"It is estimated to be fake, how can it be the sixth order for half a year..."

"But it is true that he is a sixth-order, I heard that there is another skill that allows him to upgrade to the eighth order!" This has stepped into the threshold of fusion with the Feng Family Demon King, and after the fusion, it can blast the Hammer Demon King..."

"I heard, but I should still not be able to defeat the three family masters, it is said that the man's saber is still in the hands of the Bai family."

"In other words, has the Bai family really been banned from any activities recently? Still investigating, didn't release it? The

girls were talking: "I heard that the young master of the Feng family is very handsome..." "

I would like to meet the saint girl more, I heard that she is as beautiful as a fairy."

The people of the Lingshu Pavilion had already assigned positions to the various families.

Or according to the usual practice, the location of Ruojia and Lei's family is the best.

After Yan Dingyun of the Lingshu Pavilion came, the major media and live broadcast equipment of the Spirit Master World also arrived, and everyone returned to their respective seats and put on a serious look.

After all, this is a good opportunity to show your face in the spirit master world.

Of course, it can't be too sand-carved, in case you lose the right to choose a mate, then it's a shame.

However, the time was approaching six o'clock, and the people of the Feng family still had not arrived.

Only the Feng family has not yet come.

Everyone was waiting, Yan Dingyun was sitting at the front, holding a document in his hand, and his face was not very good-looking.

Frankly speaking, he didn't want the Feng family to come today.

Because he is also the one who does not support the reward for the Feng family.

Spirit Master World, give an award to a demon race. How fresh TM!

He couldn't accept it a little, but this was what his master requested, and he couldn't disobey it.

Not only can he not disobey, he also has to treat him well when the Feng family comes.

He also knew that Master had deliberately entrusted this matter to him to deal with, and the purpose was also to temper his heart.

Yan Dingyun has strength and IQ, but the emotional intelligence is a little low, and the city government is not deep enough.

At this time, Yan Dingyun was watching the time, praying in his heart that the best pigeon of the Feng family...

At six o'clock, the Feng family had not yet arrived, and he still waited for ten minutes.

The Feng family still didn't come, and then breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's already past six o'clock, and those who haven't come yet, they shouldn't come, so let's start."

Seeing this, the spirit masters present felt a pity, the Feng family did not come, did they dare?

"Prepare for live start-up..."

"Three two one... Boot! So

, in the Spirit Master World Network, the live broadcast room that people had been paying attention to for a day finally opened.

As soon as possible, people began to look for the figure of the Feng family.

[What about the Fengjia?] 【

Didn't the Feng family come?】 【

Hey, don't you dare to come?】 Sure

enough, everyone was waiting for the Fengjia.

Seeing this, Yan Dingyun spoke: "

Then the commendation meeting of the Capital Demon Conference is now open..."

Two immature voices sounded in unison, interrupting Yan Ding Yun's words.

At the same time, the voice also spread to the entire Huaxia through the live broadcast room.

The world was shocked.

The camera immediately reversed direction and pointed at the entrance of the main hall.

I saw a cute-looking child standing at the entrance of the main hall.

One of the girls had a somewhat timid smile on her face.

Another boy with a-eating expression!

When people saw the boy's face, everyone was panicked!

That's right, it's the most violent ten-mile ghost some time ago!

"Demon King!"

A teenager exclaimed.

The corner of Yan Dingyun's mouth twitched, and he saw a red cloth appear behind Xiaoxiao and Ten Mile Ghost.

That is the door of the Yin and Yang realm.

The door slowly opened, and a man came out of it with a smile:

"Sorry, it's late, everyone."

Yan Dingyun's face became more and more ugly, just now it was the Yin and Yang Realm.

This shows that the wind chimes have moved the Yin and Yang Realms in!

He moved his home, which is frankly a bit insulting....

It was as if this was his home.

"He is the young master of the Feng family!"

"Wow, it's really handsome..." The

young girls present were shocked, and the door behind the wind chimes fluctuated again.

Ugh -

five shadows fell.

Sky Crow, Wine Entanglement, Blood Ji, Duke, Dark Spirit Butler.

"Five Kui of the Feng Family!"

They did not spread their demon qi, but they made many young girls present couldn't help but tremble, feeling a cool breeze on their backs, and cold hairs stood up!

Such a way of appearing shocked everyone present.

However, the teeth of the ten miles of ghosts were almost crushed, and he stood back viciously looking at the wind chimes.

I stepped on a demon king, and you actually used me as a mobile trumpet?

I TMD....

This is certainly a good idea that Wind Chimes came up with.

For nothing else, just to fill the cup, to fill the cup fiercely.

When the Ten Mile Ghost heard Wind Chime say this request, of course, he was reluctant.

Just heard that laughter and laughter also want to be together, so he reluctantly agreed, definitely not because he was beaten by the sky crow.

Wind Chimes was deliberately late and waited for the live broadcast room to open.

This wave also made the world completely remember his appearance.

[I really dare to come! ] 【

Wait a minute, why can the camera record the appearance of the crows?】 【

Don't you know that powerful demon races can materialize?】

As for the smile, it is affixed with auspicious charms.

Everyone present must show their faces, which is also the requirement of wind chimes.

He walked in the front, Xiaoxiao and Ten Mile Ghosts followed on both sides, followed by a row of people.

When passing by those present, the young girls even moved tables and chairs in fear to make way for them.

The Lingshu Pavilion had already reserved a place for the Feng family, next to the Lei family and the Ruo family.

In the past, that should be the seat of the Bai family.

Seeing this, Wind Chime pretended to be puzzled and said,

"Huh? Is this the location for us?

He asked knowingly, pointing to the location.

Yan Dingyun nodded:

"Yes, please take a seat."

Wind Chimes laughed:

"Strange, how do I remember that this son should be from the Bai family, how did he become my Feng family?" This is not good, the Bai family will not be angry, right?

He said yin and yang strangely, with a mocking smile on his face.

The Bai family at this time: ....

“¥W#%!$@! This dog thing, we didn't go to war, otherwise there will be your? It's hateful..."

One sentence made those people of the Bai family so angry that their brains bleeded.

Everyone present was also crying and laughing when they heard this, the Feng family and the Bai family had a feud, and the whole world knew about it.

Yan Dingyun felt a little helpless in his heart, and said seriously:

"Hurry up and take a seat, the commendation meeting is about to begin."

"Oh... Then you're welcome.

Wind Chime smiled and sat down, but he was the only one to sit down, and several demon leaders around him stood there straight.

The corners of Wind Chime's mouth raised:

"Sit down."

"Obey the Young Lord."

The five demon kings and laughter spoke out at the same time, and then slowly sat down.

The Ten Mile Ghost was about to sit down, but the wind chime said, "

You stand."

Ten Miles of Ghosts: ???


Before the words were finished, with an explosion, the ten-mile ghost was beaten by the sky crow, lying motionless on the ground, the brain was gone, and the picture was too bloody!


So fast!

The ninth-order demon king... What a second!

Not only the people present, but also the people in the live broadcast room forgot to send the barrage....

At this time, Wind Chime smiled and said:

"Sorry guys, the new one doesn't understand the rules. So the commendation meeting, please get started. Yan

Dingyun: ???

Isn't that my line?

People's hearts at this moment:

he really knows how to fill a cup!

I've never seen such a bland and impressive way of serving....

A group of little girls present:

Oops, it's handsome!

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