The careless voice echoed.

There was silence in the field!

No one made a sound.

Because they can't speak!

A terrifying demon aura pervaded the surroundings.

Everyone seemed to be wrapped in jelly, unable to even breathe.

The body trembles continuously!

This is an instinctive human reaction, a fear from the heart.

Even the spirit masters present were no exception.

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, what kind of monster could exude such a terrifying demon aura?

This sense of oppression far exceeded the energy released by the City Breaking Saber just now.

If she felt in disbelief, she could speak, but she did not dare to speak up.

The surrounding environment is all blocked.

She wanted to remind the wind chimes to be careful, but she was afraid to attract the attention of the other party by making a sound.

It can only be, hold the hand of the wind chime tightly!

Hold on tightly, and run away with him at the first opportunity!

Wind Chime felt her suddenly clenched hand and thought she was afraid.

So he grabbed her and gave her a response.

But he didn't make a sound.

The entire Ruojia garrison base stood still for a full ten seconds.

Ten seconds later, a man shouted in a deep voice:

"Who is coming!"

This is the voice of a seventh-order imperial spirit master, Ruo Ouming.

The words fell, and the spiritual power swept through the field.

The wind blew through, and the milk-like thick white mist in front of me dispersed visibly.

Under such a strong pressure, he can still release spiritual arts and clear the fog, which is really not easy.

When the fog slowly cleared, everyone subconsciously looked back.

This time, everyone felt it.

Behind, what a horror!


Some chaotic footsteps came from the fog.

In the fog, four eye-catching figures appeared.

Four youkai were walking slowly, step by step, from behind everyone....

A youkai with a trampoline wrapped in a brace, only his eyes exposed, and a wine jar hanging from the bandage.

With your hands behind your head, you yawn as you walk!

A beautiful woman in a long translucent white dress, but nothing can be seen inside.

A mysterious man who is three meters tall, covered in black armor, and under the armor helmet, only a pair of scarlet demon pupils are exposed.

Another is more than two meters tall, dressed in gorgeous western costumes, and boots.

The face is a special youkai whose face is completely Western-like.

This youkai is particularly special.

He was dignified and had a faint, comfortably humble smile on his face.

If there is no pair of scarlet demon pupils, then he does not look like a demon, more like a person.

Like a nobleman, to be exact!

The four youkai walked side by side, walking nonchalantly.

Unlike the crows, who walk silently.

Some eyes look at the desert ahead.

Others, just look up at the sky.

In short, these people in front of him did not pay the slightest attention to it.

Who are they?

This is the question of everyone present!

The wind chimes saw the fog disperse and opened the spiritual power horizon again.

But he was completely shocked by the demon qi in front of him that seemed to be able to engulf the world!

This demon qi emanated from them.

They didn't seem to be deliberately suppressing everyone, as if they were just passing by.

As soon as the demon qi was careless, it suppressed everyone.

Ruo Ouming looked at the four people in front of him and muttered in disbelief:

"Wine entangled in corpses... Red Demon Ji... Dark Spirit Butler, and... Duke! "

These four monsters, all nineteen years ago, the Feng family's name shocked Huaxia, and even the world, four of the nine monsters!

Moreover, he had just heard that, terrifying name, God Killing... Sky Raven!

Sky Raven, here too!

They walked slowly, passing by everyone.

Just walked not far in front of Ruo Qianyan and Wind Chime.

Ruo Ouming's heart was trembling.

Don't find the Virgin, don't find the Virgin!

If they know the identity of Ruo Qianyan, then Ruo Qianyan is dangerous!

At this time, the red-blooded demon Ji suddenly turned his head to look at Ruo Qianyan and Wind Chime, and his eyes were very bad!


Ruo Qianyan and Wind Chimes trembled at the same time.

At this time, the psychological activities of the two are exactly the same.


If you are lightly afraid of your identity being exposed.

In the face of the four leaders of the Feng family, how to escape!?

What the wind chimes are afraid of is that they are now, directly calling themselves the young master!

Can you have a little eyesight, we secretly drip contact....

At this time, Ruo Ouming in the distance flew towards Ruo Qianyan and Wind Chime.

"Light face! Come on!

But as he approached, the monster in black armor slowly raised his hand.

In the next second, Ruo Ouming instantly fell from the air.

The seventh-order Imperial Spirit Master, like a bird with folded wings, fell to the ground.


What did the man in black armor just do?

He raised his hand!

What was done, only Ruo Ouming knew.

The breath is crushed!

The spirit art that was continuously released actually lost control directly due to the powerful demon power.

As a result, he could not fly.

He knows the gap is big....

But I didn't think it was so big!

Wind Chime saw the gazes of the two monsters, all of them were on Ruo Qianyan's body.

Brows furrowed, and let go of Ruo Qianyan's hand.

Walked in front of her and blocked in front of her!

That back made Ruo Qianyan's heart warm...

But she was a little worried, stepped forward, and stood side by side with the wind chimes!

At the same time, he took his hand again.

If you want to die, I hope that before you die, I can hold you....

In the eyes of the two, there was no fear.

His eyes locked on the red demon Ji in front of him.

Lei Fengyun saw all this in the distance, and his heart trembled.

He also wanted to protect Ruo Qianyan, but he couldn't!

He can't even move!

At this time, the red demon Ji, who was dressed in a translucent white dress, showed an expression of disgust.

He looked at Wind Chimes and Ruo with a look of disdain:

"Abominable... Langcai female appearance, really a disgusting, envious and jealous couple! What a damn it..." Wind

Chimes: ???

How do you talk to Lao Tzu?

"It's disgusting! tui! After

saying that, he gave the two of them a fierce look, then turned his head and continued to walk forward.

At this time, the wine entanglement corpse narrowed its demon pupils and stared at the wind chimes.

How does this spirit master look so similar to the master of the family?

Less master?


The young master should be a half-demon, how can it be a spirit master.

It just looks alike.

There are many like the world.

Seeing this, Wind Chime frowned and looked at the backs of the four monsters in front of him.

They, don't know my identity?

It should be that the sky crow did not say.

If you look lightly:

we... Looks like a couple!

Wind Chime Brick looks:

"What are you laughing at?"

"I want you to take care of..." By

this time the fog had completely dissipated.

In the air, a figure with black wings and a demon head fell from the sky.

In his right hand he held a long, dark blade.

Holding Wakaseki Castle in his left hand.

Behind him was the incredible Seal Gate.

Yin Kongmen saw just now that Ruoguan Cheng was unharmed and was saved by this monster in front of him!

The attack of that broken city knife was directly swept away by him like sweeping garbage!

This is the Sky Crow....

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