Yin Kongmen should be a special teacher of the Ruo family, and he has a very good set of teachings.

Everyone learned quickly, and of course what was taught to Wind Chimes was some second-order spiritual arts.

Those that cannot be learned online, Wind Chimes are eager to learn, and they all have it in their minds.

Even if you don't plan to join the Gosanjia, why don't you make the wool of the Nengwei?

Now his spiritual skills reserves have caught up with those who have been cultivating for many years before him.

In the sky, the sky crow and the two hundred knives are always looking at the wind chimes.

"Well, right?"

Two hundred knives asked him with a smile, and the crow did not speak, just watched quietly.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the two hundred knives said again:

"Don't worry, just tell you, it's absolutely safe!" What you should worry about should be the guy Wuhe, can you look at you as the new master, that guy has a very strange temper, don't look back and he gave your young master to the gaz, it would be funny.

At this time, the Heavenly Crow, who was silent, smiled and said:

"No, I believe that the young lord, not only the black crane, but also the demon clan of the world, will be his courtiers."

After speaking, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he added: "Including the spirit master!"

Two hundred knife eyebrows raised, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly:

"I don't understand where your confidence comes from."

As he said this, his eyes looked at the wind chimes below, and he was inward:

You kid don't let me down!

Day and night alternate, and a week passes quickly.

"Stand up!"

Yin Kongmen shouted, the person who can still stand now is Ye Qian alone.

Others are either lying on their stomachs or sitting, they really can't do it anymore.

For a whole week, I didn't close my eyes.

Just one meal a day, and I can't eat enough.

Both mental and physical strength have reached their limits.

Chu Sheng hooked the shoulder of the wind chime with one hand and lowered his head:

"No, I'm going to die."

Although Wind Chime's face was a little tired, it was obviously much stronger than the people around him.

Xi Ran next to him, sitting next to the wind chime, shook his figure and wanted to stand up.

But because of his unstable shape, he fell towards the wind chime.

The wind chime glanced at it, flashed directly, and gave this hero a good opportunity to save beauty to Chu Sheng.

Xi Ran directly pressed on Chu Sheng's body.

"Ah! Wind chimes! Chu

Sheng shouted, thinking that the wind chimes were pressing on his body to sleep.

"Yes, I'm sorry!"

Xi Ran shouted in panic.

"Huh? Are you okay, are you sleepy? Then sleep a little longer.

"No, thank you. Are you okay? Wind

Chime rolled his eyes and gave Chu Sheng a big middle finger.

At this time, Yin Kongmen spoke again:

"5 seconds, those who can't get up, don't blame me for being unkind."

Everyone who was languishing one second all stood up the next, and everyone's face was full of exhaustion.

"Come with me."

Yinkong Gate walked in front, and this time, the speed was very slow.

Everyone behind him walked slowly like the walking dead.

After a while, it went down the mountain.

In the distance, a bustling town appears.

"For the next week, you will survive here, find the demon clan hidden in it, and devour it."

"Division Commander, what if I can't find it?"

Wind Chime asked, he hoped that Yin Kong Gate could be said to be unable to swallow such words as direct elimination.

But Yin Kongmen just glanced at him and said in a deep voice:

"If you can't find it, I will keep beating you on the way back to Ruojia."

Wind Chimes smiled, have a feud with me, right?

"Speed points, the last ones, and those who can't find them, are punished."

As soon as Yin Kongmen gave an order, someone immediately ran towards the town.

Anyway, find a place to rest first!

Another good meal, wait a minute, a meal?

I don't have any money on me!

Both mobile phones and money were confiscated by the printing door.

Is this for us to go out into the streets and beg?

The wind chimes took Chu Sheng unhurriedly, and there was a Xi Ran next to him, slowly walking towards the town.

On the arch at the entrance of the town, a few large characters were written: The plaque of [No. 39 Demon Inspection Town]

is a little old, and the gilded font has been worn out by wind and rain.

That name made Wind Chimes hesitate.

It won't be a town that can test the demon race, right?

He didn't want to go in a little, but he knew that in this world, except for Chu Sheng's machine, there was no one or any object that could detect auspicious charms.

Moreover, if he does not go in, it will make people suspicious, and he can only follow him in.

"Hey, I'm so hungry..." Chu

Sheng's stomach was grumbling along the way.

The town is bustling and everyone has a smile on their face.

After entering, walk inside and there is a market, where you can eat, wear and wear.

Chu Sheng looked at the buns sold at the roadside stall, and his saliva was about to come out, but there was no money on him.

"Wind chimes, do you have any good solutions?"

Wind chimes did not answer, "Wind chimes?

He turned his head and glanced, the wind chime didn't know where to go, and he was looking ahead, with a puzzled expression.

He also immediately turned his head to look.

Finding that the wind chimes did not know when, they ran to the front, and there were three children standing in front of them.

The three children had a bag of buns in their hands, and one stuffed in their mouths.

Wind Chimes smiled and said

, "Children, come with your brother, your brother will show you a big baby!"

"Really? Uncle! What big baby?

"Hehe, you will know when you come, and it will definitely not disappoint you."

Lords of the House Watching the Battle: ???

You don't want to....

When the wind chimes took the children into the alley, they snatched all the buns in their hands.

Someone can't stand it:

"This? Does the printing door not care? The

audience was speechless!

"Why do you take in such a person?"

"Let's just eliminate it!"

Even Ruo Qianyan, who was in the boudoir at this time, frowned.

This guy....

"This guy is so lacking in virtue! Children don't let go?

Xiao Yuan's heart was straightforward and couldn't help but say.

Ruo Qianyan did not speak, but his brows were always wrinkled.

When he took three bags of buns and handed them to Chu Sheng and Xi Ran.

Xi Ran was obviously a little hesitant:

"Wind chimes, it's not okay for us to do this."

He smiled indifferently:

"Not good, but not too bad, a bag of buns 5 pieces, a total of 15 pieces of evil, when I am developed, donate him 20 yuan, and earn 5 yuan of merit, right?"

"If you mind, just pay back a little more then, give it to me, and I'll donate it for you."


I donate a ghost!

If you have that money, it's better to buy a bag of huazi for my uncle.

"Oh... Good!

Xi Ran was really hungry, nodded, and took the bun in Wind Chime's hand.

Chu Sheng ate a little, and there was no burden in his heart.

After eating, the three of them changed places and went to another small alley, ready to rest for a while.

He leaned against the wall, hugged his knees, buried his head, and quietly closed his eyes.

Wind Chimes and Chu Sheng leaned together, lying on all fours.

Because they were so sleepy, the three of them slept until night.


The sound of heavy footsteps awakened the wind chimes, and several people carrying sticks came to them.

A child's cry awakened the three wind chimes:

"Woo, daddy, that's him!" He didn't show me the big baby! Also grab my buns! "

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