So he immediately rushed out!

But the wind chimes are gone.

"Hey, Chu Sheng! Why are you going?" Lei

Yan ran from behind.

"No, it's okay..." Chu

Sheng was actually not sure, if he said nonsense, wouldn't it be very embarrassing if that family master was a real body.

After all, people just finished refueling themselves, and they turned their heads like this....

Wind Chimes left the Horcrux Research Institute and went directly to Virgen Peak.

Before the Dark Spirit Butler said that he still needed two tons of seeds.

Moreover, in the future, if you are light, you will live in the Yin and Yang Realm.

In order to make her feel more at home, avoid homesickness.

Wind Chime decided to build her an identical courtyard in the Yin and Yang Realm.

It was so sweet, although the seeds were taken from her family.

"Home, Master of the family..."

Xiao Yuan was guarding the Virgen Peak, her eyes were red, and she cried for a long time when she saw it.

There are still undried tear marks on his face.

It seems that if Qianyan is taken away by the wind chime, the blow to Xiao Yuan is still quite big.

Seeing Ruo Tinghan coming, Xiao Rui suddenly couldn't hold back:

"Master of the family... What the hell is going on with the Holy Lady now...

Wind Chimes looked at her, was silent for a while, and just said,

"I need two tons of seed."

Xiao Yuan was stunned when she heard this, and quickly wiped her tears:

"Please come with me."

The Dark Spirit Butler also didn't expect to let Wind Chime go to find the seeds of two tons of plants, and he retrieved two tons of seeds of immortal grass...

Then the wind chimes are ready to leave here.

"Master of the family, go slowly..." Wind

Chime glanced back at the lost soul of Xiao Yuan.

I thought, if all the light faces are abducted, or this guy will be abducted together.

So he said to Fenne, "

Come with me."

Xiao Yuan didn't dare to ask more, so he followed the wind chimes and left.

Wind Chime then took Xiao Yuan to the financial management office of the Ruo family.

Ruo's salary, all kinds of finances, are all managed here.

"Transfer 3 billion to this account."

Wind Chimes said so.

"Lord Obey the Lord..."

However, when transferring money, you can see the message on the other side.

After all, this account is the account opened by Ruojia for Wind Chime!

As soon as he saw the words wind chimes written on it, the man wondered

, "Master of the family, you are..." He

thought of the protection fee incident that had caused a sensation in the Spirit Master World before.

None of the three royal families have a relationship, if you listen to the cold, what are you going to do....

They thought that the wind chimes didn't want money, sorry, I want them all!

This money will not be said in the future, and now Wind Chimes needs this transfer information to create momentum for itself.

"You'll know later, just turn it."

The finance pursed his lips and nodded:


After doing all this, a long time has passed, and only a few minutes remain.

So the wind chimes immediately took Xiao Fen non-stop and returned to the mountain peak where they had cut down the tree before.

I have to say that they are still quite efficient.

He was also particularly happy to say to the wind chime:

"Master of the family, we have cut down 300,000 trees!" And not cut on the same peak, so that it does not look bald. "

Look at their cleverness.

Wind Chimes couldn't help but smile:

"It's a good job, it's hard work, and there will be a lot of rewards when the time comes."

Saying that, he immediately packed those 300,000 trees into his little otherworld.

Everyone was amazed.

It is worthy of being a young lord, how big an otherworld, to hold these 300,000 trees!?

These 300,000 trees are nothing for the yin and yang pei of the wind chimes.

Then the wind chimes immediately took the little cumin to the exit of the alien.

The time is almost up.

"Master of the family, slow down..."

Xiao Yuan couldn't keep up with the speed of the wind chime.

Unexpectedly, he came directly to Xiao Fendi's side, carried Xiao Fendi, and ran!

Cumin: ???

Lord Lord!

What are you doing!?

The guards at the exit of the other world were a little shocked:

"Home..." As

soon as he spoke, he was blocked back by the words of the wind chime.

"You'll know later"

everyone: ...

Xiao Yuan was stunned, and after seeing the wind chimes fly for a few kilometers, he reached the bottom of the Yin and Yang Realm, and with a move of his thoughts, he opened the entrance to the other world and carried Xiao Yuan in.

Cumin: ???

"Master of the family, here..."

Turning his head to look, the wind chime just turned into a time when it was up.

Xiao Yuan's eyes flickered, and the appearance of wind chimes appeared in front of her.

She looked at the wind chimes stupidly, opened her eyes, opened her mouth, her mouth moved, but did not say anything.

Wind Chimes smiled and said

, "Why, don't you know me?"

"Wind Chimes !!"

Xiao Yuan exclaimed.

"I'm going to kill you! You big liar! Not

knowing where the courage came from, she drew her spirit sword.

At this time, the Heavenly Crow and the Dark Spirit Butler came here.

"Young Lord, are you all right?"

Cumin: !!

Frightened, she jerked.

Immediately back a few meters.

Heavens, Sky Crows!

The legendary Sky Crow who kicked a little friend!

Help me!

Wind Chime shook his head with a smile and said to Xiao Yuan:

"Don't you miss your family's holy daughter?"

Xiao Yuan was stunned when she heard this, and the panic on her face immediately turned into surprise:

"Lord Saint, you are still alive!" Where is she! Following

the instructions of the wind chime, Xiao Yuan went immediately.

"Saint, Lord Virgin!"

When she saw Ruo Qianyan, she even cried out with excitement!


There is surprise on Ruo's face, and there is also surprise.

"Why are you here?"


Xiao Rui fluttered to Ruo Qianyan with tears all the way, and Ruo Qianyan suddenly remembered something, and immediately flashed like a side and avoided her:

"Wait a minute, you're a wind chime, right?"

Cumin: ???

"No, my lord... I'm cumin... Whining.

She wiped her tears and cried.

"Great, finally see you again, Lord Saint, woo..." If

he saw Xiao Yuan crying so badly, he thought that it should not be a wind chime.

Otherwise, his acting skills are really invincible.

Knowing that it was Wind Chime who came back with Xiao Yuan, Ruo Qianyan's heart warmed: it

turned out that he was not here today, but he went to bring Xiao Yuan back.

A little heartwarming.

But as soon as I heard that Wind Chime used his father's identity, he went to the house of Ruo, pit 3 billion, 30 tons of trees, and 2 tons of fairy grass seeds.

The heart is cold at once!

Wind chimes!

You mean a few!

At this time, the wine entanglement corpse came over and stared at Xiao Yuan and Ruo Qianyan.

Xiao Yuan was so frightened that she came to Ruo Qianyan's face.

This person is, the Feng family wine is entangled in the corpse... Legend has it that you use girls to drink wine and earth monsters!

I don't know where she heard those strange legends.

If the wine corpse knew about it, he would definitely disdain:

"Woman, it will only dirty my wine!"

"No, you are not allowed to hurt the Holy Lady!"

Xiao Yuan said fearfully.

The wine corpse looked at her expressionlessly, and said lightly:

"Did the young master of my family take wine from your Ruojia?"

Cumin: ???

"No, I don't know..." At

this time, the wind chimes in the distance could see all this.

Suddenly crying and laughing, I forgot to bring him wine.

But it doesn't matter, in a while, go to Lei Jiaxue again....

After all, he had just acquired Lei Yan's face.

Protection fees, the royal family, one family can not be less!

As for how to explain it to Ruo Qianyan....

Nothing big, she's always empathetic.

The whole world could not have imagined that after nineteen years, the Royal Three Family was stolen by the Feng Family again!

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