However, after glancing left and right at the people around him, he was relieved to see their envious eyes.

It's just that the wind chimes don't look good....

"I don't care, I'm going to buy it, let's get one piece for each of us."

Ruo Yan pursed his mouth and frowned,

"Then you kill me."

The words fell, and suddenly several spirit masters rushed in!


"Young Master of the Feng Family! Exercise restraint! Rush me!

"Don't move!"

"Lord Saint, don't be impulsive, we still have a chance for the Jedi to turn over."

Wind chimes, if light: ???

The two of them had not spoken yet.

Ruo Ouming suddenly walked in outside, his face was helpless and gloomy!

When he came in, he scolded them:

"Is it sick, there is a brain problem to treat!" Get lost! "

Wakashan: .

Senior Ou Ming, why are you here?

After everyone left, the other people in the store looked at Wind Chimes and Ruo Qianyan's eyes suddenly changed.

What are the origins of these two people?

Those people who rushed in just now are the bodyguards of this beautiful woman?

What rich and noble family?

Is it a princess?

She must be a princess who looks so beautiful, right?

However, Wind Chime did not pay attention to the eyes of those people, and directly took the two clothes to the counter.

"I'm sorry sir, this dress doesn't have your girlfriend's size anymore... This one sells very hot. "

Wakashi: ???

Would anyone really buy such clothes?

Hearing this, Wind Chime glanced back at Ruo Qianyan, his gaze stayed on Slime, and licked his lips.

It's my wife....

"Then forget it."

But what Ling Ruoyan didn't expect was that she saw the dress again in another store around the corner.

I really can't escape this time.

"Haha, when my birthday is over, we will wear this and shine in front of the hundred demons and spirit masters of the capital, how about it."

Wakashan: ...

The image instantly appeared in her mind.

She would rather die than wear this dress in front of the public!

Wind chimes are bought and bought, but if they don't wear it, he can't manage it.

You can't put her clothes on her head.

In fact, after the two strolled around for a while, the sky was already a little dark.

Wind Chime glanced at it, the time was almost up, and returned to the place where he left at the beginning.

There is only a demon clan with black wings, waiting for wind chimes.

"You're standing here all day?"

Wind Chime was a little surprised, and Black Wing did not answer this question, but said to himself:

"Are we ready to go back?"


"Okay, I'll call them."

So the black wing roared loudly, which spread for hundreds of kilometers around.

She didn't control that voice, whether it was ordinary people, spirit masters or demon races, they could hear it, but it didn't matter.

Hundred ghosts have done such outrageous things every day, how can they care about these.


The dark and shiny feathered pointed mouth made the world can't help but look up.

"Oh my God... Why so many crows?

"What's going on? It always feels like this is a bad omen. I

saw those crows flying over, hovering over the black wing, chirping for a long time, and then slowly dispersing.

The sky crow in the sky watched this scene the whole time, his eyes were slightly condensed, and with a wave of his hand, several black qi burst out of his sleeve.

Transformed into several black crows, they flew away with those crows that had been summoned by the Black Wing before.

The crows felt that these crows were not simple, so they decided to go along and take a look.

However, the wind chimes are more direct, if you don't understand anything, just ask directly, anyway, sooner or later they are their own people.

"What are those crows here for?"

Black Wing said lightly:

"I sent it to monitor whether those demon races were doing anything wrong. Didn't you keep them messing around.

"Oh, good job."

Wind Chimes gave her a thumbs up.

"Where are they from?"

Black Wing glanced at the wind chimes and stopped talking, and finally shook his head:

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you."

"It's okay, no need to apologize."

Wind Chime said with a smile, and at the same time immediately said to the Heavenly Crow in his heart:

"Heavenly Crow, keep up with those crows just now."

Tiancrow actually did it just now, but still said softly:

[Obey the order of the young lord, worthy of being the young lord, thoughtful! ]

After all the demon clans of the Hawkeye family returned, Wind Chime smiled and asked,

"Did you have fun today?"


Except for the four wings, the hundred demons present basically shouted.

"So happy, what are you doing?"

Some demon tribes went to the beach to blow the sea breeze and bask in the sun.

Some demon races flew into the sky, they were birds and monsters, and they should have belonged to the blue sky.

But I forget when they didn't even have the freedom to come out in the sun.

I followed the wind chimes for most of the day today, don't mention it's cool.

"Do you want to come tomorrow?"

Wind Chimes asked them with a smile.


All the demons drank in unison, Chiyi frowned, and inside:

You smelly boys, you still want to come tomorrow?

I see that you are completely lost in the mind of this guy and have forgotten the grace of Lord Hawkeye, right?

The spirit masters present were also a little confused when they heard this:

Isn't it, come back tomorrow?

Most of the people here are scattered cultivators from Yuezhou, who came here just to respond to the call of the Imperial Three Families.

I didn't do anything for a day today, but I followed this bunch of dicks around.

If you take a few more days, you may lose your job.

After all, most casual cultivation is not based on spiritual masters.

Who always has the kung fu to watch them?

Seeing that everyone's interest was so high, Wind Chime said with a smile:

"Then I will give you a task, and if you do a good job, I will continue to bring you here tomorrow."

"On the way back, fly low, and shout Bai Qiling all the way to the silly Boyi."

Goblins: !!

It's going to die, no, it's going to die!


Sure enough, this guy is aiming at Bai Qi Ling!

He really is not afraid of death....

So, Wind Chimes took all the demon races and went all the way north.

The latest news of

the spirit master: [Attention of the spirit master in various provinces and cities, the wind chime is about to lead the hundred demons north. "

Louder! Shout with me! Bai Qiling! The

wind chimes shouted, and the hundred demons behind him answered in unison:

"Silly Boichi!"

Not only that, those demon races behind them, whose strength is above the fourth order, can already skillfully control the skill of allowing humans to hear their voices.

Therefore, wherever they passed, whether it was people, spirit masters or demon races, they could all hear their roars.

Wind Chime: "White Spirit!"

All the demons: "Silly Boichi! "

Don't say, it's quite rhythmic.

It's just that the humans are a little confused:

"What sound?" Did you hear that? Who's cursing?

"Shouting what?"

As soon as the voice fell:

"Bai Qiling!"

"Silly Boichi!"

So everyone put down their work in confusion and walked out of the building, or lay on the window and watched.

No suspicious targets were found.

Only the loud voice echoed in the air.

"Who is called Bai Qiling? What is this buddy doing?

"Not yet! Inexplicably..." Those

demon races along the way also listened to this voice in the other world.

Some people in the otherworld laughed, and some people in the otherworld were panicked....

"Haha, this young master of the Feng family is interesting! I also want to shout along. "

The Bai family has already received the news that the wind chimes are scolding from the south to the north at this time.

Those young and vigorous young men in the Bai family immediately couldn't bear it:

"Crooked Sun his second uncle!"

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