Today, the morning of Chu Sheng's house.

Another unpleasant breakfast.

Chu Sheng and his father quarreled again.

The reason was that Lao Chu asked him to take a vacation to find a class.

Chu Sheng was unwilling, he wanted to invent at home.

As soon as Lao Chu heard that he was engaged in something that had no way out, he went crazy on the spot, slammed the door, and went to work.

There are many Horcrux masters in this world, but few are famous.

Many things are made with no use at all.

It was still expensive to sell, and no one bought it at all.

Only a few Spirit Artifact Masters can achieve something with this.

Because Lao Chu didn't understand that thing, he felt that it was more difficult than cultivation.

Naturally, he is not optimistic about his son.

After going out, I glanced back at the unit door of the community.

Finally shook his head and let out a long sigh.

At this time, several people dressed in black suddenly fell in front of him.

Lao Chu also reacted quickly, and immediately took a few steps back.

The eyes looked warily at the few people in front of him.

All spiritual masters?

And everyone is very strong!

The person at the head in the middle was Bai Lingyun.

He said expressionlessly

, "Chu Sheng's father, right?"

Old Chu subconsciously thought that Chu Sheng was causing trouble outside.

But as his father, he had to take care of everything.

Then he followed the spirit masters to a place where no one was.

Along the way, Lao Chu was also terrified, and the strength of these people in front of him was too strong.

I don't know how my good son messed with them.

After arriving at the ground, Bai Lingyun took out an identity card and showed it to Lao Chu.

When Lao Chu saw the Bai family emblem, his eyes widened, and he felt that his legs were a little soft.

Bai family?

How did he mess with the people of the Bai family?

The name of the Royal Three Families is too loud in the Spirit Master world.

"It turns out that the adults of the Bai family are under the eyes of Tarzan."

Lao Chu hurriedly saluted them.

Bai Lingyun smiled:

"No need, we are looking for you to ask you to do us a favor."

Old Chu was immediately relieved in his heart when he heard this.

"Recently, a prisoner from the Bai family escaped, and we have not been able to find him, but, your son, and he is friends."

Hearing this, he frowned again and listened carefully.

"So I want you to ask your son to seduce him out and we will arrest him."

"If this happens, I, as the head of the Bai family's special operations department, promise you to let your son enter our Bai family!"

Old Chu's spirit was shocked.

Enter the Bai family, one of the three royal families!

He used to dream about it too!

But without that ability.

If his son can enter the Royal Three Family, then he will have no regrets in this life.

Bai Lingyun saw that he had done his homework and knew Lao Chu well.

"Then may I ask the adult, the little friend, what crime has been committed?"

Old Chu was still cautious and asked more.

Bai Lingyun's eyes were cold:

"In broad daylight, bullying people, robbing people and women, and harming the people through demons!" What do you think, what is the crime? Old

Chu's eyes suddenly sharpened when he heard this, and he said in a deep voice:

"Little disciple, the sin cannot be forgiven!"

He didn't expect that his son would actually make such friends.

Bai Lingyun also pretended to be righteous and awe-inspiring, and said in a deep voice:

"Remember, don't tell anyone about this. It is up to my Bai family to personally announce it.

Old Chu nodded heavily:

"Please rest assured, my lord, this matter is wrapped up in me."

They then added contact information to each other.

After the people of the Bai family left, an excited smile appeared on Lao Chu's face.

The dream of hoping for a son to become a dragon is finally coming true.

At noon, the wind chimes slowly woke up.

After lunch, I went straight out to find Ruo's territory to dance.

Throughout the day, he walked outside with the Heavenly Crow, and Ruojia's territory.

If the family is in the capital, there are more than 40 jurisdictions, large and small.

During the day, there are spiritual masters everywhere.

But wind chimes are now also spiritual masters.

He took several pictures in each place.

Singled out places where there are no people, so that people can't see when they came.

Even with the help of the crows, it took an afternoon.

He took all the pictures of a summer vacation!

Every day after that, he would check in under the net of the Spirit Master Ruojia.

People sit at home and travel around the capital every day.

The first thing I went back was, I posted another photo of Ugly Cow Street in the old town of the center of Beijing.


[Yes, I came to check in again today, and I met a few stupid Xs of the Ruo family, so I'm afraid! ] Good thing I ran fast! After

posting it, he smiled and glanced at the first post he posted last night.

There are not many views, only more than a thousand.

But it doesn't matter, there will always be fire!

Tiancrow cried and laughed beside him:

"Young Lord, why are you picking Ruojia?"

Tiancrow actually wants to be more disgusting to the Bai family.

"Why don't I go and help you take some photos of the Bai family's territory tomorrow?"

Wind Chime stretched out his index finger and waved it with a smile:

"Nonono, if everyone is seen as a joke together, the joke will not be so funny."

"The fewer people are being seen as a joke, the more anxious that person is."

"If the family is the richest, who do I not pick on it?"

Tiancrow thought for a moment and asked

, "Young Lord, what does nonono mean?"

Wind Chimes: "Oh, your pronunciation is quite standard, but is that the point?"

"Forget it, come, keep training!" I haven't played the level last night!

Saying that, Wind Chimes stood up and jumped up.

Seeing this, Tiancrow was also full of joy, but he didn't expect that the wind chime actually offered to train.

So he took out two wooden knives again.

Wind Chimes couldn't help but roll his eyes when he saw this wooden knife:

"Still coming?"

Tiancrow raised his knife with a smile: "Young Lord, this is a warm-up." Then

the wind chimes were stabbed by the sky crow by two thousand times, and still not once could dodge it.

This was followed by last night's feather training.

The right hand has passed the first level, but the left hand has not.

He tried his right hand first and passed the level once!

"Hey, how's it going?"

Tiancrow looked at the wind chimes with a confident face and said:

"It is worthy of being a young master, but the left hand is not so easy, the old minister and the master of the family have practiced enough..."

Before the words were finished, the left hand of the wind chime passed.

Back and forth five times a second, with ease.

The smile on Tianrao's face suddenly froze!


"Oh roar?"

Wind Chime looked at the Heavenly Crow and raised an eyebrow at him.

"How long have you been practicing?"

Wind Chimes looked at him playfully.

The raven touched his beard and took a cigarette out of his pocket.

After inhaling in one breath, he coughed a few times:

"Cough, cough, let's move on to the next level."

Trying to muddle through.

Wind Chimes couldn't help but laugh twice:


The second level is the up and down trajectory.

With last night's practice, the wind chimes took only 3 hours and passed with both hands.

The left and right hands of the wind chimes seem to be extremely coordinated.

As long as the right hand can pass the level, it is equal to the left hand can also pass the level.

This surprised Tianrao.

My own young master, this is the material for playing with double knives!

But... The Raven will only slash alone.

How to teach double knives?

So he began to recall whether there was a big guy who played double knife.

The third level is the diagonal cut, which is a bit difficult, and the wind chimes have not passed until dinner.


At dinner, Lao Chu had not yet returned.

Only Mother Song and Chu Sheng were eating dinner at home.

Before the meal was finished, Lao Chu suddenly opened the door and came back.

Mother Song was very surprised when she saw it:

"You, didn't you say last night that you would work overtime and not come back to eat?"

Lao Chu smiled and said: "

Temporarily canceled!"

There is nothing more important than his son's entry into the Imperial Three Family.

Chu Sheng saw that his father had returned, snorted with his nose, and directly got up at the dinner table.

I stopped eating, and I planned to go back to my bedroom.

Lao Chu didn't stop either, but after eating, he went straight to his son's bedroom.

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