"Eh! Tap! Wind

Chimes shouted.

Ruo Qianyan pulled his arm with one hand, and one foot still stepped on his shoulder, directly locking the wind chime.

"Take the mask off, and then, answer my question."

Ruo Yan said softly, no matter how good the voice sounded, he couldn't hold back the cold tone and the cold rain.

Boom -

the rain has been falling since just now, and the wind chimes and Ruo Qianyan are already wet.

Raindrops fell down her delicate face, sometimes on her long eyelashes, making her beautiful eyes tremble.

But no matter what, the face was a calm expression.

Those beautiful eyes, like God, the Lord does not care.

"Cough, beauty, why don't we go back to the shop of two hundred knives and talk slowly? Or rather... Let's find a place to shelter from the rain first? Ruo

Qianyan gently strained, causing the wind chimes to wail again.

"Blanch! Hurt!

Ruo Yan shook his head lightly:

"Forget it, since you don't want to, then I have to take you back to Ruo's house..." Boom


a big truck with its headlights turned on, coming from a distance, and the light shook the wind chime.

Wind Chime glanced up, but saw a little girl standing in the middle of the road.

The big truck, on the other hand, did not slow down at all, and crashed straight into the little girl in the middle of the road.

I couldn't see the appearance of the truck driver.

But, like a Grim Reaper!

"Hey! Dangerous! Stop the car! Dodge!

He exclaimed, and Ruo Qianyan also looked up, his small mouth opening slightly.

"Let go of me!"

Wind Chimes shouted, he wanted to save the little girl.

Ruo Qianyan was actually already making a seal with one hand, ready to save the little girl.

But the wind chimes couldn't see it, and he thought that if he didn't care!


Duh -

in this heavy rain, a crisp fracture sound, so abrupt.

He jerked hard and folded his arm!

With that broken arm, he rushed forward with a light face.

Wakashan: !!

She visibly felt a loosening of strength in her hand.

Subconsciously let go of his hand.

A hint of surprise flashed in those ruthless eyes.

The wind chimes quickly rushed towards the little girl.

His arm was like a broken robotic arm, hanging unnaturally.

"Hey! Stop the car! "


driver of the big truck saw people suddenly rushing out on both sides of the road, and was so frightened that he quickly honked his horn and braked.

The harsh sound of brakes made this rainy day a little more cold.

Wind chimes may be too late!

Ruo Yan can judge it in an instant.

Now that the seal is sealed, there is not enough time to release the spiritual magic.

So she tapped her toes, with the wind, with the rain, with that nice smell.

Passing by the side of the wind chime, like a light swallow.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of that little girl!

But just when she came in front of her and wanted to pick up the little girl.

But he felt the vague demon qi on her.

She's a demon!

This little girl is a first-order monster!

No wonder that driver doesn't stop because he can't see at all.

Am I scammed?

If Qianyan is a little unbelievable, even if it is a first-order monster, he should be able to recognize it at a glance, but what happened just now?



when she hesitated.

The van had come to her with a shrill horn and the sound of braking.

Turning his head to look, he was illuminated by the dazzling light, and subconsciously closed his beautiful eyes.

Just as I was about to close my eyes and jump away.

Wind chimes came to her:

"What are you doing!"

"Looking for death!?"

Ruo Yan was stunned for a moment.

At the moment of the attack, the wind chime slammed and threw the little girl, as well as Ruo Qianyan, to the side of the road.

She felt a wet embrace....

The first time I was held by a man, the experience was terrible.

The rain was cold and a little cold.

There was a lot of strength and a little pain.


big truck driver finally braked the car!

"Hmm..." Ruo

Qianyan was pressed by the wind chimes on the road teeth, and it hurt a little, and he couldn't help but exhale softly.

People would have been fine.

Now it was forcibly pressed to the ground by the wind chime....

Wind Chime opened his eyes in shock, but was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The zipper of Ruo Qianyan's jacket somehow opened.

The white short sleeves inside are exposed.

After being wet by the rain, it becomes a little transparent.

A touch of light blue like the sky, looming....

Wind chimes:???

It's over....

What do I see?

She's going to kill me, right?

I don't know how, the brain seems to be pumped.

Reach out, help Ruo Qianyan, zip the clothes, sizzle, and pull it up!

Wakashi: ???

She lay on the ground, and her emotionless eyes revealed an expression that had never appeared before.

This time, the Lord cares!

Wind chimes:???

Do I blanch?

What am I doing?

It may be that the brain was flooded by the rain, or it may be beaten by Ruo Yan.

"I blanch! Sorry sorry! Wind

Chimes panicked, and quickly pulled the zipper down again with a sigh!

The blue that is hidden under the short sleeves is once again revealed!

Wakashi: ???

The Lord not only cares, but the Lord wants to kill now.

Wind Chimes: ....

What the hell am I doing!

Suddenly he thought of something.

He immediately pulled out the handcuffs from his pocket.


- the whole process of one-handed operation, handcuffing Ruo Qianyan's hand with the pole of the traffic light on the side of the road!

It was the handcuffs that he snatched from Guo Tianyu before.

I really didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly!

Wind chimes run straight away.

"Sorry! I didn't see anything! In

the wind and rain, the wind chimes left such a sentence and slipped away.

Ruo Qianyan lay on the ground, drenched in rain, and turned his head to look at his fleeing back.

He held on to the broken arm, looking embarrassed.

She was a little confused....

But it was quickly reactioned.

I glanced down, my eyes were full of shame... And killing intent!

Immediately, he got up from the ground and zipped himself up.

Ding -

At this time, one of her hands was locked to a pole on the side of the road, and it made a crisp sound when she moved.

At this time, the driver also got out of the car:

"There is no mistake! Rush out suddenly! You guys are dead!

When he saw Ruo's light face, his heart clicked.

I blanch, it's a heart-warming feeling!

Where did it come from, such a beautiful woman!

Ruo Qianyan just wanted to say something, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the monster lying on the ground just now and pretending to be dead, and suddenly stood up and ran!

"Young Lord! Wait for me! I'm smiling!

Xiaoxiao shouted in her heart, but unfortunately she couldn't talk to the wind chimes directly.


If Qingyan has no air control for the driver, lift your feet and pedal lightly.

The bell

- bang -

the traffic light broke, fell to the ground, smashed with a heavy sound, and made a sizzling electric sound.

And Ruo Qianyan has disappeared!

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