Everyone also turned their heads to look over, but they didn't see Ruo Qianyan.

Just saw Wakaseki Castle.

Ruo Guan Cheng was stunned for a moment, looked back, and found that Ruo Qianyan hid behind him at some point, borrowed his broad body, and blocked everyone's sight.

Suddenly a little crying and laughing, he flashed directly to the side, revealing Ruo Qian's face behind him.

Ruo glanced at the wind chimes lightly and bit her lip gently.

I really regret it!

I already knew that I would give him my sword and use that Qingyan Thunder myself.

What bad thoughts can she have, but this Qingyan Thunder and her own sword are of the same quality, so she gave the wind chime.

I just didn't expect things to get so awkward.

"Light face... Why is this..."

Lei Jiaoyun looked at her with a grievance, that feeling was like, took the girl to the point for half a day, and found that she was just ranking with her boyfriend for the upper score, woo-woo... It hurts, it hurts so much!

Ruo Qianyan just said lightly:

"At that time, among the tombs, it was too dangerous, and Wind Chime did not have a sword in his hand, so I borrowed him for self-defense."

"Oh... So it was...

Huh..." Lei Jianyun smiled bitterly, this explanation made him feel a little better.

At this time, the wind chimes came out coldly next to him and said:

"Madame is really sweet."

Lei Jiaoyun's mental state just improved sharply deteriorated.

Then Wind Chime smiled and said:

"Lei Gongzi doesn't have to be so moved, after all, I and Qianyan are physically and mentally one, and it really makes no difference if I take this sword or she takes it."


Lei Jiaoyun once again spurted out a mouthful of old blood, his eyes were black, and he fainted directly.

"Lei Gongzi !!"

At this time, the wind chimes slowly walked towards the unconscious thunder cloud.

Seeing this, everyone in the Lei family immediately became vigilant:

"Wind chimes! What do you want to do! Don't come here! Wind

Chimes smiled and said,

"I just want to return this sword to him."

Saying that, he came to Lei Jiaoyun, slowly squatted down, took his hand, and put the Qingyan Thunder in his hand in his hand.

Softly said:

"Hey, it's really pitiful, just give it back to you..." The

corners of the Lei family's mouths twitched, who do you think made him so pitiful!

After returning the Qingyan Thunder to him, he changed hands and took the Chiyan Thunder from his other hand!

Hehe smiled:

"You use the mother's, I use the male!" Hey, hey..."

Everyone: ???

This guy....

He could obviously take both swords, but he still exchanged one sword with Lei Jiaoyun, it was too gentle... Fart!

It's not human, isn't it!

They could already imagine what Thunder Cloud would look like after getting up for a while.

Everyone in the Lei family gritted their teeth and looked at the wind chime, but the wind chime glanced at the Chiyan Thunder in his hand with a playful smile.

Two words were written on his face: [The needle does not poke! ]

"Okay, stop messing with you, train."

Everyone is speechless in their hearts, just you have been making trouble!

Once trained, everyone was very serious, and they practiced with the Heavenly Crow for a day, and they practiced for a long time.

After a while, Lei Jianyun woke up, looked at the Qingyan sword in his hand, and glanced at the Chiyan sword in Wind Chime's hand.


, are you awake?"

Wind Chime glanced at him:

"Oh, you're awake, my lady said that Chiyan Sword is more compatible with my temperament, so I..."

Before the words were finished, Lei Jianyun fainted again with white eyes.

Everyone in the Lei family: ......

Lei Gongzi, what do you say you provoked him?

When everyone rested in the evening, Wind Chimes looked solemn

: "You come with me again."

Ruo Yan glanced up at him lightly, and in his heart:

Here again?

Do you have to use the same trick twice?

Are you taking me for a fool?

So he slowly stood up and left with the wind chimes in full view.

Everyone could actually see a little clue, but they didn't say anything tacitly.

After all, the Holy Lady wants face.

After the two came to the side, Wind Chimes looked Ruo Qianyan up and down, and Ruo Qianyan saw his strange expression, and couldn't help asking:

"What's wrong?"


Wind Chime snorted coldly, and took out Thundercloud's

sword: "Give me your suitor's sword, how dare you!" My good lady.

Ruo Yan pursed his lips and said softly,

"Don't return it to me."

"You still want to go back?"

Wind Chime raised his eyebrows, withdrew his sword, stepped forward, and came to Ruo Qianyan's face with great momentum.

If Lian Yan did not give in the slightest, she would have been kind....

Wind Chime said lightly:

"Don't you know that this sword is a double sword? You still use a couple sword with him?

"It was given by the head of the Lei family, I don't want to refuse, and I have never used it." You know the sword I usually use. When

Wind Chime heard this, he reached out and took her:

"Don't think that I will forgive you if you explain it like this."

Ruo Qianyan's eyes were slightly curved, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but raise, and he looked at him proudly:


Wind Chimes smiled:

"Yes, so how are you going to appease your husband?"

Ruo Qianyan raised his fist with a threatening face:

"I'll give you a massage?"

Wind Chime, however, moved with a thought, directly pulled a chair, took her hand, and said with a smile:

"I'll give you a massage, ma'am."

"Who is your wife, I am not."

As he spoke, he closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

The wind chimes hammered lightly, and asked with a smile:

"Am I doing hard?"


"Do you want to hurry?"




Wind Chimes smiled and bent down and bowed their heads.

Ruo Qianyan felt the movement of the wind chimes and knew that he might want to kiss himself.

But he didn't open his eyes and pretend he didn't know anything.

But after a while, the wind chimes did not move.

If Qian Yan slowly opened his eyes, he saw that he was above him, and his eyes were aiming at his chest unscrupulously!

That look was like eating her!

"Wind chimes!"

Ruo Yan shouted angrily, and quickly blocked it with his hand.

His face was already flushed, and he bit his lip.

"Haha, the old husband and wife, what are you still shy..."

said Wind Chime, who actually retreated five meters away in fear.

After all, the old husband and wife are not light or heavy....

"You rascal..." Seeing

that she didn't seem so angry, Wind Chime smiled and walked over.

"Eat some fruit, dissipate your breath... Hehe..."

Ruo Qianyan bit his lip and gave him an amorous white eye:

"Where did the fruit come from?"

"Sent by Hawkeye."

Ruo Qianyan was stunned when she heard this, Xiao Nanjie Eagle Eye, Wind Chime gave her a brief word, Ruo Qianyan pondered.

"What are you thinking?"

"How is it outside? The Hundred Families Conference has passed, father he..." She

was really still worried about the Ruo family, worried about the outside world.

Wind Chimes smiled when they heard this:

"Then I'll take you out to see."

"Is that okay?"

Wind Chimes clearly saw the joy flashing in her eyes.

After all, people yearn for freedom....

Then Ruo Qianyan suddenly said:

"If it's not convenient, even if it's not convenient, you don't have to be so accommodating, just tell me how."

She fears that she will show up and be seen, affecting the plans of Wind Chimes and her father.

These were the two most important people in her life, and she was even more reluctant to take risks.

It's not the same as when she was a child, when she wanted to go out and play, she cried and made trouble, but now that she has grown up, she knows how to weigh the pros and cons.

"Shout husband listen, I'll take you out for a spin, how about it?"

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