Seeing that the situation was not right

, Bai Lingyun took the initiative to speak: "It turned out to be the Holy Daughter of the Ruo Family, fortunately it will be lucky, the head of the Special Operations Department of the Bai Family, Bai Lingyun, was ordered to capture the Heavenly Crow

" "Please also ask the Holy Daughter, don't be surprised."

At this time, someone suddenly shouted:

"Capture the sky crow, are we the sky crow?" Why are you hitting us? Wind

Chimes were stunned for a moment, turned their heads to look at the buddy who was speaking, and gave him a thumbs up in their hearts.

Very well, bro, you learned the essence of me!

"Exactly! The sixth order is amazing? The Bai family is amazing?

"If we have a holy lady in our house, do you have one?"

Ruo Yan was light, and the young people of Ruo family immediately began to vent their anger.

How humiliated I was just now, how cool it is now!

If the Holy Daughter of the Family is here, who will dare to make a second attempt?

Sixth-order Earth Spirit Master?

You're a Ji, right?

There were nearly 50 people on the street, scolding Bai Lingyun together.

Bai Lingyun's face was livid, and his eyes were sharp.

He wanted to kill everyone present.

It's a pity not.

He glanced at Lao Chu on the ground again, and then at Ruo Qianyan.

Finally, he glanced at the wind chimes hiding behind Ruo Qianyan.

Wind Chime felt that Bai Lingyun's eyes looking at him were about to breathe fire.

Secretly cursed in his heart:

"Silly cup, look at your father?"

Bai Lingyun took a deep breath and persuaded himself in his heart: Forget

it, come to Japan....

I'm going to chop him up one day.

Don't let the small lose the big!

In the next second, Bai Lingyun withdrew his gaze.

As soon as the thought moved, he took advantage of the golden light and flew into the sky.

If the people of the family are coming, the crow must solve it as soon as possible.

When Bai Lingyun flew up, the wind chimes on the ground suddenly came:

"Huh? Why did you run away? Aren't you pretty awesome? I

saw Bai Lingyun's figure trembling in the air.

I was so angry that I almost didn't stabilize my figure.

"Hahahaha! Old stuff, in a hurry! The

people around couldn't help but laugh when they heard the wind chimes talking:

Hahaha -

"It's urgent!"

"Don't run! How did B run away with half of it? "

Bai Lingyun:???

I'll blanch your blood mother!

Guo Tianyu!

I, Bai Lingyun, swear that I will make you unable to survive and die!"

Don't let you kneel in front of me and call daddy, I'm not surnamed white!

Then it accelerated sharply in the air and flew to a place where the sound could not be heard.

Ruo Qianyan looked up at the black demon qi covering the sky and was silent.

At this time, Ruo Zhi came to her side:

"Lord Holy Daughter, the Heavenly Crow is fighting with the Bai family in the sky at this time, is there still a strong person in the family."

Ruo shook his head lightly:

"I don't know, I came out by myself." Just passing by here. Seeing

that Bai Lingyun had left, Wind Chime immediately reminded the Heavenly Crow in his heart: "Heavenly Crow, Bai Lingyun

has gone to find you, you should also run away."

"Obey the Young Lord!"

The wind chimes are also ready to run!

So he quietly turned around, ready to leave this place of right and wrong.

"Miss! Slow down! Suddenly

there was a shout behind him.

A girl rushed directly past the wind chimes and came to Ruo Qianyan's side:

"Miss! Are you all right?

She nervously looked at Ruo Qianyan in front of her, looking up and down, stroking.

Her face was full of nervousness, as if she was some fragile item, the kind that would break when others touched it.

Wind chimes seize the moment and hurry up to yo-yo!

Turn your head and run, and don't turn your head back.

It was the fastest run he had ever run in his life.

You must not let Ruo Yan see yourself, otherwise you will definitely recognize it.

Fortunately, the people around him did not pay attention to him, and everyone's attention was on the saint.

After all, she looks really beautiful!

Take a look and you can't take your eyes off.

The wind chimes ran all the way and ran quite a long way.

Because all the people here before were emptied by the people of the Bai family.

After turning several times, I finally ran to a place where there were many people.

Directly took off his Ruojia clothes, casually threw them to the side of the road, and put on the hat of his hoodie.

With his head down, so that no one could see his mask, he walked quickly.

Old Chu he didn't have to worry about it, if the family was there, the Bai family did not dare to move.

It's just to guard against the actions of the Bai family against the Chu family in the future.

But as it stands, Wind Chimes guesses.

The Ruo family will definitely start from the Chu family and find out what the Bai family has been doing recently.

After all, the Bai family's recent behavior is a little too abnormal.

Therefore, the Chu family should be safe in a short time.

Now the wind chimes only need to get home safely and everything can be solved.

He first had to walk out of Tongtian North Street and take the subway a few stops away.

By this time, the sky had returned to brightness, and the sky crow had slipped away.

The people of the Bai family are still chasing after them.

But Ruo Qianyan did not chase.

She knew that her current self could not catch up with him.

At this time, Ruo Zhi was telling Ruo Qianyan the whole thing.

"The man in the mask!?"

Ruo Qianyan captured the key words in his words.

Speaking of the person wearing the mask, I immediately thought of the person I had seen in the Two Hundred Knife Shop before.

The wind chimes left a deep impression on Ruo Qianyan.

After all, he is a ruthless person who swears by his own father's violent death!

"Where is he?"

Ruo Qianyan turned her head with some curiosity.

When Ruo Zhi heard this, he looked behind Ruo Qianyan:

"It's the person you just saved, eh?" Strange, what about people? How did it run? Seeing

this, the people around finally found that the wind chimes were gone.

Finally, he was willing to take his eyes off Ruo Qianyan.

"Yes, you were still here just now, when did you run away?"

Ruo Yan frowned when he heard this, and suddenly thought of something.

The golden light under the feet rises, and he gently pedals.


Just sneaked out!

Cumin: ???

"Miss! Where are you going! Slow down!

She hurriedly rushed out, but if the speed of Ruo Qianyan was too fast, she couldn't catch up at all, so she could only shout from behind.

The people who remained looked in the direction where Ruo Qianyan disappeared, and they couldn't help but show an idiot-like expression.

"My lord is so beautiful..."

"I swear, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life."

"It's really beautiful, if only I were so beautiful, no, it would be nice to have the saint half beautiful."

Ruo Xi glanced at everyone present and said lightly:

"Let's guard these ordinary people here, and when the people at home come, we need to clear their memories and the things in the claw machine."

"Yes! Young Master Ruozhi!

Then Ruo Xi looked in the direction Ruo Qianyan left, and sighed in his heart.

Although there should be no penalty for going back, but... It always feels very unpleasant.

I don't know why.

At this time, the wind chime had already walked to a place 3 stops away from Tongtian North Street.

A kilometer or so ahead, there is a metro station.

The wind chimes intend to leave from there.

On rainy days, there are not many pedestrians on the road.

The road chosen by the wind chime, there are not many cars, it is a small street.

After the raven left, the rain began to fall again.

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