So willing to use, I don't know if the ten miles of ghosts can't use it, or that energy can be recycled and used indefinitely.

He guessed that there might be something to replenish the energy of the fragment.

Ruo Qianyan then continued to read the memory of the other half.

It was an evening more than a decade ago.

The boy lay on his stomach in the empty classroom, and the tables and chairs around him fell into a large area.

The classroom is so quiet that even the sound of birds flapping their wings outside the window can be heard.

The back of the school uniform was covered with black footprints.

The eye socket is bruised and swollen, and there is blood at the corner of the mouth.

After a while, he slowly stood up and rearranged the collapsed tables and chairs around him one by one.

There was no expression on the face, and the numbness was like a freeze-frame photo.

One of the tables, his own.

He placed it and his gaze fell on the words written in a marker pen on it:

"The son of waste, after all, is waste.

His father happened to be an ordinary employee under the man's father.

In the company, his father needs to listen to his boss.

At school, he needs to listen to the man, and the father and son, no matter who they are, will not be happy if they disobey.

Although his father had never told him these things, he knew.

Because that person will always show off in front of himself:

[Yesterday your stupid dad was scolded by my dad again!] Ha ha! [

Like you, it's a fool.

He knew that his father did not want to make himself sad, so he did not tell his father about these things, but just endured it silently, so that maybe his father could have a better time.


Once upon a time, he also thought, why does my father have to be subordinate?


Why can't you be like someone else's dad....

Why should even I suffer this?

Bang -

he suddenly kicked the table in front of him angrily, shedding silent tears.


He roared through the empty classroom.

Anger at this injustice, anger himself for not daring to roar in front of them.

At this time, there was a round of applause in the empty classroom.

Snap -


The boy turned his head to look, but saw nothing.

Then a black fog appeared in front of him, and a short little boy slowly appeared in front of him.

The face is painted with strange characters, and the eye area is black, which is a ten-mile ghost.

"Do you want to change the status quo? I can help you.

The boy narrowed his eyes:

"Who are you?"

"Me? I am the future king of this world. "

Junior: ???

Where does neuropathy come from?

"Tomorrow, one of them will die in front of you. When the time comes, if you want to believe me, stay after school. "

It's gone.

The next day, he was sitting by the window when he suddenly saw a man falling from the sky, right in front of him!

At that moment, he saw the face of that person, one of the gangs that had tortured him for a long time!

The academy immediately came to the law enforcement team to investigate, and the academy was panicked.

And the teenager is shivering, inside:

This is none of my business, right?

When school was over, I didn't listen to Shili, but hurried home!

He didn't want to have anything to do with Shili.

Shili did not take the initiative to come to him.

After a few quiet days, one day during class, the law enforcement team suddenly burst into the classroom.

The boy was startled, thinking that he had come to catch himself.

"Are Morning Light's family members there?"

The young man was stunned when he heard this, and raised his hand:

"I am."

"Come out with us, your father..." His father

died, and the factory said that the body was involved in the machine due to illegal operation, and he was killed on the spot without compensation.

That day the boy saw his father's boss and his alumnus.

The man stood beside his father, with a smile on his lips and a mockery on his face.

The surveillance also proved that it was indeed his father's own responsibility.

As he was leaving, the man came and called out to him and whispered to him

, "Oh, the waste daddy is dead, waste son, when will he die?"

"Bang -

this is the first time he has hit him, and he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

One punch dried up the bridge of the opponent's nose!

But the surrounding adults quickly stopped him when they saw this.

The man's father roared angrily:

"Lose money! MD Dog Cub! Not a single good thing! "

Seeing this, the officers of the law enforcement team quickly pulled him into the law enforcement vehicle.

Sitting in the car, he looked out the window and wept silently.

At this time, the voice of the ten miles of ghosts sounded in his ears:

"What is the use of kindness? Not being bullied yet? Do you think you're a good person? Then why did they arrest you?

"Child, the world is only about strength. Being kind to the strong is a virtue, and being kind to the weak is foolishness!

"I can help you, as soon as you open your mouth, they will die."

"Ask you again, do you want them to die?"


The teenager in the law enforcement car suddenly spoke, without any hesitation.

He wanted those people to never laugh again!

"Haha, I fulfill you!"

Shili Ghost laughed loudly and snapped his fingers.


The factory building in front of you is like a nuclear bomb has been dropped, and it is instantly extinguished, and the fire rises into the sky.

The powerful energy even flipped the entire law enforcement vehicle to the ground!

Together with everyone in the car, died together!

However, under the control of the Ten Mile Ghost, only that boy turned into a demon.

And making it turn into a demon form is just one of the abilities of the Ten Mile Ghost.

His true awakening ability is not yet known.

Ruo Qianyan checked his memory, and sighed softly with calm eyes.

After that, Ten Miles Ghost Monster searched for such subordinates in the whole capital, whether it was a company or an academy.

Unity turns them into demonic forms and forms an army of demons.

At this point, all the subordinates of the Ten Mile Ghost Monster were also completely exposed.

Among them, there are 5 demon lord-level demons, 8 demon lord-level demons, and he himself is a ninth-order demon king, and there are fragments of the wind to assist.

Such a terrifying force, if it were not pressed by Ruojia on the top of the head, I am afraid that the entire capital would have been wiped out long ago!

At the same time, I also know how to go to Shili's home!

But about the plan of the Ten Mile Ghost to catch the child, this person did not know.

He is only responsible for arresting people.

Wind Chimes asked,

"Will you follow me and atone for your sins?"

The demon was unwilling:

"What sin do I have? It is the world that is guilty!

"Then your wish, I will help you get it." Goodbye"

gave him a pain and absorbed his enchantment.

Acquired his Awakening Skill.

This is the fifth skill of wind chimes!

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