Cumin: ....

Unable to refute!

Because to be honest, she also felt in her heart that the name was a bit stupid....

However, I heard that at the beginning, Forbidden Love Peak was not called that name.

It was something that happened later, the name was changed.

As for what happened.

Xiao Yuan didn't know.

After all, she is only a 17-year-old and not yet a legal little loli.

That name has been around for a longer period of time than she is.

"Wow, this mountain is so bald!"

Lei Yan looked from above and couldn't help but say.

Looking around, it's all emerald green.

Only this mountain, not an inch of grass!

It was bare, and although the dead wood was still standing there, it was even more bleak.

Xiao Yuan fell with Lei Yan, and the wind chimes sensed that someone was coming again.

He opened the door again.

"Eh! Wind chimes! Why are you here!

Lei Yan was surprised.

Wind Chime glanced at her, and then at Xiao Zhu next to her.

Directly slammed the door shut.

I already knew that the door would not be open.

"Hey! What do you mean! Lei

Yan saw that he was so rude, and his little temper came up at once.

I want to go over and break my head with him.

She and Xiao Yuan did not see Ruo Qianyan.

Xiao Yuan grabbed her:

"You forgot what you came for?"

"Oh yes... Where is Chu Sheng?

Xiao Yuan pointed to the house next to it.

When passing by the old man, Xiao Rui was far away.

I'm afraid he'll give it to himself.

"Chu Sheng! Open the door! "

There was no movement inside.

After a few more shouts, there was still no movement.

"Chu Sheng didn't come back, don't argue!"

The sound of wind chimes came from inside the house.

"Not at home? Then wait here for a while. "

Just waited until the evening, didn't wait.

At night, the door of the wind chimes opens gently.

Ruo Qianyan quietly walked out from inside.

Cumin: ???

"Lord Virgin?"

How in the room of wind chimes!

I didn't even notice it for an afternoon!

This also shows that it is rare that they did not quarrel in the afternoon.

"Ruo Qianyan!"

The moment he saw her, Lei Yan exploded!

But the little cumin pulled tightly.

Ruo Qianyan said hello to her and left here.

After the wind chimes sent her, an hour later, they returned here.

In front of Lei Yan of Xiao Yuan, he continued to train with the old man.

The two sat on the steps in front of Chu Sheng's house.

"Wow... If you are a housekeeper, sweeping the floor, are you so powerful?

"Old sir! Do you want to go to our Lei house to sweep the floor! "

The old man didn't bird her.

Xiao Yuan also wondered, why is a sweeper so powerful?

Who the hell is this man?

Until midnight....

"Why hasn't he come back yet, it's so sleepy."

Lei Yan yawned and rested her head on Xiao Yuan's shoulder.

"Go back to sleep when you're sleepy."

"No, I have to find him today!"

Lei Yan patted her face and glanced back at Chu Sheng's house.

"Let's go in and wait. My ass hurts..."

she stood up and patted the dust behind her.

The door is unlocked.

She also ignored Xiao Yuan's objections, opened the door and walked in.

The wind chimes just glanced at it and did not stop it.

Although I don't know what happened, it shouldn't be a bad thing either.

Otherwise, Lei Yan would have blown up this house.

"So shabby..." I

thought about coming in and sitting on the sofa.

As a result, the sofa was wooden and did not even have a cushion.

"Go out, why don't you just enter someone's house!"

Xiao Yuan said.

"What's wrong... I don't steal from him, and he can come into my house." "

Cumin: ...

There is no way to reason with Lei Yan.

This guy has been spoiled by the people of the Lei family since he was a child, what do you want to do.

The two waited until late at night.

Xiao Yuan was a little sleepy, leaning against the back of the wooden sofa, fascinated by her eyes.

At this time, Lei Yan stood up in confusion.

Xiao Rui yawned and said softly,

"Are you going back?"

Lei Yan didn't react....

Cumin: ???

"Lei Yan?"

She still didn't react, and Xiao Yuan reacted immediately.

Sleepwalking again!

She immediately rushed up and unloaded all the bombs hanging on Lei Yan's body.

Prevent her from dreaming of something bad and blowing herself up in a fit of excitement.

This is her old problem, sleepwalking when she was a child....

But the little cumin when he was a child was miserable.

"Hey, Lei Yan!"

Xiao Yuan shouted.

Lei Yan muttered indistinctly:

"So sleepy, bed..."

She immediately pulled out a large bed from the small otherworld.

Fall in this humble living room.

As a servant of the Holy Lady, she has everything in her pocket.

Then he pressed Lei Yan to the bed.

Sleep for me you!

"Hey, hey... Bed..."

Lei Yan muttered softly, and directly lay on it.

Xiao Yuan helped her take off her shoes a little helplessly.

Lei Yan's whole person shrunk under the quilt.

Xiao Yuan yawned, returned to the sofa, and continued to close her eyes and gaze.

Nothing happened overnight.

The next day, Chu Sheng still did not return.

But Lei Yan is really able to squat, and she has nothing to do anyway.

So he went to the spirit weapon house and brought all Chu Sheng's spirit weapons.

It was simply researched at his home.

Lei Yan, who entered the research state, was a quiet little girl.

Xiao Yuan was bored, so she went next door to find the saint and the wind chime.

Leaving Lei Yan alone and concentrating on her research here.

Later, when I saw Lei Yan, she wouldn't run around here.

Too lazy to look at her.

And he said

, "You're staying here, call me something."

At this time, Lei Yan was concentrating on studying Chu Sheng's spirit weapon, and he said two words without distraction.

Cumin left.

Nothing happened tonight.

Lei Yan was also fascinated and did not sleep all night.

On the third day, the door suddenly opened.

"Chu Sheng!"

Yang Lei shouted.

Startled Lei Yan, he turned his head and looked:

"Chu Sheng? Didn't come back. Yang

Lei: ???

Lei Yan?

How is she here.

"So where did he go?"

"I don't know, I didn't tell me."

Yang Lei's brows furrowed slightly when he heard this, and he immediately turned around and left in a hurry.

Today, there are several people who came to find Chu Sheng.

All of them are people from Chu Sheng's squad.

Everyone was a little surprised when they saw Lei Yan's expression.

"Can't let him go, he's a genius of the Spirit Weapon!"

A man stood in front of law enforcement with some anger.

"His departure will definitely be a loss for our Ruo family!"

It was Chu Sheng's master, Xu Qing, who spoke.

Today, the news about Chu Sheng's voluntary departure from the Ruo family.

Sent to all departments related to him.

Xu Qing was immediately anxious.

Although he usually scolds Chu Sheng, he is particularly strict with him.

But that's all because Chu Sheng, this guy, has talent!

Although I never praised him, I fully recognized him in my heart.

He even secretly regarded Chu Sheng as his successor.

How could he let him go like that.

A person from the law enforcement department said lightly:

"This is his own decision, you want him to stay, find me, it is better to go to him personally."

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