Although I am not sure, the wind chimes are in a much better mood.

Playing with Chu Sheng later was also more open.

Tiancrow was also very pleased to see the wind chimes so happy.

No more talking alone with him.

Let him enjoy this rare free time to the fullest.

The two strolled around, strolling, and a strange woman walked in front of them.

The figure is tall, and the face is even more difficult to take off the eyes at a glance.

Along the way, many people turned back and looked sideways.

But strangely, her eyes were covered with a black cloth.

Seems to be blind?

She was also followed by a little girl who was two heads shorter than her.

She didn't support the tall beauty, but she walked very smoothly.

When you meet someone, you will get out of the way, as if you have eyes on a black cloth.

When the Heavenly Crow saw it from a distance, he said to the wind chime in a deep voice:

"Young Lord, two spirit masters, the fifth order of the highest. The short one is of the third order. With such strength at such a young age, I am afraid that he is a spiritual master of the Royal Three Family. Wind

Chimes frowned when they heard this.

It doesn't matter whose spiritual master it is.

He quickly pulled Chu Sheng to the side:

"Let's go over there and take a look!"

He didn't want to make a difference.

When the wind chimes turned to dodge, the blindfolded beauty suddenly took off the blindfold.

Open your bright eyes and look in the direction of the wind chimes.

But the flow of people blocked her view.

When the girl next to her saw her stop, she asked

, "What's wrong, Miss?"

The beauty looked at the distance for a while, and finally shook her head

: "It's okay, I feel wrong..."

Then blindfolded herself again and said softly:

"Let's go."


It was getting late, and the wind chimes glanced at the time and said that they were going back.

Chu Sheng also proposed to go to the Wind Chime's house to see what mansion Young Master Feng Da lived in.

Wind Chimes could only smile awkwardly:

"I'll take you back to my house to have a look, but not today, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay, then you hurry back, I should almost go home."

After saying goodbye.

He took the crow again and took the subway for more than 30 minutes.

I came to the community where I have been living, Golden Circle Garden.

【Dingdong ~ Golden Ring Station has arrived, please get off.

As soon as the subway door opened, Tiancrow looked up, and his eyes had become cold.

The voice sounded in Wind Chime's mind again:

"Young Lord, don't talk to me, there are at least 20 spirit masters out there!"

Wind Chime was shocked in his heart, and slowly walked out along the flow of people, his eyes unconsciously glancing.

Was it all like this before?

Outside the subway station where I leave school every day, there are so many spiritual masters?

Or just tonight?

If it was tonight, the wind chimes already had a faint sense of bad premonition.

These people are probably coming for themselves.

More than 20 spiritual masters....

He began to wonder if he was the right choice to come back.

Can I survive the siege of more than 20 spiritual masters?

Or rather....

Heavenly Raven, can you solve more than 20 spirit masters?

Along the way, Wind Chimes are keeping an eye on the people around them.

He didn't know how the Heavenly Crow could tell the difference between a spirit master and an ordinary person.

He couldn't tell the difference now anyway.

His home is located in the Golden Circle Garden Community, Building 1, 39th floor, a hardcover bachelor apartment.

On the 39th floor, I can't run if something happens.

Unless, like a crow, it can fly.

Since I can remember, Wind Chimes have lived here and are very familiar with the people in the community.

When I went back, I also met the uncle walking the dog downstairs on the road, and the two exchanged a few pleasantries.

Boom -

suddenly a thunder sounded in the sky, which startled the wind chimes and the uncle.

"Uncle, hurry home! I'm afraid there will be a heavy rainstorm tonight!

"Okay~Then I'll go~"

Wind Chime smiled and waved his hand to turn around, and there was another rumbling thunder in the sky.

Purple-gold thunder and lightning flashed in the sky and looked up.

I don't know when, the sky above this city has been covered with a layer of dark clouds as thick as coffin boards.

That strange feeling overwhelmed people.

This made the uneasiness in his heart more and more intense.

Snap -

a drop of rain suddenly fell on the door of his head, cold and cold, which made him sober up a lot.

Then the dark cloud poured down as if it couldn't hold back.

Looking up, small droplets of mist-like water fell from the sky.

Quickly glanced back.

Immediately ran towards the hobbling old man.

Ma slipped off his clothes and draped them over his head:

"Uncle! This is for you, hurry back! "

Haha, good shy, good boy~ wash and return you tomorrow!"

Wind chimes just smiled.


Now I really don't know if there is one.

Then he ran all the way to his building in a light rain.

When I rushed into the unit, I was already soaked.

Looking at myself in the elevator mirror, I gradually lost my concentration.

The demonized self during the day seemed to appear in front of him.

This made him panic, and he quickly blinked.

After confirming that he had not transformed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

I remembered the auspicious charm on my arm again, it won't get wet, right!?

Good thing there isn't.


elevator bell rang, and the 39th floor arrived.

The voice-activated lights outside the corridor were not lit, and it was pitch black.

The wind chimes stepped into the dark corridor, but did not trigger the light.

He did not continue walking, but stood in place, holding his breath and looking at the corridor in front of him.

It seems that there is an abyss ahead, and if you take a wrong step, you will be crushed and broken bones.

Sky Raven?

Sky Raven, are you there?

Can I really survive tonight?

The Raven did not respond, and in response he was a raindrop that slipped from the ends of his hair and fell to the ground.


- boom -

a flash of thunder, the whole corridor lit up, and there was a light in front of the eyes.

Suddenly, I had a feeling of seeing the light through the clouds and mist, and thought:

This may be God's response to me, right?

Represents a bright future for me?

He comforted himself so much, and then took a step.

Boom -

a thunderous explosion far more terrifying than before.

The voice-activated lights overhead began to spark outward, and then snapped and went out!


What does it mean?

Light up for Lao Tzu! You TM's.

Even the lights at the safety exit went out....


Wind Chime was forced to take out his claw machine and wanted to turn on the flashlight.

Just a ding-dong~one.

Chu Sheng sent a message:

[Have you arrived home, madman, it seems that there will be a heavy rainstorm tonight! ] Wind

Chimes didn't have the energy to reply to him now, and walked forward quickly.

Walked to the door of his room, took out the key and prepared to unlock it.

But because of the nervousness, the key could not be poked in.

He is now extremely insecure.

Finally the door opened with a click.

As soon as the door opened, the familiar smell made Wind Chimes feel a lot more relieved, after all, it was the place where he had lived for 18 years.

Although it was arranged by the Bai family.

He tried to turn on the lights, but the whole building seemed to be without power.

There is no way, I can only take my own claw machine for the time being.

Suddenly, I felt that this cozy room was gloomy.

I went to the bedroom and found the ID card, the admission ticket, the two most important things.

Anything else, wind chimes can be dispensed with.

After putting them in my pocket, I waited quietly.


The second hand makes a sound all at once.

The rain outside the window also became heavy, and all the heavy raindrops hit the glass, making a sound.

It was destined to be a noisy night.

Boom -

After a thunderous sound, Wind Chimes heard the familiar sound of footsteps in the corridor outside, smashed by high heels.

Today's footsteps are particularly heavy, and they are particularly flustered by the wind chimes.

Those two people are coming, Tiancrow, where are you?

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