When I opened the door, I saw Wind Chime holding an auspicious charm in his hand.

Two hundred knives, his face turned blue in an instant.

MD, defended against a thief outside for one night, and it turned out that there was a thief inside the house.

"What are you doing on a horse?"

Wind Chime turned around awkwardly holding the auspicious charm and grinned:

"E, what, I see that your auspicious charm is a little damp, I'll help you take it out and blow it for you, dry it!"

Saying that, he also blew two breaths into the auspicious charm.

Two hundred knives calmed his face, and walked in two steps to the front of the wind chime.

Directly lifted him up.

"Hey, hey, why don't you move me! The Raven will be back in a moment! "

The next second the wind chimes felt like the world turned, and the ceiling and floor switched places.

His whole person was picked up by two hundred knives, head down, like shaking a quilt, a wild trembling.

More than a dozen auspicious charms in his pocket all fell to the ground.

He glanced at the auspicious talisman on the ground, and then at the two hundred knives with a livid face.

An embarrassed smile:

"What, do you want to listen to my quibbles, no, explain..."

Two hundred knives raise their hands to teach the wind chimes a lesson.

"Help! Sky Raven! Save me! Wind

Chimes shouted loudly.

In the next second, a black shadow rushed in.

At the same time, there was a smell of blood.

The wind chimes and the two hundred knives were stunned at the same time and looked at the person in front of them.

Exactly the Sky Crow!

He had a faint smile on his face, but his body was soaked with blood.

Drop by drop, snapping, fell to the ground, covered in blood!

There was a sack behind him, which was the demon bag that he had taken from the two hundred knives before.

"Sky Raven? You..." Wind

Chimes was startled to see him covered in blood.

"Young Lord, the minister is back, don't worry about the old minister, not a drop of this blood is mine."

The kind smile of the sky crow made the wind chime feel a lot more relieved, but the latter sentence sounded a little scary.

Then, with his hands on the ground and his waist twisted, he broke free from the shackles of two hundred knives.

"It's really okay, Tiancrow!"

He hurried forward:

"What about smiling?"

"Haha~ Young Lord! I'm here! The

bag behind the Heavenly Crow suddenly bulged into a small bag, "Elder Heavenly Crow! Let me go!

So the crow threw the bag to the ground with a muffled sound.

Wind chimes still wonder, is the smile so heavy?

Then the smile crawled out of it.

Holding a white cake with a candle on it.

"Ha~ Young Lord! Happy birthday!

"This is a steamed rice cake made with a smile! The owner used to love to eat white rice with a smile and a smile! Seeing

that Xiaoxiao was so happy and safe, Wind Chime's heart was also warm.

I didn't tell her that her birthday passed yesterday.

At this time, Tiancrow took out a lighter, snapped and lit a candle, and then lit a cigarette for himself.

Or take a sip!


"Cough, young master, happy birthday."

Seeing this, Wind Chime smiled:

"Where did this stolen red candle come from, so thick?"

The candle looked like the kind of candle used to light incense, and each candle could burn for at least one night.

"Hehe~ smile took it from the clean room~"

Wind Chimes smiled, thank you for smiling, don't take it next time.

The two hundred knife faces next to him are still so blue.

So you guys TM's!

Can you take a look!

Whose home is this?

Who TM let you celebrate your birthday at my house!

"Young Lord! Blow out candles and make wishes!

Smiling urged, the wind chimes were also the first time, a little nervous.

I took a deep breath and was about to blow it.

In the bag next to him, a gray head suddenly poked out.

Wind Chime's eyes widened, and a small eunuch climbed out.

Then another one....

And then another one....

A large pile of eunuchs rolled out directly from the bag.

Nearly a thousand eunuchs directly filled the room with two hundred knives!

This is a demon bag worth 40,000!

The wind chimes are stupid, and the two hundred knife people are also stupid.

"Young Lord! Happy birthday~"

A eunuch hurried to congratulate him.

Then nearly a thousand eunuchs shouted in unison:

"Young Lord! Happy birthday! They

shouted so, and two hundred knives came back to their senses.

Looking at the crow in disbelief:

"What do you mean?"

"You TM... Moved home directly? Do you want me to go?

The Heavenly Raven glanced at the two hundred knives and nodded solemnly:

"Then thank you!"

"I'll fuck you uncle!"

Two hundred knives directly stormed away!

Carrying a knife will hack all these deflated calves in front of you to death!

One does not stay!

Of course, in the end, I endured it, after all, it is also a fact that I can't beat the Sky Crow.

Subsequently, the wind chimes celebrated a grand and grand birthday in the dark room of two hundred knives.

It was his first real birthday.

There were nearly a thousand people singing his birthday song together, not to mention how happy.

His ears were deaf when he was noisy, and his brain was buzzing.

Of course, the two hundred knives did not sing, but the throbbing green tendons on the forehead and the twitching corners of the mouth seemed to be the rhythm of a birthday song?

It's actually stuck, it's very outrageous.

While they were singing their birthday song, Wind Chimes made two wishes.

As for what, the secret.

After all, if you wish to say it, it will not work.

The wind chime, who had made a wish, looked at the demons in front of him and showed a knowing smile.

He also did not expect that his eighteen-year-old would unfold like this.

After blowing out the candles, it's time to eat cake.

The cake is just this piece, there are about a thousand people, and it is not enough to divide at all.

However, the demon does not eat food, and after eating, it cannot be digested, and in the end it has to be vomited.

Therefore, this large piece of rice cake can only be solved by wind chimes and two hundred knives.

But to be honest, dry chewing is a bit hard....

This is already an overnight meal, and the rice grains are really hard.

Wind Chimes chewed with a mask of pain, while praising this rice cake, which was delicious.

In order not to make the smile sad.

"Come, two hundred knives, thank you really for yesterday, quick, you eat more, it's really delicious."

Wind Chime grabbed a lump and shoved it directly into the hands of two hundred knives, trying to choke him to death and then inherit his commissary.

"Get out!"

"By the way, do you have a pot at home?" Can make egg fried rice? How about you go and fry this cake? "

Two hundred knives: ...

"Can you die?"

In the end, the two hundred knives still went to fry, and to be honest, he was also a little hungry.

Not to mention, his craft is really good, the wind chimes ate a large plate, and even burped.

"Hey, hey! Less Lord! It's not delicious! The

wind chime choked a little, and casually picked up a bottle on the shelf.

Poof, opened it, drank a large sip, and then nodded with a smile:

"Hiccup ~ good, your steamed rice, burp ~ and two hundred knives of cooking, it is a perfect match!" Ah, so full, cool! "

Wind Chimes are really happy.

How happy he was, how dark the face of the two hundred knives next to him was.

Then he walked to the cash register and silently picked up the small book and turned a page.

It is full of crimes written in wind chimes!

[6.3 days: 2 auspicious charms, 6W

snacks: 90

bundles of demon bags: 4W

] Then he wrote

: [6.4 days

explosion-proof steel door one: 1W5

wide drop a bottle: 3]

Then closed the book, no good airway:

"Eat enough, right? Work for Lao Tzu! Put this door on! Wind

Chimes glanced at what seemed to be a blast-proof door made of steel.

No wonder I heard the sound of bells ringing in the morning, it turned out to be a door.

Then he turned his head and asked Tianrao:

"By the way, Tianrao, why did you come back today, what happened last night?"

Two hundred knives:?

Are youTM listening to me?

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