When Ye Qian spoke up.

Ruo Qianyan's gaze was finally willing to leave the wind chime's body and look at Ye Qian.

After that, a certain old monster in the stone tablet did not speak again.

Although each step was slow, he still walked in front of the stone tablet.

Shaking his hand, he slowly stretched out and touched the huge stone stele.

When it was unexpected, nothing happened.

Ye Qian was also a little incredulous, withdrew her hand, and looked back at Yin Kongmen.

"Come back.

Yin Kongmen said softly.

Hearing this, Ye Qian, who had been very serious before and had never shown a smile, raised a smile at the corner of her mouth.

Although it was only a flash, it was a rare smile.

Dad, mom, I can enter the Royal Three Families!

After Ye Qian came back, everyone suddenly felt that this test did not seem to be so difficult.

So another third-order person also plucked up courage.

As a result, he just went up, plopped, and knelt directly!

Yin Kongmen:

"You are not qualified, go down the mountain."

The boy was stunned for a moment:

"Wait a minute, Master Yin, give it to me again..."

The kneeling demon clan still

wants to enter the three royal families?

At this time, no one dares to try it.

Yin Kongmen glanced at everyone present, and everyone's eyes were dodging.

The wind chimes did not dodge, but they did not mean to go up.

"Wind chimes.

Yin Kongmen said lightly.

Wind Chime pouted, and was about to take a step forward, but Chu Sheng said:

"I'll come first." I'll help you figure out your way. Wind

Chimes smiled and reached out to stop him:

"Pull down you." "

It doesn't matter if he can enter the three royal families, and it doesn't matter if he is eliminated.

He just wanted to go back to the Heavenly Raven guy and ask him, what did he mean.

But Wind Chimes knew that Chu Sheng wanted to enter.

So, the one who should explore the way, is him.

So he slowly buffered the huge stone tablet and took a step.

If you look closely, you can actually see a circle of gold threads from the bright red earth.

It was a giant enchantment drawn around this demon monument.

Only by stepping into that enchantment is the real beginning of the test.

The pressure inside will be even greater.

Stopping at the edge of the enchantment, Wind Chime thought for a moment and slowly stepped out.


In the cracks under the feet, a black mist appeared.

As if there was nothing special, he took two quick steps, his steps light and steady.

"Huh... That's true.

Wind Chimes chuckled.

Everyone: ???

they all looked at the wind chimes in disbelief.

Why did he seem to have nothing to do?

Yin Kongmen was very speechless at this time, and he found it again....

He thought that Wind Chimes would discover the secret of this demon monument.

But I didn't expect to find out so soon.

Just now, Wind Chime thought for a while, this town demon monument is so wild, how can the disciples of the Ruo family absorb it?

Sure enough, feeling the demon stele of this spiritual technique, he was much more honest at once.

Those monsters were locked up in the town demon monument, but it was not clear what was going on outside.

Only when the wind chimes were disciples of the Ruo family, they came to absorb their demons, so they all hid one by one.

At this time, who is coming forward

, looking for sucking?

It's just Ye Qian's walking posture just now, of course, they are not happy.

What are you doing on my territory?"

Then the wind chime, under the shocked eyes of everyone, walked in front of the demon monument without hindrance.

Take a closer look.

The stele was engraved with this dense spiritual spell, which was dark gold.

He couldn't help but reach out and gently touch those lines.

I thought, it's coming, it's better to swallow a youkai and go again?

Buzz -

there seemed to be a flash of golden light in front of his eyes, but the golden light only flashed.

Devouring failure.

It seems that if you don't know the method, you can't devour.

Sighing in his heart, he came for nothing.

So he pressed his hand on it and glanced back at

Yin Kongmen: "Is it okay?" Yin

Kongmen nodded slightly, just wanted to speak, but his eyes suddenly widened!

On the demon monument behind him, countless pairs of black claws stretched out.

"Wind chimes!"

Yin Kongmen and Ruo Qianyan's voices sounded at the same time.

Then the two burst out at the same time and ran towards the wind chime at the fastest speed.

"Holy girl!"

Xiao Yuan was startled!

Wind Chime: ???

when he realized something and wanted to withdraw his hand, his hand had been firmly imprisoned by the black hand that came out of the stone tablet!

At the same time, the voices of those demons and monsters sounded in the ears.

"Is that the man?"

"It seems to be!" "

Kill him! That demon scum!" Kill


Before his vision was completely obscured, he saw the seal gate and Ruo Qianyan running towards him.

Yin Kongmen's face was full of horror, and if his face was light, it seemed to be despair?

Wind chimes can feel it.

However, a memory suddenly appeared in his mind.

It was a question that I discussed with Tianrao.

[Young Lord, it wants to kill you, you want to kill it, you both want to kill each other, so you have a common heart. ] However

, that is a skill that can only be used in the form of a demon race.

But, other than that, there is no other way.

So he clenched his fist with one hand, and when the black hand was about to completely envelop him, he threw a punch out

! Fuck a group of caged monsters, what are you crazy about!

"Death to the master!"

Ruo Qianyan and Yin Kongmen who rushed were stunned at the same time.

Not only the two of them, but all the freshmen present, everyone in the lobby of Ruojia.


Jing looked at Ruo Tinghan suspiciously:

"Why can he break the demon qi that has been materialized?"

Lei Jing asked again, even he didn't understand what was going on.

Ruo Tinghan still had a smile on his face, but just shook his head and didn't speak.

"Wind Chime, are you all right!"

Yin Kongmen came to Wind Chime.

The whole person of the wind chime also stood there dumbfounded.

Am I all right?

Something seems to be something....

There was a damn thing that I didn't know what it was, and it came into my body.

He didn't expect that the fusion technique was a passive skill

! It could be used with auspicious charms

! [Hey?

] [Dog thing

!] [Get out!]

Wind Chime shouted in his heart, but did not respond.

Because after the monster entered his body, it was also suppressed by the auspicious charm.

It seems to have fallen into a deep sleep.


The next time he tears the auspicious talisman, there will be a big problem!

He is only in the third order now, what are the consequences of fusing the demon race that surpasses his own strength...

The Raven seems to say....

Blanch, wait a minute....

Sky Raven he didn't say it!

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