Just now the man said:

"Yes, we don't know what's going on, but recently we can suddenly see it... We came back from Ozhou, where the streets are full of demons and monsters at night! During this time, many people have died! Wind

Chimes pondered.

The demon race is rampant, how can ordinary people suddenly be possessed by spiritual power.

Moreover, this spiritual power is not low, and the spiritual power on the body is below a limit, and the monster cannot be seen.

"That, this youkai... No, no, this little brother, do you know what the reason is?

The man asked the wind chime, who shook his head and took out his

claw machine: "I don't know why, but..."

He stood the claw machine in front of the man, and smiled:

"This is my collection code, 10,000 lives per person, Tong Suo is not deceived!" Kid, let's count it as 5,000!"



All right!

10,000 yuan to pick up a life, really blood earned!

At this time, one person said:

"You are here to rob!" How do we know if you blew up the plane and then deliberately saved us and blackmailed us? "

It was a woman with gold-framed glasses, a thin face and fleshy cheeks.

This face is a snarky look.

But what she said, the people around her did not believe.

After all, to make such a big move, one person will ask for 10,000 yuan, how idle it is.

To put it simply, on this half of the plane, she is wise, so the wind chimes plan to give her a long memory.

"Where is the stupid Boichi, come to people, leave her down."

The words fell, and a small demon came in from outside.

The appearance of that little demon was much more terrifying than the wind chime, which made everyone present scream in fear.

The woman shouted,

"I pay!" I pay! I do! Wind

Chime sneered and said

, "I changed my mind, I want all your assets."

The woman was stunned when she heard this:

"Aren't you robbing here..." Wind

Chime's eyes were cold:

"I am not only helpful, but also like to rob the rich and help the poor." I'm the poor. The

smile disappeared:

"Throw it down."

"Don't! I give! I give them all! When

the woman saw the little monster approaching, she was so frightened that her legs were trembling and she was about to pee.

Of course, all the assets are not so easy to give, anyway, the wind chimes remember her, and slowly find her to settle accounts afterwards, he is a vengeful person.

Seeing this, the people around did not dare to beep more.

The Spirit Master's side immediately contacted the airport.

[Please note that all flights are temporarily suspended at Guangdong Airport, and the airport emergency medical team is on standby at any time.

At the same time, a large number of spirit masters were placed in advance to open the field of vision shielding.

Shielded those ordinary people to prevent this from expanding further.

In this way, they only need to erase the memories of those people in the plane, which saves time and manpower and material resources.

When those people landed, they were still unbelievable that they had survived.

"Okay, you're free."

"Thank you Superman Big Brother!"

The little boy from before said excitedly.

There are also many people around who sincerely and sincerely thank the wind chimes.

Although he collected 10,000 yuan.

There were even the yokai around them:

"Thank you! It turns out that even the demon race is divided into nationalities! It is worthy of our Chinese demon clan! "

Beauty! Thank you guys so much! "

Thank you!"

Those demon races of the Hawkeye family, for the first time in their lives, were thanked by ordinary humans!

This feeling, good TM is strange....

The expressions on each of the four wings' faces were also a little strange.

Bai Yi, who was the strongest in strength, suddenly smiled and said, "

We seem to have accidentally done a good thing."

Chiyi, who had fought with the Heavenly Crow before, whispered:

"This fucking mother's, or the first time I've done a good deed..."

"It's not good, these people are so annoying, they keep saying thank you. Noisy to death! Shut up!

Chiyi glanced at his mouth, looking disgusted.

The black wing, on the other hand, kept looking at the wind chime, pondering something.

At this time, the little boy happily ran to the wind chime:

"Superman big brother! You're amazing, do I have a question for you? Wind

Chime smiled and said,


"Hehe, may I ask Superman?"

Wind Chimes was stunned when he heard this, and his expression was a little strange.


Chiyi couldn't hold back his laughter.

The people who survived the disaster around couldn't help but laugh softly.

The child's mother had been sitting on the ground, resting.

Hearing the child's words, he bounced up, and a brisk step flew and quickly covered the child's mouth:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Wind Chimes shook his head with a smile, reached out and touched the boy:

"I'm actually no different from ordinary people, and you may be able to become as powerful as me in the future."

He felt the spiritual power in the boy's body.

Maybe you can become a spiritual master in the future.

Not only him, but the people in the entire cabin have spiritual power in their bodies.

That's why they can see the demon race.

But this spiritual power is obviously not innate to them, as for where it came from, Wind Chimes do not know.

Then the people from the airport came, and the spirit masters also arrived and took over these people.

Wind Chimes left with the demons, and when they left, those rescued were still shouting thanks and goodbye.

"Goodbye pretty boy!"

The spirit masters who arrived stood on the ground one by one, looking at those who were grateful, and at the demon races flying far away in the sky.

The expressions are very exciting, it's really a long time to see...

Even these spirit masters, who have lived for so many years, have never seen such a thing.

"Thank you."

Ruo said softly.

"Thank who?"

Wind Chimes sniffed with a smile.


am I?"

Ruo Yan heard that he knew that he wanted to let himself call his husband and say thank you.

Dream it!

The corners of his mouth are gently hooked, and he purses his mouth and does not speak, pretending not to know anything.

Wind Chimes also smiled:

"There is no sincerity at all, next time you want to thank me, please kiss me directly."

"I don't want it."

"Then I'll kiss you, hehe..."

said and gave a quick kiss on her face.

Ruo Qianyan kept pursing her mouth, although she didn't say anything, her flushed cheeks said it all.

Chiyi next to Chiyi saw this scene and snorted softly.

It was called a sour, glanced at Miss Black Wing, his gaze stayed slightly, and then stopped looking at the two of them.

Ever since the wind chimes arrived in Yuezhou, the people in the Spirit Master Network have been asking for the latest developments.

[What about the Yuezhou Spirit Master? Why don't you speak...

] [It won't be all extinguished, right?] It's terrifying...]

When those spiritual masters were done, they also started surfing the Internet.

So those beautiful boys in Guangdong, who witnessed the whole process of saving people from wind chimes, posted what wind chimes did on the Internet.

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