He kind of wanted to open his mouth to remind the wind chimes, but he glanced at Ruo Qianyan.

Forget it.

"Ahem, wait a minute, something went wrong. Wind

Chime said awkwardly to Ruo Qianyan.

Ruo Qianyan just said softly:

"Advanced spiritual arts, not only need to be accurate and fast, but also need to mobilize the spiritual power of the surrounding heaven and earth, complement the flow of spiritual power in your own body, and assist the release of spiritual arts. "

Oh... I see.

Wind Chime nodded thoughtfully.

"Then you wait a little longer..."

She answered softly and continued to wait, her eyes always looking at the wind chimes.

Waiting is the norm for her.

What's more, the symmetry of the wind chimes made her feel very comfortable, and she felt that she could stand here and watch for a year.

At this time, He Xiaoxiao said:

"Little junior brother, don't try, if you don't tell you how to mobilize the spiritual power of heaven and earth, you can try it yourself until the end of the world..."

Before he finished speaking, a fresh breeze suddenly blew in the field.

"I'm blanching, you?" He

Xiaoxiao couldn't help but burst into foul language.

Because she saw the golden light that lit up on

the wind chime, the familiar spiritual power fluctuations, the way it operated, lingered around the wind chime.

This shows that the spiritual art is ready.

Next, it only takes one thought to move, and it can be released.

The spiritual power around surging, and the wind chimes themselves were a little surprised.

"This is it!?" The

other Ruo Family disciples also showed shocked expressions.

Can they remember how long it took them to practice this wind and thunder

lightning, and they clearly know how difficult this thing is to practice!

"How is it possible?

Yin Kongmen's eyes narrowed slightly at this time, and a clear smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

This guy is a genius....

At this time, in the lobby of Ruojia, all the owners also showed surprised expressions.

The smile on Lei Jing's face also disappeared, frowning, and his eyes stared at the wind chimes tightly.

Is it luck

? Or, genius?

Bai Qiling's face was very ugly.

Half-spirit master, a genius out of ten thousand.

It should have belonged to their Bai family....

Damn Bai Lingyun, damn Heavenly Crow....

Ruo Qianyan's face didn't have any expression, she didn't care if the wind chimes could be released successfully.

She only cared about his face.

"Eh, there are monsters!"

the wind chimes suddenly pointed into the distance.

Everyone: ???

all heard and looked, but there was nothing.

Puzzled, he turned his head to look at the wind chimes.

Seeing him look embarrassed, I also understood what he wanted to do... Suddenly speechless.

, Wind Chimes sighed in his heart:

Hey, this woman, it's not easy to deceive....

Ruo Qianyan never left the wind chimes from beginning to end.

No way, Wind Chime looked at Ruo Qian in front of him, and his thoughts moved.

The wind and thunder appeared in the field, and a thunder flashed in front of everyone's eyes.

His figure jumped in front of Ruo Qianyan like lightning.

At the same time, another mark had been formed in

the hand! The golden light on the hand lit up, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth, as if falling into a whirlpool, rushed towards the wind chimes and gathered.

Zhou Bu couldn't help but exclaim

, "Mountains and rivers are broken!" When

this punch came out, all the doubters just now also had an answer in their hearts.

In Zhou Bu's mind, a sentence that his master once said:

"In this world, there is a kind of person who innately knows how to drive spiritual power. Such a person can be called a genius. You are just a little bit better than ordinary people.

That punch is like a missile ready to go.

Rushed towards Ruo Qianyan's beautiful face.

The speed was too fast, and those freshmen didn't even see the movement of the wind chime.

He didn't have any mercy from his subordinates,

and Ruo Yan gently raised his white hand.

Bang -

the delicate white palm, colliding with the fierce fist of the wind chime, causing an explosion.

The storm ruffled her light hair and ruffled her long eyelashes.

But she did not back down.

Slender hands, perhaps not as big as wind chimes.

But the slender five fingers, but tightly half-wrapped, holding the fist of the wind chime.


wind and thunder disappeared, the wind chimes landed on the ground, and the defeat was decided.

"I didn't use spiritual magic, I took the mountains and rivers empty-handed... Worthy of being a saint!" someone

exclaimed, admiring from the bottom of his heart.

There was a huge gap in strength between Ruo Qianyan and the disciples of the Ruo family present!

After the amazement, everyone felt a little strange.

Ruo Qianyan kept holding his fist, and his gaze stayed on the surprised face of the wind chime.

The picture seems to freeze.

Everyone thinks:

Is this a discussion, or

is it holding hands? Holding hands successfully

? What is the situation?

Everyone feels a little inexplicable.

What the hell are the two of them doing?


This obvious gap in strength made Wind Chimes frown.

This woman is ridiculously strong

! She didn't use spiritual magic

! Are you really human?

The punch just now was the strongest punch since Wind Chime became a spirit master

! I couldn't help but grit my teeth, forget it

! Admit defeat!

There is nothing possible, the meaning is obtained.

Just about to speak, Ruo Qianyan's nice voice suddenly sounded softly:

"You, don't frown..."

The breath carried a fragrance and pounced on the face of the wind chime.

His brows stretched and he froze in place.

Because, the strange frown of the wind chime, asymmetrical!

Everyone present was shocked when they heard this.

You, don't frown

? What kind of conversation?

A picture appeared in everyone's mind.

One morning, I woke up from my sleep and frowned slightly.

The girlfriend next to you, softly and gently holding your brow, said to you:

"Don't frown. "

No, wake up, I don't have a girlfriend

, but between the two of them, there is definitely some hidden secret!

Gently opened the fist of the wind chime.

He took two steps back and coughed lightly

: "Cough, come again..." Wind

Chimes saluted and bowed his head:

"I admit defeat." Sure enough, it was..." "

No, come again."

She interrupted the wind chimes lightly, because, she hadn't seen enough.

Wind Chime: ???

What the hell are you trying to do?

Don't think you're beautiful, I won't dare hit you.

If I hadn't been able to beat you, I would definitely give you some color to see! (serious color)

mainly because I felt very uncomfortable, why should I listen to you?

So I didn't care about her, took two steps back, and saluted her again:

"I said, I admit defeat." Saying

that, he turned around dashingly, and didn't look at Ruo Yan lightly.


This woman, how strange,

he thought that Ruo Yan was coming to take revenge on himself.

But now it seems that it is not.

I don't understand what she wants to do.

Anyway, just stay away.

Everyone: ???

him, refused the Holy Lady? You boy, the Holy Lady personally taught you, you dare to refuse

!? Do you not want to mess around in the Ruo family!

Those freshmen were also shocked in their hearts, why did this guy of Wind Chime always play cards according to the routine?

Looking at the back of the wind chime, the eyes are a little complicated.

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