If you listen to the cold look, the face of the wind chime has been demonized.

Suddenly, there was a momentary shaking of his head.

This face really looks like that guy....

Many memories flashed through his mind, causing his smile to fade away.

Finally sighed and said nothing.

The expression was a little cold, looking at the wind chimes who were fighting with the night fire for control of their bodies.

His body trembled a little, but he still slowly stood up.

"This... How can it be? Two

overlapping voices came out of the mouth of the wind chimes again.

The expression on Wind Chime's face was constantly switching between indifference and panic.

Suddenly, it became painful again.

The hands formed by the black mist covered their heads in pain.

"... Get out! Wind

chimes hissed and roared.

The sound is still stacked with two voices, one of its own, one of its own.

Ruo listened to the whole time and watched quietly, and did not make a move.

"Hahaha! Little bunny, fight me? An

evil laugh came out of his mouth.

Wind Chime's face instantly returned to the appearance of black fog, revealing a rampant smile.

The sound also becomes a single-layered, nightly sound.

This shows that Night Fu has completely seized control of his body.

But he was not happy for two seconds, and the smile on his face narrowed.

"You boy..."

"Lao Ruo... Save me! "

The sound of wind chimes and night fire appeared at the same time.

A new round of body scramble begins!

Ruo Tinghan suddenly smiled, and his figure flashed behind the wind chime.

Hook off his pants, hold a gili charm in his hand, and slap him hard!


The wind chimes howled, and the black gas on his body, like smoke blown away, disappeared.

He also returned to his original appearance.

Suddenly took over his body, catching him off guard and sitting on the ground.

Some were Mond, gasping for breath.

Then he looked up with some doubt:

"What are you doing?" Why did you seal him back again!

"Didn't you ask you to pull him out?"

Ruo listened to the cold and said lightly:

"You can control him, maybe you can use it in the future."

Wind chimes:???

"I can't control it! You smoke him first! Seventh-order again. "

Wind chimes own body, he knows best.

Ruo Tinghan shook his head:

"The seventh order is not so good to ascend, and if you come here every night to train in the future, you will be able to control it for a long time."

Wind Chimes: ....

If you listen to Han say this, it is barely acceptable.

After all, with him in the pocket, at least he will not have an accident.

Then, Ruo Tinghan took the wind chimes and walked inside.

I plan to help him devour the two monsters from the werewolf and the ghost smoker.

The two walked in slowly, glancing at Ruo Tinghan from time to time along the way.

It seemed that he wanted to say something, but he never said it.

Although Ruo Tinghan walked ahead, he really felt all this.

Lightly said:

"Do you want to ask?"

Wind Chimes said helplessly:

"What would you say if you asked?"

Ruo Tinghan chuckled:

"Don't ask, how do you know the result."

Wind Chime glanced at him and said in a deep voice:

"Are you a quasi-charm-level powerhouse."

Ruo Tinghan smiled and said

, "Quasi-Charm, that's used to describe youkai... I'm just an ordinary spiritual master. "


Wind Chime was a little speechless, and continued to ask:

"What is that thing, the bloodline suppresses the night fire?"

"Guess what?"

"My dad? Popular?

After that, Wind Chime looked at Ruo Tinghan with some disbelief.

Could it be that after the last big war, did Ruo Tinghan devour his father?

"Yes or no,"

Ruo said lightly.

With that, he let out a long sigh.

"Yes or no? What do you mean? Wind

Chimes couldn't help but frown, this guy, started riddle mode again.

At this time, Ruo Tinghan slowly stopped and said softly:

"Fengxing..." Buzz


the entire cave, the passage, suddenly the red light flourished!

A wind chime had never felt before, and terrifying energy filled the entire cave.

His eyes widened, and fear arose!

He had never felt such a deep sense of fear....

It is no exaggeration to say that it is far beyond the sky crow!

In front of that energy, he felt so small.

But in that fear, there was a touch of intimacy....

This terrifying energy lasts for a short time, only 4 seconds.

Then the red light in the cave dimmed down.

Wind Chimes looked at Ruo Tinghan with some surprise.

"This cave?"

He turned his head left and right to look at it, and couldn't help but walk above the charm carved on the wall.

The moment he reached out and touched it gently, the entire cave once again appeared red.

Ruo Tinghan stopped and turned to look back:

"That's your father's blood... A spell carved into a seal. "

He died here?"

Ruo Tinghan shook his head and sighed softly:

"Eighteen, oh no, it's nineteen years ago... Hey, it's fast.

"Nineteen years ago, your father, strictly speaking... It has been reached, the realm of the glamorous ray. "


Wind Chimes turned his head in disbelief.

The realm of the Mighty Ray!?

"Then I still haven't hit you?"

Ruo Tinghan sighed:

"Well, a lot of things have happened, and you will know about those things later."

"What I can tell you now is that in this cave, there is a fragment of spirit that seals your father."

"The spirit body of the Spirit Spirit Body cannot be completely destroyed because the energy is too powerful."

"After death, the spirit fragments will scatter to all corners of the world

..." "Each fragment has quasi-charm-level energy..."

"There are nine fragments in total, one for the Ruo family, one for the Lei family, and one for the Bai family."

"The remaining six pieces have not been found."

"In recent years, many new forces have risen, new demon kings, most of them... It's related to this. "

That spirit body fragment, if used well, can become the body of the demon king..."

If it is not used well, there is no need to say more about the end, just one word, death.

"Then if, collect the nine fragments... Will he..."

Ruo Tinghan shook his head:

"No, even if it is gathered, it will no longer be him." He's dead..." Wind

Chime nodded, not speaking, quietly thinking about something.

"At present, the role of spirit fragments is still being explored, and I don't know the rest."

"Whether the demon race can use it to reach the realm of quasi-enchantment is not known..."

The two chatted over and over while walking.

I have already walked to the space where two demons float.

Wind Chimes looked at the two demons in front of him....

After listening to Ruo Han's words, he suddenly felt that the spirit master was so strong!

He didn't think before, he felt that the demon race was stronger!

The demon clan has the Heavenly Crow, there are countless demon kings, and there are demon kings.

The number of masters far exceeds that of spirit masters.

It's just that the forces are too scattered.

But Wind Chimes felt that if they could be united, they would be invincible.

But now, he felt that the person in front of him was even more terrifying....

"You don't want to use me..."

Wind Chime suddenly sounded, and then slowly turned around and looked at Ruo Tinghan.

"Train me first, then kill me... Give Ruo Yan a light devour, right?

"To fight against those guys who may become quasi-ghosts or ghosts in the future?"

Ruo Tinghan smiled:

"What do you think?"

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