

A year younger than himself....

Even the Ruojia family is not a guy!

Wind Chimes also glanced back at her, and he had not taken off his eye cloth from beginning to end.

At this moment, he slowly took off the eye cloth.

Revealing the harmless peach blossom eyes of the two animals.

But the eyes seem to be even sharper than Bai Lingling.

Gently swept the somewhat long hair.

Spilling a few drops of sweat, he whispered,

"Remember my name."

Bai Lingling, who was lying on the ground, was stunned, and suddenly coughed violently again, and a lot of blood spurted out of her mouth.

He waited for her to finish coughing, and said lightly:

"Wind chimes, your nightmare for a lifetime."



Is he provoking?

"Poof... Hahaha..." Some

of the disciples of the Ruo family did not hold back and laughed.

Wind chimes are starting to hit the face, cool!

"Hey, a little laugh, hey

, hey..."

What a cool word!?

But on the Bai family's side, it was like being greened by the object, and the face was green!

The Bai family lost.

Lose to the Ruo family.

The most outrageous thing is....

The people of the Ruo family, using the Bai family's spiritual arts, defeated the Bai family!

This is, shame!

Murderous heart!

You don't have a magic in your own house, do you!

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