Half-demons, children of people and demons, may awaken into half-demons, or half-spirits.

However, only one or the other can be chosen.

But the wind chimes awakened the half-demon during the day, and awakened the spirit master at night!

There is only one possibility for this unheard of situation.

The mother of the wind chimes is not an ordinary person, but a spiritual master!

Two diametrically opposed energies exist in the same youkai.

Theoretically, when this kind of child is in the mother's womb, it will explode and die, together with the mother's body....

Countless lives lost have confirmed this.

Many people have tried, but only Fengxing succeeded!

Only wind chimes survived!

Theoretically, being a half-demon already means that it is almost impossible to reproduce.

Neither half-demon nor human or child with demon has ever survived in history.

After all, it is a 1 in 10,000 probability, and the probability of two consecutive occurrences will of course be lower.

As a half-demon child, Wind Chimes is already the only one.

What's even more outrageous is that his mother is still a spiritual master....

As the Raven said, wind chimes are destined to be kings when they are born.

He survived by God's favor.

This luck has forged the only two-way demon spirit in the history of this world that integrates demon and spirit master.

Lin Yue and Chen Ting looked at each other and both showed expressions of disbelief.

They all suspected they had seen it wrong.

Did the wind chimes really awaken?

Awakened to become a half-spirit master!

This also means that the Bai family can finally return to the peak!

Since the Bai family's vitality was seriously injured eighteen years ago, they have been waiting for this day.

Just when they waited for eighteen years, thinking that their expectations were about to be disappointed, the wind chimes awakened!

This is too important for the Bai family.

Chen Ting put down the gun in her hand with a very strange face, and she regretted it a little now.

Sorry I just spoke too loudly!

Eldest brother... Can you forgive me for not?

She really thought that the wind chimes had no chance to awaken.

There are not many awakened people in this world, and even fewer awakened at the age of 17, but it is not nothing.

What's more, the wind chimes had no spiritual power fluctuations on their bodies before.

Even ordinary people may have a little spiritual power on their bodies, and the wind chimes are not at all.

But if there was even the slightest spiritual power fluctuation in the wind chime, he didn't even need to awaken, and the Bai family would take him away.

But he didn't, not in the past eighteen years!

There were no spiritual power fluctuations before the age of 18, and those who awakened at 18, no, never appeared.

That's why I dare to talk to the wind chimes so madly.

Who knew he would wake up at the last second?

Lin Yue's face was full of joyful smiles, and her excited hands were shaking.

Trembling voice said:

[Test result correction! ]


: Wind Chimes

23,092nd Stress Test: Test


Awaken the Spirit Master!

After saying that, he sent the message out.

Wind Chimes listened to the words of the man in front of him a little distracted....

So I'm a spiritual master?

Am I a demon too?

Can it still be like this?

Did I make a mistake....


message came:

[Bring it back quickly, don't be seen by anyone! ] Hide this thing!

[Someone has been sent to pick it up, and there are also a large number of spiritual masters of our clan around, who are on their way! ] 【

Remember to be careful, be careful, be careful! 】 The

superior, who usually did not send much news, sent three messages in a row.

At this time, in the Bai Family Special Operations Department, in the director's office:

a man was listening to the message sent by the two spirit masters repeatedly, and his eyes widened with excitement!

Then he quickly left his workstation with the claw machine and came to a small courtyard.

This is the place where the head of the Bai family and Bai Qiling retreats.

"Stop, whatever."

Two people blocked his way, and the excitement on the man's face could not hide it:

"Quick, I am from the Special Operations Department, help me bring a message to the head of the family, the gods, and it has fallen into our Bai family!"

The two people who stopped him frowned when they heard this, what gods?

What nonsense is this person talking about?

However, the two of them looked at each other, and one of them walked towards the courtyard.

The Bai family has been carrying out the operation for 18 years this time, and few people know about it.

Even eighteen years ago, few people knew that Fengxing had successfully given birth to a child.

Even the Bai family's own people, few knew that on their hands, there was also a child of the demon king.

Otherwise, the world would have turned upside down long ago.

Whether it is the demon race or the spirit master world, there must be countless forces that want to compete for the wind chimes.

The person in charge of the messenger walked outside a simple hut and stopped.

Kneeling respectfully at the hut in front of him, he kowtowed:

"Master of the family, the head of the Special Operations Department said, the gods, have fallen on our Bai family!"

As soon as the words fell, the man seemed to see a faint golden light shining through the small house.

Then the golden light became brighter and brighter.


a sudden explosion!

The cabin in front of him was instantly blown to pieces.

The terrifying energy blasted the kneeling messenger on the ground directly, and he lost consciousness when he was in the air.

Then an old voice spread through the small courtyard and to the chief of the Special Operations Division who was waiting outside:

"Come in."

The commissioner did not dare to slacken and quickly ran in.

When the smoke cleared, a childlike old man, dressed in a plain robe, sat on the ruins.

This is the head of the Bai family, Bai Qiling.

A ninth-order psychic heavenly master, one of the few top powerhouses in the world today.

"What about people?"

"Patriarch, people are still on their way back, and today 30 fifth-order or more Earth Spirit Masters have been deployed around him, and 5 more Imperial Spirit Masters of the seventh order or above have been dispatched. You can't go wrong in the slightest. Please rest assured.

Bai Qiling didn't open his eyes, but said lightly:

"Don't make a noise, I won't go out, so as not to attract the attention of the other two old guys."

"Obey! Master, you are waiting for the good news! With

that, he quickly left here, and for the sake of safety, he decided to personally escort the wind chimes.

After he left, Bai Qiling slowly opened his eyes, and a fierce color flashed in his eyes.

Then he showed a weird smile:

"Fengxing, didn't expect it? The son of your Nine Demon Kings is actually a spirit master..."

Retribution. Haha, hahaha~"

He suddenly laughed, looking like he was in full swing, and golden energy continued to burst out from his body, blowing his white hair messily.

The hearty laughter echoed in the air, making the janitors outside the small courtyard a little panicked.

What's wrong with the owner?

Lin Yue, who received the order of the commissioner, had a wider smile on his face.

Wind Chimes had never seen her smile, for the first time.

Lin Yue is very good-looking and smiles beautifully.

I saw her smile and walked in front of Wind Chime, and said happily:

"Wind Chime, congratulations, from now on, you will be the spiritual master of my Bai family."

"Introduce yourself, Bai family, third-order Great Spirit Master Initial Realm, Lin Yue."

"I, the Third Order Great Spirit Master Initial Realm,

Chen Ting" Chen Ting is the most embarrassed now!

Just now he said cruel words to the wind chime, and as a result, he awakened.

After the wind chime awakens, her status must be much higher than her, and she will have to look at the face of the wind chime in the future.

Before I was so arrogant about the wind chime, in the future, the wind chime may not know how to do himself, and this work cannot be done.

After winning the reward of this mission, Chen Ting thought about whether to resign and quit?

At this time, Lin Yue said to the wind chime with a smile:

"You won't have to live in this broken place in the future."

"Quickly pack up and follow us back to the Bai family!"

Saying that, he thought of something again, and suddenly changed his words:

"No, my lord, I'll clean up, do you need any help?"

Saying that, Lin Yue bent down and tugged lightly at his collar.

Boom -

thunder flashed, shining on her skin, as if glowing.

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