In the end, of course, Yan Dingyun did not let the wind chimes earn this money.

In fact, Huaxia does not plan to fill this big hole at all.

After all, this is a demon race, and in essence, it has nothing to do with Huaxia.

It's like the wind chimes said that Akano is not their family yet.

That demon clan, of course, can also be said to have nothing to do with the Huaxia official.

Wind Chimes did not earn this money, which is a pity.

After that, Yan Dingyun led people out of here.

Wind Chimes and Heavenly Crows still wanted to look around here again, and Yan Dingyun specially instructed:

"Pay attention to the current identity of your Feng family, as well as your behavior."

Wind Chime answered with a smile:

"Don't worry, Xiaoyan your face, I will still give it."

Yan Dingyun really didn't want to talk to the wind chime, so he quickly led people to leave.

As soon as Yan Ding Yun left, the smile of the wind chime disappeared, and he said lightly:

"What kind of cooperation is said, it is concealed every day."

It is said that there is something hidden from the Feng family in the Lingshu Pavilion.

Lingshu Pavilion wanted to hide the affairs of the Feng family, it was definitely not small, otherwise Yan Ding Yun's expression would not be so solemn at that time, so Wind Chime wanted to know more.

"Then Young Lord, what should we do now? Waiting for Akano here? Wind

Chime shook his head and said with a smile:

"Don't wait, come with me."

He flew with the Heavenly Crow in the direction of Yunbei Province.

I want to see if there is a spirit master who has just returned from the border.

Those people were not all from the Lingshu Pavilion, and at such a close distance, there must be someone from nearby to join in the excitement.

Wind chimes and crows floated in the sky above Yunbei Province, constantly patrolling.

"Oh roar! Find one. With

a joy on his face, he immediately brought the sky crow down.

The Heavenly Raven glanced at it, and there was a spirit master on the ground, a familiar face.

Fang Cai was in the hole that Akano had split, he had seen this spirit master, and he was cleaning up the demon at that time.

"It is worthy of being a young master, and when Fang Cai explored the ravine, he actually wrote down everyone's faces! With such a memory, the old minister was ashamed of himself..."

The rainbow fart of the sky crow is never absent!"

Wind Chimes also listened to a music now, he actually had a heart, after that eighth-order Heavenly Spirit Master said not to tell him, he was already thinking of prying something out of the mouths of those people in the ravine.

At this time, the spirit master was reporting to his family, and the matter had been resolved.

But the wind chimes and the sky crow suddenly fell in front of him, startling him.

"You guys? What to do? Wind

Chime smiled and said:

"Don't do it, just trouble you to retell in full, what happened at the border just now, and where did Akano go."

"Then how do I know?"

Wind Chime pouted, glanced at the Heavenly Crow, and then looked at the man and said lightly:

"You have time for a cigarette, to consider whether to say it or not."

The Heavenly Crow next to him was stunned when he heard this, and a kind smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he casually took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

The man's legs in front of him were soft, and he had seen how fast the Heavenly Crow cigarette was.

Quickly frightened:

"I said I said! I'll tell you it all! "

When the name Sakura Snow Fox was mentioned, Wind Chime clearly felt the anger of the Heavenly Crow!

He did not explode like Akano at that time.

But the wind chimes felt a thick murderous aura.

When it comes to Sakura Snow Fox, Tiancrow seems to hate her more than Bai Qiling.

Maybe it's because she betrayed the Feng family, who once regarded her as an important family member....

"Is there anything else to say?"

Wind Chimes looked at the person in front of him lightly.

The man said in fear:

"It's gone... I'm really done..."

"Is it? I don't believe it..." said

the wind chime and smiled, the demon qi in his body swayed, and a tentacle appeared on his back, slowly reaching out towards the person in front of him.

Wind Chime's ability to control mind control, this person in front of him has not seen, he thought that Wind Chime wanted to kill himself.

"I'm really done! Don't kill me! But

in the next second, the tentacles of the wind chimes had penetrated into his ears, reading all his memories.


After a long sigh, the wind chime pulled out, and the spirit master suddenly felt a burst of emptiness, which... It's over?

Coming back to his senses, Wind Chimes and Heavenly Crows had already left.

He did not return to the capital with him, but came to the border again.

Wind Chime could see that Tenkawa still wanted to go to Akano, because it was about Sakura Snow Fox.

So the two of them stood at the border, and the crow looked at the neighboring country from a distance, with indescribable gloom in his eyes.

"If you want to go, go."

Wind Chimes said.

He didn't want to stop the Crow from doing what he wanted to do, but he definitely couldn't follow the Crow out casually.

There are still many things to deal with at home.

Tiancrow looked into the distance, was silent for a long time, and finally shook his head:

"No young master..."

Don't care about me, I'm in the Yin and Yang Realm, and no one can treat me like that.

Tiancrow shook his head again:

"I don't want to make mistakes again... Sakura Snow Fox will encounter it sooner or later in the future, but the safety of the young master needs to be guaranteed at all times.

Said and lit a cigarette:

"Besides, if I go now, I guess I won't find her anymore." She knew exactly what it would be like to meet me.

"What about Akano, listening to what the spirit master meant, this guy doesn't seem to have access to the Internet and doesn't know anything about us." No, let's keep an eye on his news all the time, chase him everywhere.

"Young Lord, this old minister has a way, please come with me, I will take you to a place."

Saying that, the sky crow brought the wind chime to Mount Everest, and the wind chime also saw the flag with the words engraved on it.

Standing beside the banner, Tiancrow couldn't help but reach out and touch the words that had been carved by the wind chimes himself, and said in a deep voice:

"This is the trace left by the master of the family. At that time, the demon outside the southwest border invaded Huaxia. The head of the family and my Feng family Jiukui fought on this border for more than a month, repelled the invasion of hundreds of billions of demon races in neighboring countries, drew the border, and then ordered Chiye, using this Mount Everest as a watchtower, to guard here for another month, before leaving. Since then, on the southwestern border, no demon clan dared to commit, not even to watch from afar!

Wind Chime was a little surprised when he heard this:

"Could it be that Akano has been staying here for so many years?"

No wonder when the foreign demon clan invaded, Chiye found out for the first time.

Then I stood on the top of this mountain and looked out at my neighbors in the distance.

Using the world's highest peak as a watchtower and guarding the border of China is a little cool.

Then, Tiancrow smiled at the wind chime and said

, "Young Lord, you can also leave some words here, when Nachiye returns, he will see it, let him go to the capital to find us."

Before Tianrao, he knew where Akano was, and at the same time knew that he was the best to find, so he didn't rush to find him.

Wind Chime thought about it, and then carved another line on the pole of the flag:

"Young Master of the Wind Family in the capital, come here."

Just this sentence, basically all the information is explained.

The capital, the wind family, the new master.

Whether that Akano believes it or not, when he sees this, he will go to the capital.

Look who dares to claim to be the new master of the Feng family, and dare to engrave on Lao Tzu's chess pieces?

Of course, if he could see it....

Unfortunately, he may not have time to come back for a while.

He did not succeed in killing the cherry snow fox, but fell into the trap of the cherry snow fox.

"Gee, little chi guy, why haven't you remembered it for so many years?"

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