My Healing Game

Chapter 819: they are back

Latest URL: Skyscraper, Sixty Floors.

It looks no different from the reality here, as if returning to the old city of Xinhu at midnight.

"People on the 50th floor think that the 50th floor is heaven, but when they actually get here, they realize that it's just a change from one **** to another." Ji Zheng took the camera to shoot, the corridors in the lens and everyone's eyes The corridors are completely different.

Vessel-like plant roots are hidden under the wall skin, and a large number of flowers that resemble human faces bloom above the head, and the ground will sag from time to time, as if there are huge bugs crawling underneath.

The sixtieth floor in Ji Zheng's lens seems to be a **** botanical garden, which is full of cannibal monsters.

"The gods like plants more than living people and animals, which is one of the reasons why he calls himself the owner of the garden." Mr. Mo stood between Ji Zheng and Han Fei, covering his mouth and nose, very nervous: "You must not Look down on these weird things, they feed on soul and flesh, they have broken away from the category of plants, you can understand them as thinking killing machines."

There is a faint fragrance in the air, and occasionally some powder falls from the top of the head, which makes people intoxicated. I really want to find a comfortable bed and have a dream without waking up.

"Are there no living people on this floor?"

"The higher you go, the fewer living people. In the eyes of the gods, there is no difference between humans and animals, they are just fertilizer." Ji Zheng came to the upper fifty floors that he was thinking about. He has been observing the physical condition of the fearful boy, worried The pollen irritated the boy: "These plants kill people as easily as drinking water. They feed on souls. They are extremely terrifying, but they also bear fruits that are useful to living people."


"One of the reasons why I want to come to the fifty floors is for the fruit." Ji Zheng held the hand of the frightened boy: "This child is on the verge of becoming a taboo, and only those fruits that can soothe the soul can help him relieve his pain."

Han Fei nodded: "Then do you know where there are fruits?"

"I don't know, but I have heard people say that there will be a core 'plant' in the floor full of plants, which is called the main soul by the gods. It is planted by the gods and occupies the best position. There will be a fertilizer pond full of corpses nearby, and the smell of blood cannot be concealed by the fragrance of flowers, so as long as we follow the breath, we will be able to find the main soul and obtain the most precious soul fruit." Ji Zheng walked in front with a camera, for To save the boy, he no longer hides behind and is a coward, but takes the lead.

"That... I can probably sense the location of the 'fertilizer pool'." Li Rou said softly. Ever since she saw Xu Qin, she dared not speak too loudly: "Half-monsters are very sensitive to flesh and blood. After I entered this floor, I could smell the deep stench hidden in the fragrance of flowers."

She carefully avoided Xu Qin and took the initiative to lead the way.

After a few people walked through the seemingly ordinary corridor, Ji Zheng's hand holding the camera began to tremble slightly, and the world in the lens had already noticed a change.

The ground is covered with flowers with mouths open, above the head are branches waving like the arms of a living person, and the fine roots are spread on the wall like a net bag, and passers-by will be swallowed directly as long as they pass by.

"You guys just go forward, leave the rest to me." Xu Qin stretched out her five fingers, and the black fire was hidden in the curse, spreading on the roots of those plants.

They were obviously plants in appearance, but when they were burned by the black fire, they would make an extremely miserable cry, and Han Fei's house of death also continuously collected death.

The blossoming human face flowers were burned, and Xu Qin's appearance greatly changed Han Fei's situation. They burned a passage with black fire and successfully entered the core area on the 60th floor.

"This floor is somewhat similar to the gardener's villa. Using various souls and flesh and blood to cultivate unique flowers in the deep world, and then let them continue to alienate, and finally bloom flowers that have never appeared in the deep world." Han Fei followed the flowers. Carpenter has learned the skill of planting flowers. Whenever he sees a rare flower, he will take the first step and ask Xu Qin to pick that flower and give it to him.

Ji Zheng watched Xu Qin keep sending flowers to Han Fei with strange eyes. He always felt that he had seen similar scenes on TV.

Han Fei, who has the E-level innate ability of flower language, can communicate with flowers. Every flower here is a soul. They are like the paper dolls on the 51st floor. My own will be such an ending.

Human nature is extremely complicated, and so are the flowers that human nature blooms.

Those human faces are full of joy, anger, sorrow and joy, and they dare to express their true inner thoughts only after they are picked off.

In order to protect themselves, they rebelled faster than turning the pages of a book, directly guiding Han Fei.

The fragrance in the air gradually becomes stronger, but if you smell this flower fragrance too much, you will feel dizzy and nauseous.

"It should be here."

The black fire of hatred burned the camouflage of those plants, and the real appearance of the core area on the 60th floor was exposed to several people.

The rhizomes of all plants and flowers are connected to the column in the center of the building, which seems to be a heart connected by countless blood vessels, controlling the plants on the entire floor.

"It's strange, the No. 2 brain fragment seems to be hidden in the pillar." Han Fei stopped. He still remembered the human pillar he had seen on the forty-ninth floor, which was the closest he came to death after entering the skyscraper.

"You stay here." Xu Qin was sometimes very forceful, such as when Han Fei might be in danger.

Holding the table knife with white fingers, ten curses full of hatred turned into black giant ghosts, lingering around her.

"I have swallowed a lot of curses of hatred. If I want to grow faster, I need to taste the poison of the unspeakable seeds."

The sea of ​​flowers withered in the black fire, Xu Qin took out the table knife and aimed it at the pillar in the center of the floor!

Blood spouted from the ugly, withered vines, and it ate countless living people, obliterating the hope of the living into its own dirty body.

"Flowers are the souls of blooming, and the gods built this layer to cultivate a certain flower."

Sections of vines crawled on the pillars, and ugly and disgusting grimaces protruded from under the dark branches and leaves.

A large number of poisonous insects parasitized around the pillars. They were huge, half human and half insects. Compared with the flowers of the soul, they were extremely ugly and dirty in the world.

No girl likes bugs, and Xu Qin is no exception. Instead of swinging a knife, she reached out and held the blade of the table knife.

The soul blood slid down the blade, and the curses all over her body scrambled to devour them. All the curses who drank Xu Qin's blood all turned into evil spirits.

The curse collided with the garden owner's insects, setting off a huge wave of blood, but Xu Qin never looked at those bastards. She stared at the pillar in front of her, and the blood between her fingers was entangled on the table knife.

The dark death curse merged with the blade, and the aura emitted by that table knife was much more terrifying than that of the past life.

Stepping forward, the black fire opened the way. Xu Qin did not attack suddenly. She and Han Fei had completely different fighting styles. They crushed head-on without giving the opponent a chance to fight back.

"What a scary woman..." Ji Zheng quietly glanced at Han Fei, a little admiring and envious in his heart. Only now did he understand where the other party's greatest confidence came from.

Countless vines were torn to shreds, the branches and leaves were burned layer by layer, and the protection was torn off, the pillars revealed their original appearance.

On the column covered with human faces, there is a delicate Bana flower.

The flower was rooted on a fragment of the brain, and the extended roots reached into the mouths of all the faces on the column. The gods were using this layer of nutrition to supply this flower.

"Attention, player number 0000! You have found a D-level rare flower—beloved!"

"Beloved: This is the garden owner's favorite flower. He loves that woman. At least he and she deceived himself."

The system prompt made Han Fei think of another thing. The little fat man told him before his death that the title of the big ghost's work was "Beloved", which meant that this flower was probably related to the big ghost.

The sense of oppression from the top floor was getting stronger and stronger. Han Fei didn't care so much, and immediately shouted at Xu Qin: "Destroy everything except the brain fragments!"

After saying this, Han Fei felt chills down his spine, and his exhaled breath seemed to freeze into ice. He seemed to have violated a certain taboo in the heart of the gods.

Raising the table knife, Xu Qin didn't care what the gods would think at all. She raised the knife and dropped it. The cursed blade cut off the stem of the flower, and a woman's ear-piercing scream sounded from the fallen Bana flower!

Han Fei's ears were bleeding, and Ji Zheng and the others also fell to the ground.

Only Da Nie and Xu Qin were unaffected on the floor. When Xu Qin closed the knife, Da Nie excitedly rushed towards the human pillar, hitting the faces pierced by plant roots.

Han Fei always accidentally violated the taboos of the gods, and Da Nie always liked to provoke the gods on his own initiative. In order not to leave a trace of life for his master, it took great pains.

All the plant roots and vines were waving wildly, trying to retrieve the fallen flowers, Da Xie rushed into the encirclement.

The plant rhizome on the human pillar pierced Da Xie's body, and it poured soul poison into the human pillar with a face of enjoyment.

A large piece of rhizome withered, and the flower named love was also picked up by Xu Qin.

The curse that belongs to Xu Qin climbed up the flower stem, and Xu Qin wanted to turn this flower into what she wanted.

The petals fell, and all kinds of chaotic sounds began to appear upstairs. The elevators in the elevator room seemed to be out of control, falling crazily, and the whole building seemed to be screaming.

The strong sense of oppression made everyone unable to move, but Xu Qin held the flower and looked up provocatively.

The screams continued to approach, and as an elevator opened on the sixty-first floor, the oppression felt extreme.

Red blood flowers bloomed on the wall burned by the black fire, and the strange fragrance filled the sixty-one floors.

Footsteps sounded, and the next moment, blood covered the core area where Han Fei was.

At the entrance of the corridor stands a woman in a long skirt woven with souls and a queen mask.

There is a sense of unreality everywhere in the woman, she seems to be a ghost imagined by the gods, gathering all the perfections that the gods can think of.

"This is the big ghost?" Han Fei took out the butcher's knife.

"No, she should be just a flower in the unspeakable garden, far from being a true love." Xu Qin cut off the flower stem, picked up a petal and put it between her lips: "But I like the smell of this flower very much. "

Pulling the knife forward, Xu Qin belongs to the type of killing both men and women. After all, who doesn't want to meet such a big sister next door in the deep world?

Hearing Xu Qin's voice, rose marks appeared on the fair skin of the "Queen". It seemed that as long as her mood fluctuated greatly, the divine pattern would appear.

"I'll stop her, hurry up and destroy the things inside this pillar." Xu Qin threw the flower to Han Fei and stood alone between the queen and the human pillar.

Han Fei didn't waste time either. He asked the Soul of Kindness to pull out the third piece of brain from the root of the plant.

"Attention player number 0000! You have obtained a rare D-level fragment—brain."

"Brain (D-level Fragment): An indescribable main body fragment of the brain, enough to support the flower of the soul of the whole building, inherited his strongest ability during his lifetime! Now that you have successfully obtained his approval, you can use its attached ability .”

"Using God (one of the exclusive abilities of D-level brain fragments): Sacrifice a remnant Then at the cost of losing everything, forcefully enter the unspeakable shrine, start from nothing, and usurp the position of God!"

"Attention! This ability can only be used once per night. After you touch the statue, you can forcefully enter the unspeakable memory. At the cost of losing all abilities, the shrine owner cannot lock your position in the memory world!"

"Attention! After using this ability, the probability of survival is infinitely close to zero!"

When the soul of kindness handed over the brain fragments to Han Fei, the last chain in the depths of his mind shattered automatically, and an irresistible force sucked the blank soul that symbolized Han Fei's childhood into the brain fragments.

The blankness of good, evil, and childhood, the three chains that bound the Scarlet Orphanage were all broken, and Han Fei's mind turned blood red in an instant.

Figures appeared by the classroom window of the Scarlet Orphanage. The bell rang, and a strange song sung by thirty children floated in his mind and came from Han Fei's mouth.

(end of this chapter)

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