"Why don't you talk?"

After the wind chime sent that news, Chu Sheng was silent for a long, long time.

This guy actually didn't come back in seconds.

After a while, a disdainful meme came over.

Oh, it turned out to be looking for memes.

[Do you want to come to my house to play?] My dad is going to fight you real man for three hundred rounds! Chu

Sheng brought up this matter again.

Wind chimes:???

After questioning, I learned the reason, and did not immediately agree:

"This... I'll take a look. "

[What are you doing?] By the way, which school are you going to apply for, we can go to the same college with this grade.

"Do you still need to ask?"

Even if it is the best school in China, the results of wind chimes can be steadily improved.

The best institution in Shenzhou Huaxia is the First Huaxia Academy in Beijing.

The name of this college is the First Courtyard of Huaxia.

It is one of the earliest institutions of higher learning in China.

The name is the first when he debuted, and since his debut, he has always ranked first.

The people in there are all geniuses among geniuses.

"By the way, Tiancrow, do you know the First Courtyard of Huaxia? Is it related to the spiritual master?

Wind Chime cautiously asked more, and Tiancrow shook his head and said

, "Young Lord, it doesn't matter much, then the First Courtyard of Huaxia is just an academy that recruits ordinary people."

So to say that the wind chimes are relieved.

After that, Chu Sheng was still not dead:

[So when will you come to my house, talk to me in advance.] My dad is still waiting for you, and he has been asking me for the past two days. Seeing

this, Wind Chime scratched his head and glanced at the

Heavenly Crow: "Heavenly Crow, do you say I should go?"

"Young Lord, go if you want, the minister will always protect you."

Wind Chimes thought about it and didn't really want to go.

So he replied to Chu Sheng:

"I'm going to travel abroad tomorrow, let's talk about it later."

There is a crow, and his own safety does not have to worry.

But he was worried about involving Chu Sheng in his struggle with the Bai family.

It's been too dangerous to go to him lately.

So I didn't agree to it.

Chu Sheng went alone and blanched!

On the way back, the wind chimes didn't seem to be in such a good mood.

"This Bai family is really annoying."

At first, Wind Chimes felt that after being out of their control, it was freedom.

But now, the embarrassed appearance of hiding in the east makes the wind chimes feel not free.

How can I be free?

Only destroy the Bai family....

"Young Lord, don't worry, with the presence of the old minister, you won't let the Bai family hinder you. Do whatever you want, just do it. "

Although I am very relieved to hear this, I am very unhappy.

Why should they get in my way?

"Go, go back, train."

He wants to be stronger than before.

If you want to be strong, even if you walk sideways on the street.

Bungee in front of the Bai family.

Peeing on top of Bai Qiling's head, he couldn't take what kind of strength he was.

Of course, he knew that this was nothing more than a fantasy....

Chu Sheng told Lao Chu about the wind chimes going abroad.

Lao Chu told Bai Lingyun that night.

Bai Lingyun replied:

[Fake, his ID card has been blacklisted by us, and there is no way to go abroad. ]

[Either your son is lying to you, or the wind chimes are lying to your son.

After speaking, Bai Lingyun did not forget to put pressure on Lao Chu:

[You have to hurry, otherwise when the time comes, he really escapes abroad by some means, then it is not strange that we don't give you a chance. ]

So late at night, Lao Chu sneaked into his son's room.

Sneaking away his claw machine and heading to the bathroom.

Chu Sheng, this guy does not set a password.

Lao Chu opened the social software without any obstacles.

Found the wind chime with the remark "Madman".

In the bathroom, page by page, I turned over the chat records of wind chimes and my son.

For several pages, his son was cursing, scolding the wind chimes for not returning messages.

But before the 6.3rd, everything was normal.

There was nothing unusual in the chat history, but he had a preconceived idea.

So he took out his claw machine and added the account number of the wind chime.

[Wind Chime, I am Chu Sheng's father, I have something I want to say to you. ] Very


Old Chu is not hypocritical.

Then Lao Chu secretly put his son's claw machine back and came out of the room.

Startling him, his wife stood in the doorway.

"What are you doing?"

The wife asked with a frown.

Lao Chu quickly made a silent gesture:

"Go back and say."

On the day of the volunteer, Wind Chimes needed to receive a verification code, so they were forced to leave the house again.

I found an Internet café and planned to leave when I finished it.

By the way, I opened my old account and saw Lao Chu's friend application.

"What is it?"

The wind chimes immediately sensed that something was wrong.

But he added friends anyway.

Lao Chu, who was at work at this time, immediately shook his tiger body.

Been waiting for a long time!

[Is it a wind chime?] It

was still voice, and he felt that it was more sincere.

"Yes, you are?"

[I am Chu Sheng's father, Chu Sheng should have told you...]

Wind Chime listened to the voice repeatedly, and inside:

he really said it.

But it wasn't said you would add me.

So he immediately called two hundred knives and asked him to check the owner of this account.

It turned out to be really Chu Sheng's father!

This made Wind Chimes very puzzled.

"The Bai family won't, have you found the Chu family?"

He muttered subconsciously.

But let Lao Chu continue.

Lao Chu said that he wanted to see the wind chime.

This made Wind Chime even more sure:

"It should have been found by the Bai family."

But now the question is, was he coerced, or deceived, or said....

The Song family, is it the Bai family?

They have not yet been able to rule out this suspicion.

"Young Lord, shall we go then?"

Tiancrow asked.

Wind Chimes sat in front of the computer and stared at the account's avatar.

Lao Chu's avatar is a group photo of a family of three.

Lao Chu in the group photo looked serious.

But his son and wife were smiling.

"Bai family..."

Wind Chime took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Then he showed a smile, quickly tapped his fingers on the keyboard, and replied:

"Tomorrow at noon, we will meet at that meow café on Tongtian North Street."

【Good! Then

Wind Chime took out his claw machine and logged in to his [Punch Demon] account.

[Okay, I'm clocking in again today, Ruojia little spicy chicken passed by me! ] What a thrill! At

this time, the account of the check-in demon of Wind Chime, the number of views of each article has exceeded 10,000.

This shows that it has attracted the attention of others.

If the family is not blind, it will definitely be able to see.

What Wind Chimes didn't know was that Ruojia wasn't blind.

Someone has been sent to find this so-called [check-in demon].

It's just not to the point of issuing a bounty order.

Then he sent a teaser post:

[It feels so boring, let's go to Tongtian North Street tomorrow! ]

Tongtian North Street is also within the jurisdiction of Ruojia.

"Don't you like endlessly? I'll let you find! "

Just get off the plane and leave.

His face was very gloomy, and he clenched his fists when he thought of the Bai family.

The Bai family, when will it perish?

When I went back, before training, Wind Chime glanced at his post again.

Originally, he just hoped that the people of the Ruo family would see it.

I have disgusted them for so long, so I will send someone to protect myself tomorrow.

But what I didn't expect was that there were a few young and vigorous people in the Ruo family, and they commented directly below the post:

[If you dare to come tomorrow, you will definitely have no return! ] In

this way, the popularity of the post will go up at once!

Wind Chimes smiled, and finally someone dared to take care of him!

A one-man show is really not interesting!

Immediately replied:

"Yo hehe, Ruojia's little spicy chicken, tomorrow Master will on your head!" Brainmelon seeds farts you! "

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