Wind Chimes quickly stopped the two of them, and these two guys fought every day in the otherworld.

As soon as they met, they pinched each other, and I really didn't know what kind of hatred there was between the two.

As for the shop of the two hundred knives, the wind chimes did not go, because the two hundred knives had not yet recovered from the Lei family, and it was useless to go.

After going back, he also specially told Ruo Qianyan about this matter.

"I didn't go to the shop of two hundred knives today."

"Oh..." Ruo

Yan Yan heart: If you didn't go, you didn't go, why did you specifically tell me?

However, he still asked very face-givingly:

"Why, because the two hundred knives have not returned yet?"

Wind Chimes smiled:

"You may not know, now you are working as a handyman in the shop of two hundred knives."

If Yan Yan was stunned when he heard this, he was stunned?

Oh... Love rivals!


Wind Chime took her hand and said with a smile:

"So I didn't go for fear that you would be jealous." I'm so good, is there a reward? Ruo

looked at the smile of the wind chime, holding back the smile and pretending to be speechless and gave a roll of his eyes.

"I really haven't seen someone who puts gold on his face and invites credit."

"See you today, is there a reward?"


Ruo Yan whispered, after all, there were all fellow disciple brothers who were cultivating.

Turning his head to take a look, the surrounding junior brothers immediately turned their heads pretending not to look at this side again.

"Then I'll reward you."

Saying that, he leaned in and kissed Ruo Xiaoyan.

The junior brothers immediately turned their heads and teased:

"Gee... Wind chimes you really don't have a face.

"Huh, envy, huh? My wife's face is so tender that you can't kiss it if you want to. "


So Wind Chime began to fight with the brothers of the Ruo family, although they were stirring their mouths, but their faces were full of smiles.

Saying that, the Lei family also joined the battlefield.

The people of the Ruo family and the Lei family don't know when they started, and they seem to have returned to their former appearance with wind chimes.

It seems that he has forgotten that he was kidnapped here by wind chimes....

As for Lei Jiaoyun, he could only watch the wind chimes and Ruo Qianyan show affection on the side, and forgot when Ruo Qianyan actually did not resist!

You resist! Light face!

(〃>� dish <)!

If you resist, I will have a reason to speak for you!"

Woo hoo....


The hardest place on his whole body is probably ...

That's right, the posterior molar teeth.

In just a few days, Wind Chimes sent invitations to many families.

The Dark Spirit Butler also sent invitations to the entire demon clan of the Alliance Society.

It was not given to other demon races except the capital, because it had not been taught a lesson and it was difficult to manage.

At this birthday banquet, Wind Chimes doesn't want anyone other than him to do things!

"Almost, right? Everyone who should have been invited was also invited. "

This night, Wind Chime looked at the auspicious talisman in his hand, there were only dozens left, and they had already returned to the book.

Tiancrow said

, "Young Lord, there is another family that you may have forgotten..."

"Qianjia..." Wind

Chime was silent for a while when he heard this.

Thousand families, the home of Wind Chimes Mother Thousand Words....

At that time, it was also a famous big family, a family of elixirs, and it was a doctor for generations!

It's just that after Qianyu married Fengxing, he declared to the outside world that he broke off relations with Qianyu.

At the same time, he was also removed from the Bai family list by Lingshu Pavilion.

"They shouldn't come, are they?"

How could the wind chimes not have thought of a thousand families.

But Tiancrow said:

"Whether you come or not, you must send an invitation, which is what the head of the family said when he sent the invitation for marriage."

Wind Chime nodded:

"It makes sense, then do you know where the Qianjia is?" They seem to have moved.

Tiancrow smiled and said

, "It seems that the young master has already checked it, but he didn't find it."

"But the old minister doesn't know where..." Wind

Chimes cried and laughed:

"What then?"

At this time, Ruo said softly:

"The Lei family... Probably know. "

Oh? How to say?

"Do you remember that I gave you a bottle of medicine in the tomb of Yaohua?"

"Oh, the bottle that Lei Jiaoyun gave you?"

She nodded:

"Yes, I remember saying that it was the medicine of a thousand families, and it had a miraculous effect."

Wind Chime's eyes narrowed slightly, and after being silent for a long time, he looked at Ruo Qianyan.

Ruo Qianyan was looked at by the wind chimes like that, and he was a little puzzled:

"Why are you looking at me like this."

Wind Chime asked, "Will you still accept what Lei Jingyun gives you in the future?"

"Those things I didn't want either... Some of them really can't be shirked..."

, he said, looking away and looking away, as if he knew that he had made a mistake, but refused to admit it.

After getting her satisfactory response, Wind Chime said with a smile:

"No, no, no, if others are willing to give it, you have to accept it!" Not only collect, you have to collect more, and then turn around and give it to your good husband! Know what? "

Wakashan: .

Give him a roll of the eye!

"I don't want it."

"Hey, you loser..."

The wind chimes laughed and easily prevented it.

"Haha, this trick doesn't work anymore!"

The words have not yet fallen, and Ruo Yan lightly raised his foot and attacked the Kun Kun of the wind chime!

Wind Chime's eyes widened:

"I lean! Are you going to ruin your future happiness with your own hands! "

Gong -

the wind chime sword appeared in Ruo Qianyan's hand.

"You again?"

"Don't say anything, don't say it, Sky Crow save me!"

Tiancrow just looked at all this with a smile, and suddenly felt so familiar.

However, the young lady's hand is still much lighter than the lady back then....

Of course, the little two just moved their mouths, didn't really move, and after a while the wind chimes ran away, and Ruo Qianyan didn't bother to chase, and snorted lightly:

"Don't come back, the smelly soul..."

Then he went to find Lei Jiaoyun.


The call was kind.

Lei Jiaoyun said with a constipated expression as if he had seen the moldy god: "

What are you doing again?"

"I quarreled with my daughter-in-law and came to you to nag."

Thundercloud: ???

He didn't know for a moment whether he should be happy or sad...

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