The world's spirit masters and demon races, go to the banquet together?

Are you crazy?

Aren't you afraid to fight?

Who is going?

Forget about the demon clan, how can the spirit master know if you are fishing, and wait for us to go to catch it all?

"Whether it's the Royal Three Family, the Ruo Family, the Lei Family, or..."

said the corner of Wind Chime's mouth:

"Bai Family! As well as the major Spirit Master families in China, as well as the demon families in the capital or all over China, I, Wind Chime, in the name of the new head of the Feng family, sincerely invite you to the banquet. The

audience was silent, and everyone stared at the wind chimes with wide eyes and disbelief.

Yan Dingyun squinted his eyes, and his face turned green.

What the hell do you think of this commendation meeting? Your personal press conference! Soulless!

Wind Chime smiled and said, "

Of course, including the Lingshu Pavilion."

"Everyone doesn't have to worry about safety, above the banquet, it is forbidden to have any conflicts, whether it is a demon race or a spirit master, it is forbidden to use spiritual skills, and violators will directly kick out of the other world!" Similarly, we will not make a move against the Bai family.

"My Feng family does what it says, and I have the ability to do so."

After saying that, he looked at the five demon bosses of the Feng family, and the meaning was obvious, who dared to make a mistake, there would be these five demon kui to teach a lesson.

"There is no other meaning, just to make friends."

After speaking, he looked at Yan Dingyun:

"I don't know Senior Yan, would you like to participate in my birthday banquet?"

Then everyone's eyes turned to Yan Dingyun.

Before Yan Dingyun could speak, Wind Chimes walked towards him with a smile, and the five demon kings behind him also walked forward.

Seeing this, Xiaoxiao also wanted to follow, but suddenly remembered that there was still a ten-mile ghost lying on the ground, and looked down.


Young Lord! What about this guy?

No one is watching!

That... Then I will help the young lord to look after him!"

At this time, the ten miles of ghosts felt the wind chimes and they left, raised their heads, and stood up with a rub.

Frightened laughing out of the voice:

"Haha... You, you're awake..." Shili

was stunned and explained,

"I've woken up a long time ago."

Laughing with a scared smile on his face:

"Ha... yes, then you, don't move, I'm afraid... Haha..."

At this time, the young girls around the Ten Mile Ghost were also terrified.

Don't mess around!

Ten Mile Ghost Wei turned his head to look at the wind chimes and then looked at Xiaoxiao:

"Well... Then I don't move.

Xiaoxiao didn't expect the ten miles ghost to talk so well, and suddenly let go of his heart.

Meng big eyes and an uncontrollable smile on his face, but he can spoil the ten miles of ghosts.

Why are there such cute girls in the world!

I will guard this smile!

At this time, Wind Chime also walked in front of Yan Dingyun, smiled and pulled out a yellow talisman paper from his yin and yang pendant:

"This is an invitation to this banquet!" All those who go to the banquet must present this invitation in order to enter the otherworld. "

Everyone: ???

Isn't this auspicious charms?

"This invitation is fifty thousand spirit coins, but seeing that we are a long-term relationship, I will give it to the Spirit Pavilion."

He said and slapped it on the table:

"I don't know, will Lingshu Pavilion give me face as a long-term partner?"

Wind Chime was well aware of the Spirit Master's concerns, but as long as the Spirit Pavilion and the Royal Three Families were dealt with, the Spirit Masters of other families would naturally be present.

Yan Dingyun never spoke.

He couldn't make that decision....

Going to a Demon Clan's birthday party?

He was not qualified to make this decision, it was a decision for the entire Spirit Master world!

When everyone saw that he did not speak, they thought:

Is it true that he still does not agree?

At this time, a somewhat old voice suddenly opened throughout the hall:

[Lingshu Pavilion accepts the invitation and will definitely attend at that time. World

: !!

That voice just now....

They've heard it countless times on webcasts.

Every time the Lingshu Pavilion released important matters before, it was this voice.

This is the voice of the Lingshu Pavilion Pavilion Master, Xia Hua!

Xia Hua actually personally agreed....

Lingshu Pavilion is really going to attend the banquet of the demon clan!

The smile on Wind Chime's face was unabashed, and he saluted into the air:

"Thank you Lao Hua... Bah! Thank you Lord Xia Hua Pavilion for appreciating your face! "

Yan Dingyun and the world: ???

What did you just want to shout?

Wind Chimes smiled awkwardly, and his mouth was scooping!

Then Wind Chime took the auspicious talisman and came to the Ruo family, and the Ruo family sent Ruo Ouming, who was also an old friend of Wind Chime, and had seen it several times.

"My Feng family and Ruo family, as in-laws, then of course this invitation is free."

Saying that, he took out an auspicious charm and slapped it on Ruojia's table, and then said with

a sly smile: "Will it come?" Otherwise, when my wife sees that all the spiritual masters have come, I am afraid that if the family does not come, I am afraid she will be sad. Ruo

Ouming sighed a little helplessly, since the Lingshu Pavilion said that he was going, then of course the Ruo family could not be left behind.

"Yes, don't worry."

Wind Chime walked in front

of the Lei family again:

"I am good friends with the head of the Lei family, of course, this face is also to be given, so I will personally hand over the invitation."

The Lei family sent Lei Hong, who looked at the wind chimes and suddenly felt a little trance.

Half a year ago, this person was still a junior that he praised.

Half a year later....

"Then thank you to the young master of the Feng family."

"You're welcome."

Then Wind Chimes glanced left and right:

"Huh? What about the people of the Bai family? He

said and looked up pretendly.

At this time, Tiancrow smiled very wisely and said:

"Young Lord, the Bai family is grounded, so they didn't come."

"Oh! The Bai family didn't come, I forgot about it, so I'll go back and visit it in person." "

The world: .

Deliberately, definitely on purpose....

Saying that, the wind chimes walked to a table next to him, which said Yunbei Song House.

At that table sat several young men and women.

Wind Chime came to a girl with a smile and took out an auspicious charm:

"The Yunbei Song family is also the existence of the Feng Mou long-standing daimyo!" So this invitation, six discounts, at the original price of 30,000 fractures to you, okay? "

Everyone in their hearts:

You also know the original price of 30,000!

It's obviously not the right person, isn't it?

The girl opened her mouth and looked at the wind chimes and the few demon leaders behind him who did not dare to speak at all.

Where would she dare to make this decision.

"What's wrong? Could it be that the Yunbei Song family is unwilling to give me the face of the Feng family?

She looked at the five demon leaders of the Feng family, they had no expression on their faces, but in her opinion, they were fierce and evil!

It's like the kind of yokai that eats a child after three meals!

His face was full of writing:

Let me Kangkang who dares not to give me the face of the Feng family?

"I... Whew..."

Wind Chimes kept smiling, but the girl was about to cry.

Big brother, spare me, woo-woo....

Not only her, but the surrounding Song family did not dare to speak!

This is a threat!

Has anyone come to our rescue?

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