The audience was silent for more than ten seconds....

If Listening Han did not answer, the expression on his face did not change, and his eyes were always looking at the big screen in front of him.

Seeing this, Lei Jing smiled:

"Oh, just kidding, why are you still angry



He was always smiling, how could you tell he was angry?

Lei Jing didn't care either, and looked at Ruo Qianyan in the field with a smile.

He said again:

"Speaking of this girl, 100,000 times of the Glazed Mirror Heart Technique, has he cultivated so fast



Fortunately, there was still no expression on his face.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart:

except for Lei Jing, no one dared to be so skinny in front of Ruo Tinghan.

Bai Qiling frowned, his gaze fixed on Ruo Qianyan in the field.

Keep thinking inside.

Could it be that if you listen to this old thing, you don't hesitate to let your daughter approach him?

The strength of the Nine Ghost Saint Girl and the Half-Spirit Master was basically equal.

Or do you want to truly dominate the world?


"Greetings to the Holy Lady!"

said Wind Chime, bowing her head.

Seeing that he lowered his head, Xiao Jian leaned over suspiciously.

She was also curious about why the Holy Lady had come to this person to see what was so special.

She was much shorter than the wind chime, standing in front of the wind chime, like a child.

Raise your head and look at the wind chimes.


EM, the eyes are quite good-looking!

The face is still wide, quite handsome, but it feels nothing special....

Wait a minute! Xiao Yuan's

eyes suddenly widened.

Long-term in the case of Ruo Qianyan's side and ears.

Cumin also has a certain sensitivity to symmetry.

Eye shape, height, perfect symmetry....

Left and right nose wings, perfect pair....

Cheekbone height, perfect....

Mandibular angle angle, perfect....


"Wow, really fake?"

she spoke out in disbelief.

Is there really a person in the world with such symmetry on the left and right faces?

There are no flaws, and I feel that the magnifying glass can't fault it.

I couldn't help but look back at Ruo Qianyan.

Ruo Qianyan is the most symmetrical person on the left and right faces that Xiao Yuan has ever seen.

Now, she's the second....

The boy in front of her, who seemed to be nothing special, was the most special existence in this world!

She finally knew why she had to come here.

The Holy Lady wouldn't like him, would he

? At this time, the wind chimes heart:

What kind of expression do you have?

Or the first time someone has seen him, showing such an expression.

It's like seeing a ghost.


he never looked up, he could see that Ruo Qianyan took two steps forward.

The wind chimes don't look up, and she doesn't speak.

Just quietly look at the wind chimes with their heads bowed in front of them.

Then the atmosphere in the field suddenly became strange.

A trial meeting turned into a strange reunion scene between Ruo Qianyan and Wind Chime.

"Has anyone told me what the situation is now

?" "Why does the saint keep watching the wind chimes

?" "This guy won't be the saint's ex-boyfriend, right? After scumbing the saint, he dares to come to Ruojia to find death?" "

It won't be the long-lost brother, right?" "It won't be

the online love object rushing to appear, right?" These

are the psychological activities of the people present, killing them, and they dare not say it.

Chu Sheng was the closest at this time, standing next to the two, his face full of doubts.

Suddenly, I remembered that the wind chime seemed to be a child of a big family.


Wind Chime, this won't be your mother, right?

Ruo Qianyan has been silent, and many memories have flashed in her mind.

[Storm Mecha Linglong, your nickname is so long, what is your big name?] [Great Storm Mecha Linglong

. Small

glutinous rice: ....

[Hahaha, tomorrow, if you don't cry tomorrow, I'll tell you.]

[Well, then, I'll go home and ask my father, and if he agrees, I'll tell you my name tomorrow!]

However, after that day, she never saw this person again.

As if it had disappeared, the world evaporated.

Even the forces of the Ruo family could no longer find this person.

She also contracted a "vicious disease" after that day.

Is it really you?"

thought to himself.

Suddenly, I didn't know the purpose of my visit.


didn't let the wind chimes look up, because she was a little afraid that when the wind chimes raised their heads, they would disappoint herself.

Never mind.

It's a thing of the past.

That's it.

Even he doesn't know me anymore.

I'm just, here to heal, that's all.

So, the red lips opened lightly, and the pleasant voice like wind chimes sounded in the field:

"Raise your head." "

Just like taking off the mask at the time, it is a little cold and cannot be refused.

When Xiao Yuan heard this, she quickly dodged and did not dare to block in front of her.

Everyone couldn't help but hold their breath and stare at it, waiting for the wind chimes to raise their heads.

It's like I've never seen this guy before.


If you can escape the monk, you can't escape the temple.

He sighed in his heart, it will always come.

So under everyone's attention, he slowly raised his head.

His eyes also dispelled hesitation and regained clarity.

The gaze kept moving up, from her shoes, up to her robe, over her shirt.

A touch of blue suddenly appeared in my mind.

But then, I was attracted by the white neck.

This was followed by an almost perfect chin curved and that red lip.

The shift of gaze seems to be getting faster and faster.

She seems to have a kind of magic, obviously she doesn't see her face, but she can't help but want to go up and take a look at more.

When he fully raised his head.

Ruo Qianyan's pupils of her beautiful eyes trembled obviously.

It was the first time Wind Chimes had looked at her so closely, and it was really beautiful.

It was also the first time that I felt that the world was so beautiful.

It was like finding an oasis in the desert and drinking heartily.

It's like under the scorching sun, and suddenly it rains coolly, and the body is refreshed.

At this moment, Ruo Qianyan felt that he had never felt before, Comfort!

The evil disease that had plagued him for more than ten years seemed to never exist.


in the past ten years, the wind chimes have been completely different from when they were children, and their appearance has changed greatly.

Even if I haven't seen it for more than ten years.

If you still look at him, you can recognize him in the crowd.

In this world, except him, no one can grow like this again!

The two looked at each other and were silent again.

The atmosphere in the field became strange again, and no one present dared to breathe.

So, what's the situation now

? What are the looks between these two people?

It feels like they're going to be together in the next second, right?

No, no.

The ex-boyfriend returns and rekindles old feelings at a glance?

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