Of course, it is not ruled out that the little girl in front of you is lying.

So Ruo Qianyan asked her again:

"So what have you been doing for more than fifty years?"

For more than fifty years, can you resist the temptation of soul attraction and not eat at all?

Somewhat unbelievable.

“em... I want to think... I've been in fifty years..." laughing

at myself and thinking, eh?

What have I been doing for fifty years?

Ruo Qianyan saw that she hesitated, so he said softly:

"If you dare to lie to me, I will kill you!"

"I hate it when people lie to me!"

Although there was no expression on her face, Ruo Yan's pair of Danfeng eyes made her inexplicably afraid.

Those eyes, like a bodhisattva....

Just looking at each other, smiling and smiling, I feel that I am going to be overtaken by her!

"Ha, don't, I said I said!"

"I, mop the floor, do laundry, steam white rice, give heaven... Eh, give the eldest brother who comes to sleep at home every day to roll up cigarettes!

Xiaoxiao paused, and felt relieved in his heart.

It's so dangerous, I almost betrayed Elder Heavenly Crow!

It's me, it's smart!

"And, em, and, oh! And brush toilet! And also... Wash, wash panties! "

Wakashi: ???

Are you a demon clan?

Also wash clothes with mopping clothes, steam rice, brush toilet and wash panties?

I almost believed it.

"I gave you a chance."

Ruo said expressionlessly.

Xiaoxiao was stunned when she heard this, and she was so frightened that she quickly struggled in her hand.

"Haha! Don't! What I said is true!

"I was in the river for five years at first, and then I was rescued by the owner..."

she said everything in a hurry.

But she did not mention the name of her own master, nor did she mention the name of the Heavenly Crow.

"Who is your head of the family?"

Ruo asked lightly.

Xiaoxiao subconsciously wanted to say Fengxing and Wind Chimes, but many years ago, Fengxing's words appeared in her mind:

[Xiaoxiao, if you are caught by the spirit master, don't say it's our family. ] You have to say that you raised a daughter with two hundred knives. [

But if you are bullied by other demon races, report my name! ] Hang on the face and bite him! After

thinking about it with a smile, the current situation is in line with the first article.

"Yes... Two hundred knives! Just that big fat paper! "

Two hundred knives!?"

"Ha, yes, he's my godfather!"

Ruo Yan was stunned for a moment.

The expression on his face gradually became weird.

"So you came specifically to save the man in the mask?"

"Huh? What masks to wear? I, I don't know! Haha..." Laughing

doesn't lie.

Ruo Yan can see it at a glance.

Don't worry about laughing, go and find two hundred knives and it's over.

The one who wore the mask was also a man of two hundred knives.

So he hurried to the shop of the two hundred knives with a smile.

Along the way, Ruo Qianyan asked and smiled at some things.

After learning the cause of Xiaoxiao's death, there was silence for a long time.

He didn't mention smiling anymore, but put her on the ground, took her hand, and walked slowly.

Xiaoxiao pursed his lips and whispered:

"You, don't kill me?"

Ruo Qianyan shook her head lightly, and said softly:

"If you don't kill, I won't kill you."

"Hopefully, I will never have the day when I need to kill you."


So we're friends?"

Ruo Qianyan was stunned when she heard this, turned her head to look at Xiaoxiao, saw her smile, felt a pain in her heart, and nodded gently.

"Then can you not arrest the man in the mask?"

Ruo Qianyan's eyes changed, switching to the main mode and not caring about the mode, and said coldly:


"Good ~_~"

smiled in his heart:

Young Lord, you must hide it!

As soon as the shop with two hundred knives, he smiled and shouted loudly:



two hundred knives who were drinking water spewed out in one gulp.

He stared at the smiling smile and Ruo Qianyan at the door.

"What about the man in the mask?"

Ruo Qianyan asked two hundred knives with a cold face, and his eyes flashed with killing intent.

Two hundred knives glanced at it, heart:

What did you kid do, why did she look like she wanted to kill?

It won't be eating this holy tofu, haha....

"I don't know where he went."


Shouting with a smile, he ran into the store with a grin, and threw himself directly into the arms of the two hundred knives, rubbing it.

Two hundred knives: ....

"Contact him immediately and ask when he will be back."

Of course, two hundred knives will not, and he has been playing scoundrels with Ruo Yan.

In the end, Ruo Qianyan can't spend time here with him all the time.

I could only return in vain, and before leaving, I also said:

"Help me bring him a word, the next time I meet him, I must make him look good!"

"Oh, and."

Ruo Yan glanced at the smile in the arms of the two hundred knives, and said softly:

"I hope you can treat her well."

After Ruo Qianyan left, Erbai Dao rolled his eyes and scolded for neuropathy.

Xiaoxiao saw that Ruoyan was gone, and suddenly raised his head in the arms of the two hundred knives.

Bang -

smashed into the double jaw of two hundred knives.


Directly threw the smile to the side, smiled and rolled beautifully, stood up and said with a long tooth:

"Young Lord!" The smile is back! "

The wind chimes immediately came out of the dark room.

Quickly asked about the smile, and after hearing what Xiaoxiao said, his heart was also relieved.

"I feel like a sister, it's good! It's a bit fierce though.

Wind Chimes smiled when he heard this:

"Is it..." Lao

Tzu was almost killed by that lady just now!

Then the wind chimes and laughter were in the dark room of the two hundred knives, waiting for the return of the heavenly crows.

The wind chimes did not move the claw machine because there was a password.

Although two hundred knives will be unlocked, the wind chimes do not want to move.

Otherwise, if she accidentally sees some secret photos in the claw machine, she probably really has nothing to do with herself.

If there is a chance to meet again, the wind chimes plan to return it to her....

Then the wind chimes closed their eyes.

Xiaoxiao sat bored next to him, watching the wind chimes all the time.

Wind Chime did not speak the whole time, he was reflecting.

Reflect on what you do today.

In terms of results, today's operation is a success.

He didn't just complete the plan of the punch demon.

It also successfully caused a conflict between the Ruo family and the Bai family.

also saved Old Chu, and even the entire Chu family.

But in terms of process, it's really just luck!

If it weren't for Ruo Qianyan, he might really be gone.

The battle with Guo Tianyu was a little reluctant.

When you encounter Ruo Qianyan, you are beaten and have no power to fight back!

Whether it is speed, strength, or actual combat experience, it is completely crushed by Ruo Xiaoyan.

That Ruo Qianyan seems to be as big as himself.

The gap in strength makes the wind chimes have a feeling of powerlessness.

It is clear that she has been training for so long, but it is still far from her.

Wind chimes were a little unconvinced.

Why am I inferior to her?

The process of fighting between the two just now flashed in Wind Chime's mind over and over again.

Himself was played, knocked by the wall, captured....

He couldn't help but grit his teeth.

He learned everything quickly since he was a child, and he was better than others in everything since he was a child.

Everything goes smoothly like opening and hanging, what you want to do, you can do.

But this time he lost completely, still losing to a girl of the same age.

This hurt his self-esteem a little.

At the same time, it is deeply aware.

If you are not strong, you can't rely on the Sky Crow alone.

He didn't want to live a life arranged by others.

But for your own life goals, you do have to pay a price.

I want to be strong....

So strong that Bai Lingyun had to run when he saw me.

So strong that the Bai family no longer dared to provoke him.

Strong enough to dare to take off the mask in front of Ruo Qianyan.

So strong that no one dares to hinder his freedom anymore.

If you are so strong that you are light, you will no longer dare to tease me like today!

Strong enough to do whatever I want.

Things I don't want to do....

No one can force me!

So the wind chimes stood up from the ground and startled the side with a smile.

"What's wrong, Young Lord?"

The wind chimes did not speak, but waved their hands to themselves.

Quickly punch out, and then dodge.

Punch again, kick, dodge.

Repeat over and over again, suddenly jumping from time to time, sweeping your legs in the air.

It looks like you're boxing with Shadow.

He is looking back, looking back at today's battle with Guo Tianyu and Ruo Qianyan.

Also deducing, trying, learning breakthroughs on their own, about the lack of experience in real combat.

Seeing this, Xiaoxiao quickly got up from the ground and followed the movements of the wind chimes to learn.

I want to get stronger with a smile.

At this time, in the sky, one person and one demon were chasing madly.

The Heavenly Crow had already thrown off the people of the Bai family, and there was still an eighth-order Heavenly Spirit Master left.

Follow him closely.

The figure of the Heavenly Raven skipped over the two hundred sword shop and flashed.

Heart Dao:

It seems that the young master is completely safe.

So the Heavenly Crow continued to explode forward, came to the border of Chang District of the capital, and stopped.

The eighth-order Heavenly Spirit Master who chased after him was named White Dragon, and when he saw the Heavenly Crow stop, he also stopped not far from him and sneered:

"Heavenly Crow, eighteen years have passed, and the strength has not improved, but the speed has dropped a lot!"

Tiancrow lowered his eyes and glanced down at the knife in his hand.

Without speaking, a black qi slowly came out of his body.

Overwhelming towards the white tornado.

Bai Long, seeing this, narrowed his eyes, and immediately began to cast spiritual arts:

"It's all the tricks of eighteen years ago, haven't you grown at all over the years?"

The moment the Heavenly Crow raised his head, the red light in his eyes flashed, and he disappeared from the white dragon's field of vision.

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