Qian Lingyu took out the claw machine and looked at the contact, and his gaze rested on a person whose avatar was a family portrait.

There were at least a few hundred people in the family portrait, which was enough to see that these thousand families were a big family.

In the very center of the family, sat an old man who looked smiling and full of majesty.

People who are willing to use this family portrait as an avatar, that is, the head of a thousand families, Qiandu Ying.

However, Qian Lingyu's remarks to him were: [Grandpa]

This Qian Lingyu is actually the daughter of Wind Chime's mother's brother, and can be regarded as the eldest cousin of Zheng'er Bajing.

Don't look at her youth, in fact, she is almost half a round older than the wind chime, and she is 24 years old this year.

She clicked on her grandfather's chat interface, but hesitated.

Qian Lingyu still remembered that she had never heard of an aunt when she was a child.

One day, playing in my grandfather's room, I accidentally found a group photo hidden in a drawer.

It is a separate photo of my grandfather and a beautiful sister.

In that photo, my grandfather, who usually doesn't like to smile much, showed a smile that Qian Lingyu had never seen before.

She asked her grandfather who that beautiful sister was.

Grandpa didn't say anything, just put away the photo and changed the topic at the same time.

Driven by curiosity, Qian Lingyu asked her father again.

That's when I learned all about Mother Wind Chime.

Wind Chime's mother, Qianyu, is one of Qianduying's favorite daughters.

Whether it is the talent for practicing medicine or cultivation, it is superior.

Back then, she was able to cultivate with Ruo Tinghan Tiantian, one of the three young geniuses of the Royal Three Families, which was enough to prove this.

The appearance is even more outstanding, known as the little doctor immortal of a thousand families, the eccentric appearance, men, women and children who like it very much.

Only later, she fell in love with a demon clan.

When he heard Han show his attitude of liking Qianyu, the old man scolded him:

[Just because you also want to marry my daughter? Where to stay cool!

As a result, he did not expect that his good daughter married a demon....

The old man was so angry that he almost drove the crane west!

Since then, Old Master Qian has never smiled again.

No one in the family has dared to mention this matter.

But half a year ago....

Wind chimes first appeared in the public eye, when the Qingling List became famous in the first battle.

That news naturally also reached Qianjia.

For Qianjia, the surname Feng is very sensitive.

However, everyone only paid attention to a wave, because the world did not know about the fact that Fengxing had children.

Even if it is a thousand families, everyone just thinks that the surname of the wind chime is very coincidental, and does not think in that aspect.

Until later, the wind chimes did a series of things in the Yaohua tomb, and the news exploded like an atomic bomb in a thousand homes!

The little doctor immortal of the Qianjia family actually had a child!

And, it's a half-demon!

The entire family of Qianjia was shocked, and at the same time, the name that had not been mentioned for many years was mentioned again.

At that time, Qian Lingyu was actually very curious about this little cousin in her heart.

I searched on the Internet and paid attention to the news about wind chimes for a while, and after reading it, I felt more interested in him.

However, Qiandu Ying spoke, and whoever mentioned that name and wind chimes again in the future immediately rolled out of Qianjia.

At that time, he was furious, and Qian Lingyu felt scared when he thought about it now.

So she hesitated, hesitating whether to tell her grandfather about it.

He glanced down at the auspicious charm on the table and sighed inwardly.

But if you don't say it yourself, it's not very good, right?

Moreover, that Lei Gongzi may be done something strange.

However, he still did not dare to tell his grandfather directly, so he found his father, and Qianshuo

sent him a message about it.

The father did not reply in seconds, but after a while, a video message came directly.

Qian Lingyu picked it up, and saw him glaring and shouting: "

Have you seen him!? You okay! Qian

Lingyu hurriedly explained that this was conveyed by the Thunder Shocking Cloud Generation.

When Qian Shuo heard this, he frowned and thought:

[I'll look at the invitation.

Qian Lingyu picked it up and took a picture of the camera.

In fact, everyone has already seen this in the live broadcast of Lingshu Pavilion.

At that time, Qian Shuo still wondered if the wind chimes would invite Qianjia, but he didn't expect to really come.

Qian Shuo looked at the invitation, and after being silent for a long time, he said in a deep voice: "

Don't tell your grandfather first, I'll go find you now.]


the afternoon, a two-meter-tall, strong, upright man walked into the hospital.

It immediately attracted the young nurses in the hospital.

"Wow... So manly.

"It really tastes! When he passed by me just now, I smelled a very pleasant fragrance! It's not the perfume kind, it seems to be... Medicinal aroma! It's a bit like Chinese medicine, but it's very comfortable to ask.

"Okay, don't be foolish, the people are gone."

At this time, Qian Lingyu was treating the patient, and Qian Shuo directly broke in.

I just saw a man lying on the hospital bed, and Qian Lingyu was checking.

The man was startled when he saw someone come in, and quickly put on his pants.

Qian Lingyu was also taken aback, and complained:

"Dad! Why don't you say a word, I'm seeing a doctor! Qian

Shuo glanced at the man and said lightly:

"The lips are purple, the face is poking sores, the detoxification function is abnormal, the endocrine system is disordered, accompanied by early XIE, usually there is no lack of strong Y medicine, right?" There are still residues in the body, which has already induced prostate X inflammation, go back to less moderation, eat more fruit, and recover with antibiotics, but you are too small, there is not much point in saving, well, you can roll.

The man's eyes widened, and he looked at Qian Shuo and opened his mouth, not daring to make a sound.

This strong man in front of him, this man in front of him, just looked at it, and actually said all his problems!?

But how do you see the residue in your body! Do you see through your eyes!

Of course this is not the point, the point is....

Doctor Qian just called him daddy?

Turning his head and glancing at the lovely looking Qian Lingyu, he really couldn't understand, how could such a strong man give birth to such a delicate daughter?

When Qian Lingyu heard this, he said helplessly:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, you go out first, I have something to tell my father."

Xiao Wang quickly nodded and walked out ruefully.

Qian Lingyu sighed:

"What are you doing, daddy! How can that be said about patients!

Qian Shuo said lightly:

"I'm just telling the truth, I'll take out the invitation and I'll take a look."

Qian Lingyu quickly opened the drawer, pressed the auspicious charm under the gamepad in the drawer, pulled it out and handed it to her father.

Qian Shuo's face immediately became a little strange when he saw the invitation, and after being silent for a while, he took it into his small otherworld.

Seeing this, Qian Lingyu asked

, "Dad, will you tell your grandfather?"

Qian Shuo thought for a while:

"I personally went to find him."

Qian Lingyu nodded

: "Then you go quickly, don't disturb my work..." Qian

Shuo pouted:

"Why did this hospital arrange such a garbage position for you?" What can you learn from this? It seems that I need to talk to the director of this hospital..."

Other! "

Qian Lingyu didn't come out to experience at all, she simply felt that Qianjia was bored and came out to play!

Of course, Qian Shuo also understood what his daughter thought, and said helplessly:

"Then you have to change the department, who are the people in your department?" Just now, did you come to see a doctor? That's to see you. Qian

Lingyu pursed her lips when she heard this, knowing that her father was worried about herself.

"Don't worry, I know."

Qian Shuo looked at his daughter and sighed:

"I have time to go home and see, your mother misses you weirdly." Call your grandfather more often, your grandfather still nags you these two days.

"Hehe, got it."

After saying that, Qian Shuo left the infirmary, and the man outside immediately smiled when he saw Qian Shuo come out.

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