Several tentacles appeared at the same time!


The audience was in an uproar, and people were so frightened that they took several steps backwards in a row!

But the little boy in front of him did not, the fragmented energy in his body had disappeared, without the blessing of that energy, although there was spiritual power in his body, it was not enough to see the monster.

In his eyes, the wind chimes were no different from before.

Ruo Ouming looked at the tentacles behind the wind chime, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The tentacles, each as thick as an arm.

Unlike the blood-colored disgusting tentacles of the brain badger, the tentacles released by the wind chimes are white, and there are some black spell patterns on them.

There's no disgusting feeling at all, and it's even a little cool.

Wind Chime glanced back and couldn't help but say:

"It's worthy of me, it's handsome!"

Everyone: ...

After saying that, Wind Chime looked at Ruo Qianyan, Ruo Qianyan's face was more calm, there was no expression, he smiled and asked:

"Do you like this?"

Ruo Yan was stunned when he heard this, and shook his head:

"I don't like it."

She didn't understand what the wind chimes meant, but some people present understood it, and their faces suddenly looked strange.

He likes this, not very serious!

Ruo Ou Ming rolled his eyes speechlessly, fortunately the Holy Lady didn't understand, otherwise he would definitely have cut you Kunkun with a sword!

Wind Chime wanted to try it with the little boy in front of him first, but was stopped by a strong man:

"Wait a minute, don't try with a child, I'll try it first!"


He glanced at the strong man appreciatively, controlled the black and white tentacles to shrink in diameter, and pierced into his ears!

Everyone present was in a state of trepidation.

But the strong man suddenly gasped.

"Ahhh... So cool! "

Everyone present: ???

The strong man saw the strange expression on Wind Chime's face, and seemed to realize that he was a little disgusting, and quickly explained

: "Sorry, this feels a bit like ear picking, very comfortable..." Wind

Chime's face was still very ugly, and said in a deep voice:

"How long have you not taken out your ears?"

Saying that, he immediately pulled out his tentacles, and saw a bunch of strange things hanging on it.

The wind chime rubbed directly on the strong man's clothes with a look of disgust, and then said without good breath:

"Trouble you all to pluck out your ears first!"

Saying that, I couldn't help but think in my heart, how did this brain badger deal with these before, it seems that he didn't deal with it and directly withdrew it in his head....

Isn't it all ear poop in his head?

"Okay, you try to name what happened today."

The strong man nodded awkwardly, so he opened his mouth, just wanted to make a sound, but immediately covered his head and cried out in pain!

"Aaaah! It hurts! He

even crouched down, his body trembling slightly.

Seeing this, everyone present tightened their hearts and felt so terrified.

Seeing this, Wind Chime said:

"This kind of mind control, only I can eliminate it, if one day in the future, you don't want it, you can find this guy next to you and let him contact me."

"Rest assured, as long as you don't violate the agreement, it won't have any impact on your life."

Then the wind chimes absorbed the trace amount of fragmented energy in the body of everyone present, and implemented the spiritual contract.

It was also given to everyone present that they opened their yin and yang eyes.

The Yin Yang Eye is a spiritual technique that has previously appeared in No. 39 Demon Town.

After it is turned on, ordinary people, or people with low spiritual power, can see the monster.

The little boy couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised after opening his yin and yang eyes:

"Superman big brother! You look like Kaneki! "

This white hair, plus those tentacles in the back, is indeed a bit similar.

Wind Chime just smiled and said,

"Then who is more handsome than me or him?"

"Of course it's you! Hey! "


After everything was settled, someone asked angrily,

"Can we go now?"

Ruo Ouming nodded:

"That's it."

Wind Chimes said,

"Wait a minute!"

Everyone didn't say anything when they heard this, stopped to look at the wind chime, although the wind chime was a little scary just now, but everyone was quite grateful to the wind chime.

Wait quietly to see what he is going to say.

"I helped you again, 10,000 adults, 5,000 children, Tong Suo is not deceived!"

Everyone: ...

Ruo Qianyan, who was next to him, also glanced at the wind chimes with a strange face:

"You still collect money?"

Wind Chimes smiled and said

, "Of course, I didn't work for nothing."

At this time, someone came over and immediately took out the money cheerfully

: "You have already saved our lives, to be honest, this money is indeed less..."

Wind Chimes smiled:

"Look, this is the person who understands!" Big brother, I like you very much, if there is anything to find me in the future, Tong Suo is not deceived!

Ruo Qianyan couldn't help but ask,

"You saved them before and collected money?"

"yes... Is there a problem? "

He doesn't think there's a problem....

Ruo Qianyan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but finally took a deep breath and gritted his teeth, forget it, the person he saved has nothing to do with me.

"Oh, you confiscate!"

Wind Chime suddenly thought, and then immediately said to those present:

"Those who were saved by my wife, pay 10,000!" Five thousand children! "

Wakashi: ???

"Wind chimes!"

She frowned and whispered:

"I volunteered to save them, and I didn't collect money."

So Wind Chimes smiled:

"Okay, my wife has a large number of adults, save you once for free, so it's free!"

But those who were saved by wind chimes were a little uncomfortable....

Originally, it was saved and only spent 10,000, and they still felt that it was worth it.

But when I saw that half of the people confiscated the money, my heart suddenly became unbalanced....

Wind chimes don't care about this, the money is in his pocket, it is impossible to return.

"Ma Yo! Pay the money! "

Where does he still have that heroic appearance now, a proper reminder."

Ruo Qianyan was also speechless next to him, originally to enhance the reputation of the wind chime, but he did this, and the effect was greatly reduced.

Those people paid and left, and Wind Chime glanced at Ruo Ouming:

"Senior brother."

"What for?"

If Ou Ming didn't have a good airway.

Wind Chimes smiled:

"Did you say I did Ruojia a big favor?"

Ruo Ouming: ...

"Ask for money, huh? Wait until I go back and report to the family and transfer money to you.

"Hehe, what money is not money, how ugly money is, that's called pay!" There are more than 400 people in total, and the price of family affection is discounted, 10,000 per person, 5 million. "

Ruo Ouming: ???

【More than 400 people】【Family price】【Five million? You

really know how to settle scores!

"Wind! Bell!

Ruo Qianyan's somewhat deep voice sounded.

In front of Ruo Qianyan, looking for Ruo's family to ask for money, the Holy Lady is very faceless!

Wind Chime glanced at her and said with a smile:

"However, for the sake of my wife's face, count it!"

"I'm not your old..." If

he said half of his words, he suddenly realized that if he said no, the wind chimes might say:

"Oh, you are not, then pay the money!"

Glancing at him, sure enough, this guy had a smug smile.

I see... It turned out to be a set!

He didn't intend to ask for money, just to get himself into the trap.

Why do you have so many routines every day?

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