Wind Chime took out his claw machine and called Ruo Qianyan.

If you hang up directly.

So he messaged,

"Come out!"

"Not out!"

"Can't get out?"


"Then I'll go."


Wind Chime was a little helpless and slowly left here.

I don't know why I'm angry again, so let's wait until she's not angry.

So he left here and did not go to Chu Sheng again.

Chu Sheng needs to be quiet.

Wind Chimes felt that he really thought about it, it was time to grow up.

Although he became the spiritual master of the Ruo family, he did not become serious.

But you can die at any time.

It is a high-risk, high-reward career.

Dispose of a low-level youkai, and there will be tens of thousands of commissions.

If you don't dispose of it, you don't run away.

That cremation fee is saved.

After all, monsters eat people and do not spit bones.

Wind Chimes returned to his small courtyard.

When you see the old man, go up and give him a kick!

The old man easily dodged, with no expression on his face, and continued to sweep the floor.

After a while, you may have to enter the tomb of the spirit spirit.

Until then, you need to improve your strength.

Whether it is spiritual reserves, combat experience, or physical skills, they need to be improved!

The old man in front of him is a target that will automatically dodge.

Although the wind chimes are currently not hit.

However, there is also a lot to learn from his dodging.

Set a small target first and attack once!

"I'm going to get serious, sir."

Wind Chimes saluted him.

The old man stopped the broom in his hand, glanced at him, and was silent for a while.

Suddenly, he said in a deep voice:

"Please..." After

saying this, he continued to lower his head and sweep the floor.

Seeing this, Wind Chimes saluted respectfully again:

"Please advise more!"

As soon as the words fell, a punch was blasted out at great speed!

The fist went to his chest.

And the old gentleman just turned his figure and skimmed his broom.

The wooden stick, which seemed to be able to be broken with one punch, actually blocked the punch of the wind chime.

Bang -

an explosion spread halfway up the Forbidden Love Peak.

The shock caused a layer of ash that had just accumulated in recent days to fall.

Wind Chimes was not surprised and continued his own attack.

There were no mercy from any of his men.

Because this person in front of him is also a courtier of the Feng family in the past.

Most likely, he is a master of the same level as the Heavenly Crow.

This rare teaching bureau, he will not let go.

Then he raised the plaster cast of his right arm and smashed it towards the old man!

Old man: ...

Do you use this plaster cast like this?

Snap -

the plaster shattered to the ground.

Old man: ...

I see you're sincerely looking for me a job, right....

Wind Chime's hand had fully recovered at this time, and his right arm struck sharply.

When defending, the old man was also quite surprised.

The body coordination of wind chimes is extremely high.

The attacks of the left and right hands and feet are very fierce.

"Did anyone teach you double-edged?"

He suddenly asked, and the wind chimes did not stop attacking, and while fighting, he said:


The old man thought while dodging the attack.

At the same time, it is still sweeping the ground.

Miraculously, every time the wind chimes step out, they will raise dust on the ground.

But he won't, and even when the broom sweeps the floor, the dust seems to stick to the ground.

"How? Do you think I'm a double-edged fit? The

old man nodded:

"Dao technique, find the Heavenly Crow."

"Double Blade Technique, Find Akano."

"If you can fuse the techniques of the two of them, it will become stronger."

Wind Chime nodded:

"Thanks for the pointer!"

"What if I have a sword in one hand and a knife in the other?"

The old man shook his head

: "It's not recommended, it's difficult, it's not good to practice, it will only interfere with each other..." Wind

Chime smiled:

"Be careful!"

Say no and open the bow left and right, a mess.

The old man shook his head frequently:

"Such an attack is ineffective, it looks menacing, but in fact, it is full of flaws!"

Say a broom in your hand, with the end of the broom.

From the menacing attack of the wind chimes, through!

The end struck at the mouth of his heart.

Wind Chimes took several steps back and looked at the old man in front of him with some shock.

Sure enough, it's strong....

If he is not holding a broom, but a sword.

The heart of that wind chime has already been pierced!

This also made him realize the importance of combat skills.

At this time, the old man spoke up:

"Fighting, like playing chess, you can't take one step at a time."

"Every step, think carefully, take one step, think about counting steps."

"Every step can be a foreshadowing for victory, and every move can echo each other."

"That's it, the law. But the rules and regulations cannot be rigid.

Wind Chime nodded thoughtfully:

"Come again!"

And then rushed up again.


At this time, if the light breath pokes out....

"Really gone..."

muttered in a low voice.

Then picked up his claw machine and edited in the chat interface with the wind chimes:

[Don't learn, right?] However

, she hesitated and did not send it!

Instead, delete it immediately.

"If you come to beg me again, I will promise you, hum..." At

this time, Ruo Tinghan came to the Virgen Peak.

Unknowingly, God landed in front of Ruo Qianyan's door.

Knocked lightly on the door.

Ruo Yan was overjoyed when he heard this, and subconsciously said:

"If you want me to teach you, it depends on your sincerity!" I don't teach everyone..."

"It's me."


Ruo Qianyan was stunned for a moment, and his face instantly turned red:


She quickly jumped off the lotus platform and opened the door.

If he heard that her face was a little red, he did not continue the topic.

Instead, he said

, "After a while, the Heavenly Spirit Master-Yaohua's Spirit Tomb may open. The limit is below the seventh order, do you go? "

It's actually the tomb of Yaohua Heavenly Master!"

Ruo Qianyan was a little shocked.

She had heard about it recently.

But unexpectedly, it was Yaohua's tomb.

Heavenly Spirit Master - Yaohua.

The name is Yaohua, and the sword name is Yaohua.

The era was four hundred years ago.

In the history of the Spirit Master, a famous Heavenly Spirit Master.

A Yaohua sword that guards the border of China against foreign invasions.

With the light of a sword, shine on the border of China!

A husband is a gatekeeper, and there is no way to open it!

A hero of the times, a model for spiritual masters!

Unexpectedly, my father actually offered to go to the tomb of the spirit man himself.

In the past, she said that she wanted to go, but she was not allowed to go.

Because there are many dangers in the tomb of the spirituals.

It was an otherworldly space that those powerful spirit masters opened up before they died.

As his own tomb, he brought all his treasures and secrets into it.

In order not to let their inheritance fall into the hands of unknown people, or small gangsters, thieves, and demon races.

So many dangerous traps were set.

After all, you don't want your computer with a few T-seeds to be discovered after you die.

Ahem, just kidding.

Everything in the tomb of the spirit is the hard work of those who are strong and have worked hard for a lifetime.

Therefore, they hope that their inheritance will continue to be passed on by those who are destined or strong.

For example, Yaohua.

He spent his life for Huaxia and burned his life in Huaxia.

He must not want his Yaohua sword to fall into the hands of a traitorous thief.

After dying like this, how can you be blind?

Of course, there are also that kind of perverted spirit masters, specifically to find someone to accompany themselves to the burial.

Go in, don't think about coming out again.

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